i would like automate the windows task using pywinauto for my VPN
i am getting an issue to detect the element properly and access the element
some dont not have automation ID / name / title , some have ambigious (more than 1 element) with same name / titke
print_control_identifiers() will return me few hundred line of name but almost all of it not able to access thru clicks (or at least i try)
i got try get inspect.exe , spy++ , accessibilities tool but i am having difficulties to understand the path / useful information to access the item
hope to get some guidance / real example on how to make it work
i had go thru the documentation but it does not help
example code i try to make it click on the different server
import pyautogui
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(title='Proton VPN', visible_only=False)
app .child_window(auto_id="SearchInput", control_type="Edit").type_keys("UNITED STATES")
taking ProtonVpn as example