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    I have a VB script which does a ssh to a networking device .Script runs fine for some time and after soem time it throws a error connection failed and The client has disconnected from the server. Reason:
    The server's host key failed to verify. This could mean that the server you are connected to is impersonating the server it claims to be. A connection could not be established.
    IS there a solution to this ?
    crt.session.Connect("/SSH2 /L XXXXXX /PASSWORD XXXXXX & A.A.A.A") Hi Amit Suri,
    I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with an older version of SecureCRT.
    Can you explain how your script runs for some time successfully, and then you see the error?
    Have you confirmed that the host key fingerprint matches what you have on record?
    You can find a PDF that explains host keys at the following location:
    Hello ,
    I am using a script to SSH into a L3 device .it works for some time and then throws a error connection failed followed by this message :
    The client has disconnected from the server. Reason: The server's host key failed to verify. This could mean that the server you are connected to is impersonating the server it claims to be. A connection could not be established.
    Secure CRT Version 6.6.2 (build 350). IS this any known problem ? Thank you for the reply .
    My script runs in loop: it Logins to the device using SSH , check some values and the log out.I does it in a loop . When I start , initally it works for say 10-15 minutes and then later it pops a messahe connection failed and the ssh error which I pasted in my last post
    Also, the link which you gave looks wrong :
    Please correct me if I am wrong , but host key mismatch will not allow me to log in at all ,however, here, I am able to login for some time and then it fails
    # $language = "VBScript"
    # $interface = "1.0"
    Sub main
    while 1
      logfile = "C:\logging_1.txt"
      crt.Session.LogFileName = logfile
      crt.Session.Log True, False, False
      crt.session.Connect("/SSH2 /L XXXXXX /PASSWORD XXXXXX & A.A.A.A")
      crt.Screen.WaitForString "AAA" , 5
      crt.Screen.Send "get session info" &Vbcr
      crt.Screen.WaitForString "AAA" , 5
      crt.sleep 1000
      dim fso, file, strline, parser1, parser2, parser3, parser4
      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, 1, False)
      strline = file.readline
      parser1 = split(strline,"/")
      parser2 = parser1(0)
      parser3 = split(parser2," ")
      parser4 = parser3(1)
      if parser4 > 850000 then
           crt.screen.send "clear session all" &Vbcr
      end if
      crt.sleep 100           'sleep 2 second, can suggest customer to sleep long time
      crt.session.log False
    end sub
    Hi Amit Suri,
    I pointed you to the white paper about SSH2 host keys because of the issue you posted.
    One way for the message you are seeing to appear is if the host key changes. If the host key is changing in the middle of running your script, you may want to investigate what is causing that.
    If the host key is not changing, then there may be another reason that you are seeing the message. Have you confirmed that the host key fingerprint is correct when you see the message?
    Are you connecting to a single device, or is it possible that the IP address you are using is a generic IP address for a load balancer or a cluster? VanDyke Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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