Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel Investments , incorporates all kinds of movement into her mornings. Her exercise may include running, weight lifting, swimming, or cycling, which is always followed by a bath. “My bath time is essential personal time,” she tells CNBC . “I take a bath every morning, and use the time to decompress and relax. When I’m running outside on cold days in Chicago, I run faster on the return leg, thinking about my bath.”

4. Practice gratitude

看到这一条您可能会感到意外,但是对近藤麻理恵来说,当她在家里点上熏香后,并不会开始进行细致的整理收纳,相反,她会感恩。“我为家人和团队成员的健康表达感恩,并重申决心当天做尽可能多的事”,她这样 写道 。表达完感恩后,她才会列出当日待办事项。

奥普拉的晨间习惯同样包含感恩。 《时尚芭莎》 告诉我们,在刷牙和遛狗后,她会从自己的“365真理集”小盒子中阅读 5 张卡片。这个小盒子是她的 2014 年“ 最喜爱物品 ”之一,分享了各种富有启发意义的智慧。奥普拉告诉 《芭莎》 :“这是我美好一天的开始。”这个小盒子会告诉我们什么呢?比如说:“财富不是由金钱决定的,决定财富的是我们带来的爱、享受的欢笑、分享的食物、经历的梦想和创造的希望”。

5. Rise with the sun (or even before it)

一项 2008 年发表在 《The Journal of General Psychology》 的研究指出,晚起的夜猫子比早起者更容易拖延。这也就很好理解为什么那些著名的成功人士都是早起者,例如苹果公司 CEO 蒂姆·库克 凌晨 3:45 就起床开始回邮件,然后在 5 点去健身房。维珍集团的创始人和主席理查德·布兰森的起床时间也令人惊讶。他会在清晨 5 点起床,然后进行锻炼并与家人共度时光。

“I have always been an early riser,” he writes on a Virgin blog . “Over my 50 years in business, I have learned that if I rise early, I can achieve so much more in a day, and therefore in life.” Branson adds, “I find the period of quiet, before most of the world logs on, to be a great time to catch up on news and reply to emails. These early hours give me the opportunity to start each day with a fresh and organized slate.”

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Kate Bratskeir is a writer for WeWork’s Ideas by WeWork , focusing on sustainability and workplace psychology. Previously, she was a senior editor at Mic and HuffPost. Her work has appeared in New York , Health , Travel & Leisure, Women’s Health , and more.

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