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How To Update Or Insert A Record In Spring Data JPA

How To Update Or Insert A Record In Spring Data JPA


2 min read

Do you want to know how to update or insert a new record using Spring Boot?

This article is for you.

Let's imagine the following scenarios:

  • We have an existing customer who wants to amend his phone number because it was wrong.

  • We have an entirely new customer who wants to register his details.

    In one of my previous articles on How To Create A Spring Boot REST API , we have the following method:

        public Customer saveCustomer(Customer savedCustomer) {
            Customer customer = new Customer();
            return customerRepository.save(savedCustomer);

    The method above only covers scenario number 2.

    We can refactor this method to perform an upsert operation.

    1. What is an upsert operation?

    An upsert operation is a database operation where you update an existing row if the value is already present. Otherwise, you save the new value into a new row.

    2. How do you do an upsert?

    To do this, you have to:

  • Delete any duplicate entry from the Customer table to avoid the 1062 - Duplicate Entry error.

  • Use the email to identify a customer uniquely. Therefore, make the email column unique.

    ALTER TABLE customer ADD UNIQUE (email);
  • Refactor save() method logic so that it checks if an entry exists in the database. If it does, update the existing entry. Otherwise, create a new one and insert it into the database.
  •     public Customer saveCustomer(Customer savedCustomer) {
            Customer customer =    customerRepository
            if(customer != null) {
            } else {
                customer = new Customer();
            return customerRepository.save(customer);
        public Optional<Customer> getCustomerByEmail(String email){
            Customer customer = customerRepository.findCustomerByEmail(email);
            return Optional.ofNullable(customer);

    3. Testing on Postman

    Let's test this logic via Postman:

    The record gets updated in the database too.

    Now, let's try to update Helena's phone number with a different one.

    In the database, Helena's phone number should be updated (no new row should be created).
