• Computational Neuroscience at Coursera
  • Computational Neuroscience: Neuronal Dynamics of Cognition at edX
  • Neuronal Dynamics at edX
  • The open book for this course is available here
  • Neuroscience course material from OpenCourseWare (OCW) at MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences - HUGE list!
  • Simulation Neuroscience at edX
  • Interactive webpage illustrating spiking neural models
  • A series of notebooks that serves as an introduction to theoretical/computational neuroscience (for beginners)
  • Introduction To Modern Brain-Computer Interface Design

    Open Data
  • This only lists neuroscience-specific open data repositories. For general science data repositories that may contain neuroscience data like re3data , see this Open Science Resources page
  • 3D Brain Atlas Reconstructor
  • Allen Brain Atlas Data Portal
  • More detail here
  • Associated software here
  • BODB - Brain Operation Database System
  • BossDB.org — hundreds of terabytes of microscopy
  • Brain Slices- Repository of brain tissue images
  • C-BIG - Biological Imaging and Genetic repository
  • Channelpedia - Wiki of neuron ion channels, hosted by the Blue Brain Project
  • CRCNS - Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience
  • GIN - Modern Research Data Management for Neuroscience
  • IDA LONI - Image and Data Archive for neuroscience by Laboratory of Neuro Imaging
  • INDI - International Neuroimaging Data-Sharing Initiative
  • iEEG.org - National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke EEG data repository for epilepsy research
  • NCBI databases - National Center for Biotechnology Information database list, VERY comprehensive!
  • NDA - National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive
  • NeuroVault - Public repository of MRI and PET statistical maps, parcellations, and atlases
  • NIF - Neuroscience Information Framework, massive search engine for neuroscience data, tools, etc.
  • NITRC - NeuroImaging Tools and Resources Collaboratory
  • NMC - Neocortical Microcircuit Collaboration, part of Blue Brain
  • NWB - Neurodata Without Borders - A standardized format for electrophysiological, and in the future other, neuroscience data. Some data sets available on the site in this format.
  • OpenNeuro - Free and open platform for neuroimaging data (succeeds OpenfMRI)
  • Whole Brain Catalog - Virtual catalog of a mouse brain
  • WormBase - Database of nematode information
  • ZFIN - Zebrafish Model Organism Database
  • Neo - Python library for enabling interoperability of electrophysiological data, including conversion from proprietary file formats
  • Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N) data standard for neurophysiology, including intracellular, extracellular, optical physiology, tracking, and stimulus data
  • ndx-simulation-output Large-scale simulation data scheme extenstion to NWB:N
  • NSDF - Neuroscience Simulation Data Format, built on top of HDF5
  • SONATA format for large-scale, efficient model specification and output data schema of neural simulations, co-developed by Allen Institute for Brain Sciences and Blue Brain Project
  • BioModels - Not neuroscience-specific
  • ModelDB - Repository of computational neuroscience models for simulation , built by Senselab
  • Senselab hosts several other databases, but ModelDB is the most popular:
  • CellPropDB - Cellular Properties Database provides a simple repository for data regarding membrane channels, receptor and neurotransmitters that are expressed in specific types of cells.
  • NeuronDB - Provides a dynamically searchable database of three types of neuronal properties: voltage gated conductances, neurotransmitter receptors, and neurotransmitter substances.
  • MicrocircuitDB - Provides an accessible location for storing and efficiently retrieving realistic computational models of brain microcircuits and networks.
  • 3DModelDB - A collection of 3D printable versions of published neuron morphologies, both traced and artificial.
  • ORModelDB - A resource that is a repository of the results of the efforts of the community is computationally elucidating the structure of the olfactory receptor with a view to establishing a mechanistic basis for OR-odorant binding.
  • OdorMapDB - Olfactory Bulb Odor Map DataBase
  • OdorDB - Odor Molecules DataBase
  • ORDB - Olfactory Receptor DataBase
  • NeuroElectro - Repository of data-mined and human-curated neuron celltype electrophysiological data
  • NeuroMorpho - Curated repository of digitally reconstructed neuron geometries
  • OSB - Open Source Brain
  • OpenWorm - Popular platform for simulation and analysis of nematode neuroscience models!
  • "Integrated Models" RRID on SciCrunch - Compilation of model sources

    Open Code

    Based on Imaging Analysis
  • Allen SDK - Allen (Institute) Software Development Kit for Allen Brain Atlas
  • CaImAn - Calcium Imaging Analysis
  • CATMAID - The Collaborative Annotation Toolkit for Massive Amounts of Image Data
  • FreeSurfer - Popular open-source MRI processing and analysis software
  • NiBabel - Python library for enabling interoperability of neuroimaging data, including conversion from and between many file formats
  • TrakEM2 - Morphological data mining and analysis tool
  • TREES - MATLAB toolbox for analyzing neuron microscopy
  • V-NeuroStack - 3D time stacks for finding patterns in spontaneous activity of neurons in mouse brain slices

    Organizations and Communities
  • CodeNeuro - Bringing neuroscience and data science together
  • CNS - Organization for Computational Neuroscience
  • G-NODE - German Informatics Node
  • INCF - International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
  • NeuralEnsemble, focused on software development in neuroscience
  • Neuroinformatics Research Group at Harvard
  • Neurostars - Neuroscience Q and A website
  • NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health
  • An Open Computational Neuroscience list I've made on Twitter
  • Organization for Human Brain Mapping
  • Reddit /r/Neuroscience resources
  • SFN - Society for Neuroscience
  • 计算神经科学在线课程

    1. 计算神经科学系列课程
    苏黎世大学与苏黎世联邦理工大学共建的转化神经模型单元(Translational Neuromodeling Unit,简称TNU)的系列教学视频,包括 计算精神病学 (含视频、幻灯片、代码等) 计算神经影像诊断 ,以及 fMRI数据分析方法与模型 等。

    2. 计算神经科学(Rajesh P. N. Rao & Adrienne Fairhall)
    英文名Computational Neuroscience,是Coursera上的华盛顿大学的计算神经科学基本参考《理论神经科学》来上,比较全面。

    3. 纽约大学 - 神经与认知科学的数学工具(Mike Landy & Eero Simoncelli)
    Mathematical Tools for Neural and Cognitive Science,这是纽约大学的研究生课程,让学生学习神经和认知数据和系统的可视化、分析和建模的基本数学方法。本课程涵盖数学和统计工具的基本集合,提供假设、动机、逻辑和几何直觉,以及每个工具的简单推导。概念通过大量的计算练习得到加强。目标是让学生能够理解、使用和解释这些工具。有视频(zoom中国区看不到),课件和作业。

    4. 计算神经科学导论(麻省理工学院,Sebastian Seung,2004)

    5. 计算神经科学:认知的神经动力学(洛桑联邦理工学院,edX)

    6. 神经信息学(伦敦大学学院,Kenneth Harris & Matteo Carandini)

    ADNI dataset