

Genetic family trees, especially those of celebrities, have become the research focuses of genetic genealogy in recent years. Among them, the history of Sima Guang’s family tree has lasted for a thousand years with full records, which provides a good case for cross-disciplinary studies. In this study, eleven clans claiming to be descendants of Sima Guang were genotyped for 17 Y chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs). The results indicated that five clans of them showed very close (the maximum number of mutation steps was four) relationships on their STR hyplotypes. Further tests of single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) showed that they all belonged to a downstream haplogroup O1a1a1a1a1a-F492+,F656-. So, we can infer Sima Guang’s paternal lineage was most likely to be that haplogroup. Furthermore, a genealogical tree based on stemmata from these clans was constructed. Then, in order to verify the authenticity of the tree, we calculated the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of these clans hierarchically using BATWING method. And we found the time nodes recorded in the tree were in accordance with the TMRCA. This study offered a successful case of using paternal lineage to collate and reconstruct family pedigree. In addition, this investigation will facilitate studies on Sima Qian and the imperial house of the Western Jin Dynasty

Key words: Sima Guang, Genetic genealogy, Y chromosome, Paternal genetic lineage, SnaPshot

家族 支系 样本编号 G_DYS19 B_DYS389I B_DYS389II B_DYS390 Y_DYS391 Y_DYS392 Y_DYS393 R_DYS437 R_DYS438 Y_DYS439 R_DYS448 B_DYS456 G_DYS458 Y_DYS635 R_Y_GATA_H4 G_DYS385a G_DYS385b SNP单倍群
洛阳1 SMG SMG01-3 15 14 16 24 9 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 14 21 13 13 18 O1b-M268+, P31+, PK4-, M176-
SMG04-8 15 14 17 24 9 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 14 21 13 13 18 O1b-M268+, P31+, PK4-, M176-
SMG09-11 15 14 17 24 9 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 14 21 13 13 19 O1b-M268+, P31+, PK4-, M176-
洛阳2 WGD WGD01-2 17 13 16 24 10 11 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 19 C2-M217
WGD03-7 17 13 16 24 10 11 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 20 C2-M217
WGD08-9 17 13 16 24 10 11 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 13 20 C2-M217
WGD10 17 13 16 24 10 11 14 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 20 C2-M217
WGD11 17 13 16 24 10 10 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 20 C2-M217
无锡1 WXA WX03 17 12 17 24 10 13 12 15 10 12 21 15 17 21 12 14 18 O2a2*-P201
WXB WX04 14 12 16 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 15 19 20 11 19 19 O2a2b1a1-M117
WX05-7 14 12 16 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 15 18 20 11 19 19 O2a2b1a1-M117
WX08 14 12 16 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 15 18 20 11 19 20 O2a2b1a1-M117
绍兴 SX SX 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 11 18 17 15 19 12 13 14 O1a1a-P203
夏县 XX XX01-5 15 12 17 23 10 14 13 14 10 11 18 17 15 19 12 14 14 O1a1a-P203
XX06 15 12 17 23 10 14 13 14 10 11 18 17 15 19 12 13 14 O1a1a-P203
无锡2 WXC WX01 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 12 18 17 16 19 12 10 13 O1a1a-P203
无锡3 WX02 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 12 18 16 16 19 12 10 13 O1a1a-P203
无锡4 WX11,13 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 12 18 17 15 19 11 10 13 O1a1a-P203
WXE WX10 16 12 16 23 10 14 13 14 10 11 18 16 15 19 11 13 13 O1a1a1a-F140+, F492-
WXF WX12 15 12 16 23 10 12 13 14 10 12 19 16 17 19 13 12 18 O2a2b1-M134+, M117-
WXG WX14 14 14 17 23 10 14 13 14 11 11 19 16 17 21 13 10 13 N-M231
WXH WX15 15 13 16 25 11 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 18 22 10 13 18 O1b1a1a-M95
无锡5 WXD WX09 15 14 17 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 16 18 21 11 13 17 O2a2b1a1-M117
无锡6 WXI WX16-17 14 12 16 23 10 12 12 15 10 13 19 15 17 19 12 12 16 O2a2b1-M134+, M117-
无锡7 WXJ WX18-21 15 12 17 25 9 13 12 15 10 11 21 15 18 22 12 10 22 O2a2b-P164+, M134-

