/ ˈstɑː.ki / adjective
A stocky person, especially a man is fairly short and has a body that is wide across the shoulders and chest:
The man was described as short and stocky and very strong. 據描述,那個男人矮個子,結實粗壯。

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/ ˈstʌb.i / adjective
short and thick:
He had rather unattractive, stubby fingers. 他的手指粗粗短短的,相當難看。

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/ ˈkɝːb ˌkʌt / noun US
a place where the kerb is made to slope down to the level of the road, so it is easier for people with vehicles such as wheelchairs or pushchairs to get on or off the path:
The community began to build ramps into buildings, make curb cuts and equip buses with chair lifts. 社區開始在樓內修建坡道,降低路緣,並為公共汽車配備升降椅。
dropped kerb

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/ ˌdrɑːpt ˈkɝːb / noun UK
a place where thekerb is made to slope down to the level of the road, so it is easier for people with vehicles such as wheelchairs or pushchairs to get on or off the path:
We must take the lead in providing dropped kerbs at junctions and ramps, and tactile information and acoustic signals at road crossings. 我們必須帶頭在路口和坡道設置下沉式路緣,在道路交叉口設置觸覺訊息和聲音信號。
/ ˈtrʌk. ə l ˌbed / noun UK
a low bed on wheels that is stored under an ordinary bed ready for use by visitors
trundle bed

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/ ˈtrʌn.d ə l ˌbed / noun US
a low bed on wheels that is stored under an ordinary bed ready for use by visitors

( Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary 的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)

If you are left to sink or swim, you are given no help so that you succeed or fail completely by your own efforts.