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个性的大海  · higher  ·  1 月前
Task Force on the Review of the Rules and Regulations for the Governance of the European Higher Education Area
个性的大海  · higher  ·  1 月前
The Bologna Process seeks to bring more coherence to higher education systems across Europe. It established the European Higher Education Area to facilitate;...
谈吐大方的大象  · pic higher 程砚秋  ·  2 周前
程砚秋(1904.1.1 - 1958.3.9),男,著名京剧旦角,表演艺术家,四大名旦之一,程派艺术的创始人。程砚秋原名承麟,满族索绰罗氏,内务府正白旗人。北京人,后改为汉姓程,;...