陆自清,高耀全,郭媛.基于地震动态地质建模的地面防治水定向井优化[J].煤田地质与勘探,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 引用本文: 陆自清,高耀全,郭媛.基于地震动态地质建模的地面防治水定向井优化[J].煤田地质与勘探,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 LU Ziqing,GAO Yaoquan,GUO Yuan.Optimization of surface directional wells for water control based on three-dimensional seismic dynamic geological modeling[J].Coal Geology & Exploration,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 Citation: LU Ziqing,GAO Yaoquan,GUO Yuan.Optimization of surface directional wells for water control based on three-dimensional seismic dynamic geological modeling[J].Coal Geology & Exploration,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 陆自清,高耀全,郭媛.基于地震动态地质建模的地面防治水定向井优化[J].煤田地质与勘探,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 引用本文: 陆自清,高耀全,郭媛.基于地震动态地质建模的地面防治水定向井优化[J].煤田地质与勘探,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 LU Ziqing,GAO Yaoquan,GUO Yuan.Optimization of surface directional wells for water control based on three-dimensional seismic dynamic geological modeling[J].Coal Geology & Exploration,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 Citation: LU Ziqing,GAO Yaoquan,GUO Yuan.Optimization of surface directional wells for water control based on three-dimensional seismic dynamic geological modeling[J].Coal Geology & Exploration,2022,50(1):92−100. doi: 10.12363/issn.1001-1986.21.11.0637 煤层底板高承压奥灰水治理中,地面定向井设计与施工优化,主要依托二维AutoCAD地质图件开展。为避免复杂地质条件下目标靶区钻遇率低甚至脱靶等问题的产生,提高精准靶向水害治理的效果,提出基于三维地震动态地质建模开展水害防治定向井优化的技术。通过对比分析钻井优化技术方法的现状与问题,以地面防治水钻探工程的特定需求为出发点,指出地质模型导向适用于靶向水害防治定向井优化。在建模理论分析基础上,研究以地震数据为中心的体模型建模方法,分析定向井轨道设计相关的地质模型关键要素,探讨模型动态更新与井轨迹调整策略。以唐家会煤矿6煤底板奥灰水治理地面钻探工程为例,定向井设计阶段,基于地震数据,应用体模型建模方法构建包含地层、断层、异常体的三维地质模型,在异常体三维几何形态和地层裂缝属性的控制下,拾取关键靶点,提供多分支水平井轨道设计;定向井施工阶段,跟踪随钻数据及时修正地质模型,提供靶向倾角调整建议,提高井轨迹目标地层着陆精度和异常体钻遇率。实践表明,基于地震动态地质建模的定向井轨道设计与轨迹优化,有利于提高钻探工效、创造良好的注浆条件,达到提高异常靶区治理效果的目标,为奥灰水害防治的智能化决策奠定基础。

奥灰水 /  定向井优化 /  三维地震 /  地质模型 / Abstract: In the treatment of high-pressure Ordovician limestone water in the coal seam floor, the design and construction optimization of surface directional wells mainly relies on two-dimensional AutoCAD geological drawings. For the avoidance of such problems as low drilling rate and off-target in the target area under complex geological conditions, and to improve the effect of precise targeted water hazard control, a technology for optimizing directional wells for water hazard prevention and control based on seismic dynamic modeling is proposed. By comparing and analyzing the current situation and problems of drilling trajectory design and optimization technology, it is pointed out that the geological model is applicable to the optimization of directional wells for water hazard prevention and control according to the specific needs of drilling engineering for surface water prevention and control. On the basis of the analysis of modeling theory, the seismic volume-based geological model is studied, the key elements of geological models related to directional well trajectory design are analyzed, and the strategies of model dynamic updating and well trajectory adjustment are discussed. The surface drilling project of Ordovician limestone water treatment in the coal floor of No.6 Coal seam in Tangjiahui Coal Mine is taken as an example. In the design stage of the directional well, the volume-based geological model of strata, faults and abnormal areas is established by using three-dimensional seismic data. Under the control of three-dimensional geometry of abnormal areas and formation fracture properties, the multi-branch horizontal well track design is provided. During the construction of the directional well, the geological model is adjusted by tracking the drilling data, and the drilling trajectory is dynamically optimized by timely correcting the target layer depth of the preset drilling trajectory, improving the landing accuracy of the target formation and the drilling ratio in abnormal geo-bodies. The practice shows that the directional well trajectory design and trajectory optimization based on seismic dynamic geological modeling is conducive to improve the drilling efficiency, and create good grouting conditions, therefore improving the treatment effect of abnormal target areas, and laying a data foundation for the intelligent decision-making of Ordovician limestone water disaster prevention and control.

Key words: Ordovician limestone water /  directional well optimization /  3D seismic /  geological model /  volume-based modeling  杨昊睿,任辉,宁树正,等. 煤矿全生命周期绿色安全开采地质保障技术分析与对策研究[J]. 中国煤炭地质,2020,32(9):99−102.. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1803.2020.09.16

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