本导览带您综观大都会博物馆埃及艺术 ── 而大都会博物馆的藏品是埃及本土之外最精致全面的艺术收藏之一。精华包括了丹朵神庙。基于博物馆的考古团队早期在埃及挖掘的成果,博物馆拥有特别丰富的中王国和新王国早期的艺术收藏品,以及埃及古文化晚期的丧葬艺术品。所有的收藏品都在埃及馆的多个展厅中展出

This tour provides an overview of The Met's collection of Egyptian art, one of the finest and most comprehensive outside Egypt. Among the highlights is the Temple of Dendur. Thanks to its Egyptian excavations, the Museum is particularly rich in both royal and private art of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom, and in funerary art of the Late Period. Virtually all of the objects in the collection are on view in the main galleries and numerous smaller study galleries.