Dear Members,
If you are not receiving emails from the Club Secretary and or the Membership Secretary, please check your spam folders and update your settings to allow the club emails to be received.

If you don’t have any email in your spam folder, it is likely we have incorrect or outdated details for your email address. In that case, please contact both secretaries and give them your correct email address.

Important notice for all LandMarc ranges
As of 1 st January 2023 , all areas of the Defence Training Estate
including ranges, camps and dry training areas have become
Tobacco Free Working Environments.
This means that the use of all tobacco products
(including combustible and chewing tobacco products)
are now forbidden on all Defence Training Estate sites from this date onwards.

Shoot date updates:

[rotatingtweets screen_name='UK_BRPC' include_rts='1' tweet_count='2' timeout='3000']

New Forms Required

The new form is NOT optional, it must be filled out each and every time you visit the range. If you do not fill out correctly you will have to go home. The form is now a requirement of club membership.