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With 3D printing in your office, you can provide aesthetic temporary restorations to more patients. High-strength custom temporaries will delight your patients by giving them an above-and-beyond experience at your practice.
With SprintRay in your office, you can deliver a true chairside restorative experience. Crowns 3D print in less than twenty minutes, giving you and your staff ample time to process and fit in a single appointment for only a few dollars in materials cost.
With full certification for definitive restorative applications, SprintRay Pro and Bego can help you deliver an unprecedented patient experience. Printed crowns can be characterized just like traditional restorations and secured using standard self-adhesive cement.
Thanks to SprintRay's open certified resin platform, you can leverage all the benefits of the latest breakthroughs today. VarseoSmile Crown Plus exhibits superior mechanical properties when compared to traditional composite materials and an excellent balance of opacity and transparency for definitive 3D printed restorations that look and feel premium.
Using intraoral scan data, you can use SprintRay Cloud Design to design and produce temporary and definitive crowns in-office on SprintRay 3D printers. Once the crown, bridge, or other restoration is printed, it can be characterized using traditional methods and attached with standard self-adhesive cement.