表2 17Y-STR和SNP类型的分型结果

Tab.2 The genotyping results of 17Y-STR and SNP

家族 支系 样本编号 G_DYS19 B_DYS389I B_DYS389II B_DYS390 Y_DYS391 Y_DYS392 Y_DYS393 R_DYS437 R_DYS438 Y_DYS439 R_DYS448 B_DYS456 G_DYS458 Y_DYS635 R_Y_GATA_H4 G_DYS385a G_DYS385b SNP单倍群
洛阳1 SMG SMG01-3 15 14 16 24 9 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 14 21 13 13 18 O1b-M268+, P31+, PK4-, M176-
SMG04-8 15 14 17 24 9 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 14 21 13 13 18 O1b-M268+, P31+, PK4-, M176-
SMG09-11 15 14 17 24 9 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 14 21 13 13 19 O1b-M268+, P31+, PK4-, M176-
洛阳2 WGD WGD01-2 17 13 16 24 10 11 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 19 C2-M217
WGD03-7 17 13 16 24 10 11 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 20 C2-M217
WGD08-9 17 13 16 24 10 11 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 13 20 C2-M217
WGD10 17 13 16 24 10 11 14 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 20 C2-M217
WGD11 17 13 16 24 10 10 13 14 10 9 20 15 16 20 12 12 20 C2-M217
无锡1 WXA WX03 17 12 17 24 10 13 12 15 10 12 21 15 17 21 12 14 18 O2a2*-P201
WXB WX04 14 12 16 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 15 19 20 11 19 19 O2a2b1a1-M117
WX05-7 14 12 16 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 15 18 20 11 19 19 O2a2b1a1-M117
WX08 14 12 16 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 15 18 20 11 19 20 O2a2b1a1-M117
绍兴 SX SX 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 11 18 17 15 19 12 13 14 O1a1a-P203
夏县 XX XX01-5 15 12 17 23 10 14 13 14 10 11 18 17 15 19 12 14 14 O1a1a-P203
XX06 15 12 17 23 10 14 13 14 10 11 18 17 15 19 12 13 14 O1a1a-P203
无锡2 WXC WX01 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 12 18 17 16 19 12 10 13 O1a1a-P203
无锡3 WX02 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 12 18 16 16 19 12 10 13 O1a1a-P203
无锡4 WX11,13 15 12 17 23 11 14 13 14 10 12 18 17 15 19 11 10 13 O1a1a-P203
WXE WX10 16 12 16 23 10 14 13 14 10 11 18 16 15 19 11 13 13 O1a1a1a-F140+, F492-
WXF WX12 15 12 16 23 10 12 13 14 10 12 19 16 17 19 13 12 18 O2a2b1-M134+, M117-
WXG WX14 14 14 17 23 10 14 13 14 11 11 19 16 17 21 13 10 13 N-M231
WXH WX15 15 13 16 25 11 13 14 14 10 11 18 15 18 22 10 13 18 O1b1a1a-M95
无锡5 WXD WX09 15 14 17 24 10 14 12 15 11 12 20 16 18 21 11 13 17 O2a2b1a1-M117
无锡6 WXI WX16-17 14 12 16 23 10 12 12 15 10 13 19 15 17 19 12 12 16 O2a2b1-M134+, M117-
无锡7 WXJ WX18-21 15 12 17 25 9 13 12 15 10 11 21 15 18 22 12 10 22 O2a2b-P164+, M134-
图5 司马光家族谱系图 1)此处“8▲”表示从司马逊到司马公鞼中间隔有8 代人,谱系图中类似地方也用数字表示间隔代数。2)此处“*”:《宋史》等资料记载司马康为司马光之子,然而其他私家著作(如苏轼《西楼贴·与堂兄三首》和邵雍《闻见录》)提到康是由光兄司马旦之子过继(详参颜中其《司马康为司马光兄亲子》,《古籍整理研究学刊》1988 年第3 期),《梁溪司马氏宗谱》沿袭《宋史》观点。实际上,由于Y 染色体父系遗传的特点,司马康究竟是司马光或者是司马旦的子嗣不影响本文的结论。3)此处“?1”:根据家谱记载,司马池生卒时间为公元976-1041,与《司马光年谱》记载的公元979-1041 有差别,特此说明。4) 此处“?2”:根据家谱记载,司马康生卒时间为公元1052-1089 年,与《续资治通鉴长编》记载的公元1050-1090 年有差别,特此说明。5)此处“?3”:根据家谱,司马槙为司马康亲子,但《建炎以来系年要录》载司马光孙司马植死后,以“再从孙稹”继嗣,即司马槙可能并非司马植亲子。需要指出的是,《要录》中的“司马稹”与家谱中的“司马槙”应是同一人。6)此处“?4”:家谱记载司马宗召生卒时间为1156-1214,但后文又说“宗召于靖康(1127 年)中以遗荫佐无锡”,并且与其父司马枢的生卒时间(1074-1136)不符。同时,《建炎以来系年要录》记载,绍兴六年(1136 年)“吉州万安县丞司马宗召添差两浙路转运司干办公事”。因此,我们推断宗召生于“绍兴二十六年(公元1156 年)”一句有误。7)此处“?5”和“?6”:绍兴的这一支因没有家谱,已不清楚是司马光的几世孙。 Fig.5 The genealogical tree of Sima Guang family

