
Issues information
when trying to access the front-end of the app I receive this error [default backend - 404]
I am not sure how to solve it

  • databases: N/A
  • Programming language and version: Node JS latest
  • Link to your project on Github/Gitlab: Github
  • Your issue
    when trying to access the front-end of the app I receive this error [default backend - 404]
    I am not sure how to solve it , I spent two days trying to reply and redeply but no success
    Describe here your issue

    Dockerfile content (if any)

    specify here your dockerfile content No Dockerfile

    here is my qovery yaml
    name: “connector”
    project: “connectorenv”
    organization: “QoveryCommunity”
    publicly_accessible: true
    port: 3003

  • branch: “master”
    domain: “ ioioio.ioioi.com
  • name: “connector”
  • application_name: “connector”
  • “/*”`
  • Hello. .qovery.yaml is not needed anymore for the V2. If you’re deploying in V1, you should move to the V2 as soon as possible as the V1 is getting shut down in 2 weeks. After that’s done, make sure you’re configuring the correct port in the Qovery settings by going to settings, port, then checking there.

    I can access the domain you have specified, but it includes some Chinese characters, so definitely not an error.

    Please let me know if you’re still running into trouble.

    Hello Mars,

    Can you give me the url of your environment so I can take a look please ?
    It Is the one that start by console.qovery.com

    Thanks :slight_smile:

    Hi, I removed the domain this is the puplic link https://zc055f61a-gtw.qovery.io/
    yes this is the url I am using console.qovery.com
    assingin port is also not saving I receive failure msg



    Sorry for the late response, after investigating your case it seems we have a regression with custom domain in the V2.

    It is going to be fixed tomorrow or next week if time is short.
    I am going to keep you updated regarding the evolution.

    Sorry for the inconvenience

    I just added the domain
    The only problem I have is defaultbackend 404
    I am not sure how to solve it
    I uploaded the code on heroku on a2hosting
    It is working fine there I am not sure why it’s not working here

    It seems that you are getting a 404 default backend, because your app is not running properly
    and is crash-looping

    (node:26) DeprecationWarning: collection.ensureIndex is deprecated. Use createIndexes instead.
    (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
    Mongoose: invoices.ensureIndex({ invoiceNumber: 1 }, { background: true })
    Mongoose: products.ensureIndex({ sku: 1 }, { background: true })
    Mongoose: contacts.ensureIndex({ contact_id: 1 }, { background: true })
    Mongoose: purchase_orders.ensureIndex({ invoiceNumber: 1 }, { background: true })
              triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
    [UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason "#<Object>".] {
    npm notice
    npm notice New minor version of npm available! 7.19.1 -> 7.20.0
    npm notice Changelog: <https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v7.20.0>
    npm notice Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
    npm notice

    the code is working fine here https://test.takweentech.com
    you can check it, also I tried it on Heroku it is working
    but on the qovery I am not sure why is this error is happening in the first place, and I believe it is not from the code

    moreover I tried to host another app that is working locally and heroku and got the same error
