沉着的跑步鞋  ·  刘雯·  1 月前    · 
沉着的跑步鞋  ·  教研人员- Xi'an ...·  1 月前    · 
沉着的跑步鞋  ·  过度解读Vol.3 ...·  1 月前    · 

2003.07~2007.06 河北科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 获得学士学位

2007.09~2010.04 西北工业大学 材料学院 获得硕士学位

2009.09~2017.12 西北工业大学 材料学院 获得博士学位

2011.01~2012.02 美国Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 访问学者

2018.06~至今 郑州大学 材料科学与工程学院 讲师

张锐教授、卢红霞教授、许红亮教授、陈德良教授、王海龙教授、范冰冰副教授、邵刚副教授等,每年招收博士研究生 2~3 人,硕士研究生20人左右,专业学位研究生5~10人。

Ø 主持项目

[1]. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 题目:纳米碳结构抑制碳化硅辐照肿胀行为的机理研究,项目批准号51802286,起止年月:2019.01~2021.12

[2]. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助 题目:振动烧结制备纳米SiC陶瓷及其抗辐照性能研究, 资助编号2018M642778,起止年月:2018.07~2020.07 Ø 代表论文

[1]. Zhenbao Li, Yejie Cao, Wen Liu , Yiguang Wang, Fangyuan Sun, Zhe Chen, Zhongyin Zhang, Enhanced Irradiation Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of SiC Induced by the Addition of Carbon under Au2+ Ion Irradiation, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(7): 8521-8527

[2]. Wen Liu , Yejie Cao, Laifei Cheng, Yiguang Wang, Design of Polymer-derived SiC for Nuclear Applications from the Perspective of Heterogeneous Interfaces, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(2): 469~478

[3]. Wen Liu , Laifei Cheng, Yiguang Wang, Hongji Ma, Investigation of the Residual Stress in Reaction-bonded SiC under Irradiation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, 36(16): 3901~3907

[4]. Wen Liu , Laifei Cheng, Xiaoqiang Li, Yiguang Wang. Direct Observation of Structural and Defect Evolution in C-rich SiC using In-situ Helium Ion Microscopy, Nanoscale, 2016, 8(2): 762-765

[5]. Xiaoyan Yuan, Laifei Cheng, Wen Liu , Litong Zhang, Synthesis of ordered mesoporous CoFe2O4-containing silica by self-assembly process, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2013, 331: 198-203

[6]. Wen Liu , Yiguang Wang, Laifei Cheng. Eu3+-Doped YPO4 Self-Monitoring Environmental Barrier Coating, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94(10): 3449-3454.

[7]. Yiguang Wang, Xianhong Chen, Wen Liu , Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Exploration of YPO4 as a potential environmental barrier coating, Ceramics International, 2010, 36: 755-759

[8]. Yiguang Wang, Wen Liu , Laifei Cheng, Litong Zhang, Preparation and properties of 2D C/ZrB2-SiC ultra high temperature ceramic composites, Material Science and Engineering A, 2009, 524: 129-133

Ø 授权发明专利

[1]. 王一光, 成来飞, 张立同, 刘雯, 一种监测发光环境障碍涂层失效状况的方法,2010.6.10, 中国, CN201010197829.7