图谱名称: Bootstrap(statistics)

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小百科 › 知识图谱  ›  Bootstrap(statistics)
Bootstrap(statistics)  · 犯傻的麻辣香锅  ·  ·  1 年前
In this paper we investigate the weighted bootstrap for U-statistics and its properties. Under very general choices of random weights and certain regularity;...
Bootstrap(statistics)  · 犯傻的麻辣香锅  ·  ·  1 年前
In survival analysis with censored data, we consider three closely related ... Edgeworth expansions for the corresponding bootstrap statistics are also given.
Bootstrap(statistics)  · 犯傻的麻辣香锅  ·  ·  1 年前
For bootstrapping degenerate U - or V -statistics of dependent random variables, there are so far only consistency results tailor-made for model-based bootstrap;...
Bootstrap(statistics)  · 犯傻的麻辣香锅  · stat percentile  ·  1 年前
Bootstrapping is a resampling procedure that uses data from one sample to generate a sampling distribution by repeatedly taking random samples from the known;...
Bootstrap(statistics)  · 犯傻的麻辣香锅  ·  ·  1 年前
2022年12月13日 ... Bootstrapping statistics is a form of hypothesis testing that involves resampling a single data set to create a multitude of simulated;...
Bootstrap(statistics)  · 犯傻的麻辣香锅  · random scipy percentile axis  ·  1 年前
The bootstrap is used to approximate the variability we would expect if we were to repeatedly sample from the unknown distribution and calculate the statistic;...