The bold aesthetics are required.

Options for computed aesthetics

DataFrame = None

The data to be displayed in this layer. If None , the data from from the ggplot() call is used. If specified, it overrides the data from the ggplot() call.

geom : str | geom = "pointrange"

The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer. If it is a string, it must be the registered and known to Plotnine.

position : str | position = "identity"

Position adjustment. If it is a string, it must be registered and known to Plotnine.

na_rm : bool = False

If False , removes missing values with a warning. If True silently removes missing values.

fun_data : str | callable = "mean_cl_boot"

If string, it should be one of:

callable = None

Any function that takes a array_like and returns a value

fun_ymin : callable = None

Any function that takes an array_like and returns a value

fun_ymax : callable = None

Any function that takes an array_like and returns a value

fun_args : dict = None

Arguments to any of the functions. Provided the names of the arguments of the different functions are in not conflict, the arguments will be assigned to the right functions. If there is a conflict, create a wrapper function that resolves the ambiguity in the argument names.

random_state : int | RandomState = None

Seed or Random number generator to use. If None , then numpy global generator numpy.random is used.

**kwargs : Any = {}

Aesthetics or parameters used by the geom .


If any of fun_y , fun_ymin or fun_ymax are provided, the value of fun_data will be ignored.

See Also