图5 司马光家族谱系图 1)此处“8▲”表示从司马逊到司马公鞼中间隔有8 代人,谱系图中类似地方也用数字表示间隔代数。2)此处“*”:《宋史》等资料记载司马康为司马光之子,然而其他私家著作(如苏轼《西楼贴·与堂兄三首》和邵雍《闻见录》)提到康是由光兄司马旦之子过继(详参颜中其《司马康为司马光兄亲子》,《古籍整理研究学刊》1988 年第3 期),《梁溪司马氏宗谱》沿袭《宋史》观点。实际上,由于Y 染色体父系遗传的特点,司马康究竟是司马光或者是司马旦的子嗣不影响本文的结论。3)此处“?1”:根据家谱记载,司马池生卒时间为公元976-1041,与《司马光年谱》记载的公元979-1041 有差别,特此说明。4) 此处“?2”:根据家谱记载,司马康生卒时间为公元1052-1089 年,与《续资治通鉴长编》记载的公元1050-1090 年有差别,特此说明。5)此处“?3”:根据家谱,司马槙为司马康亲子,但《建炎以来系年要录》载司马光孙司马植死后,以“再从孙稹”继嗣,即司马槙可能并非司马植亲子。需要指出的是,《要录》中的“司马稹”与家谱中的“司马槙”应是同一人。6)此处“?4”:家谱记载司马宗召生卒时间为1156-1214,但后文又说“宗召于靖康(1127 年)中以遗荫佐无锡”,并且与其父司马枢的生卒时间(1074-1136)不符。同时,《建炎以来系年要录》记载,绍兴六年(1136 年)“吉州万安县丞司马宗召添差两浙路转运司干办公事”。因此,我们推断宗召生于“绍兴二十六年(公元1156 年)”一句有误。7)此处“?5”和“?6”:绍兴的这一支因没有家谱,已不清楚是司马光的几世孙。

Fig.5 The genealogical tree of Sima Guang family

SX-WXC-XX 4371.3 569.2-31873.6 1160.7 159.5-7616.8 1147.6 157.3-7545.2 911.6 121.9-6086.5
SX-WXC 4405.4 353.1-48602.5 1145.7 87.6-12491.4 1120.5 85.9-12328.3 898.0 66.1-10179.8
SX-XX 1204.4 50.0-16042.0 328.3 12.6-4604.3 312.7 12.1-4392.6 247.3 9.3-3589.0
WXC-XX 4446.4 553.3-32870.1 1213.3 156.0-8263.8 1182.5 152.2-8083.7 948.9 119.2-6623.7
WXC 3833.7 210.6-53229.6 1007.8 48.2-15604.5 978.1 45.8-15397.8 774.5 34.8-12630.9
XX -- -- -- -- -- --- -- --

表3 目标支系共祖时间的估计

Tab.3 The TMRCA of objective clans

SX-WXC-XX 4371.3 569.2-31873.6 1160.7 159.5-7616.8 1147.6 157.3-7545.2 911.6 121.9-6086.5
SX-WXC 4405.4 353.1-48602.5 1145.7 87.6-12491.4 1120.5 85.9-12328.3 898.0 66.1-10179.8
SX-XX 1204.4 50.0-16042.0 328.3 12.6-4604.3 312.7 12.1-4392.6 247.3 9.3-3589.0
WXC-XX 4446.4 553.3-32870.1 1213.3 156.0-8263.8 1182.5 152.2-8083.7 948.9 119.2-6623.7
WXC 3833.7 210.6-53229.6 1007.8 48.2-15604.5 978.1 45.8-15397.8 774.5 34.8-12630.9
XX -- -- -- -- -- --- -- --
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