飞行器骨架 airframe
飞行器金属模型 {航空} boiler-plate model
飞行器螺旋 vehicle spin
飞行器模拟 aircraft simulation
飞行器外壳 aircraft skin
飞行器轴承 aero-vehicle bearing
During this exercise, the spaceship will be locked onto the other side of the space station, so that the men can move from one vehicle to the other. 他不顾朋友们的反对,继续他建造飞行器的计划。
He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends. 一种用来运载乘客、邮件或货物的工具,如飞行器,
A vehicle, such as an aircraft, used to transport passengers, mail, or freight. 火箭发射防护室用于发射导弹和太空飞行器的牢固建筑物
A heavily reinforced building used for launch operations of missiles and space launch vehicles. 操纵机动车辆在动作或方向上的节制性改变,如飞行器的飞行路线上
A controlled change in movement or direction of a moving vehicle or vessel, as in the flight path of an aircraft.

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