

运行 SpringBoot 启动类,报错:
可以看到,它是说 WeiXinPayController 中,用到了 OrderService ,但是呢,Spring 扫描不到。


其实可以看出来, WeiXinPay 和 Order 分属两个工程,具有各自的功能,在一个工程里调用另一个工程的 service 层,其实是不妥的,如果业务有交叉,可以用 feign 的方式调用 controller 层。
看看 SpringBootApplication 源码:

    excludeFilters = {@Filter(
    type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
    classes = {TypeExcludeFilter.class}
), @Filter(
    type = FilterType.CUSTOM,
    classes = {AutoConfigurationExcludeFilter.class}
public @interface SpringBootApplication {

    可以看到,@ComponentScan ,只能扫描与控制器在同一个包下以及其子包下的 @Component 注解,以及能将指定注解的类自动注册为 Bean 的@Service 、@Controller 和 @ Repository,所以, WeiXinPayController 想识别到 OrderService,需要在 pay 的启动类上使用注解 :

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.changgou.order.service"})
                    文章目录一、问题描述二、解决方法一、问题描述    运行 SpringBoot 启动类,报错:    可以看到,它是说 WeiXinPayController 中,用到了 OrderService ,但是呢,Spring 扫描不到。二、解决方法    其实可以看出来, WeiXinPay 和 Order 分属两个工程,具有各自的功能,在一个工程里调用另一个工程的 service
	public static String getClientIP(HttpServletRequest httpservletrequest) {
	    if (httpservletrequest == null)
	        return null;
	    String s = httpservlet
关于spring boot自动注入出现Consider defining a bean of type ‘xxx‘ in your configuration问题解决方案
搭建完spring boot的demo后自然要实现自动注入来体现spring ioc的便利了,但是我在实施过程中出现了这么一个问题,见下面,这里找到解决办法记录下来,供遇到同样的问题的同僚参考   Description:Field helloService in com.example.demo.service.TestController required a bean of type 'co
Functional gene expression domains: defining the functional unit of eukaryotic gene regulation Functional gene expression domains: defining the functional unit of eukaryotic gene regulation Niall Dillon* and Pierangela Sabbattini Summary The term functional domain is often used to describe the region containing the cis acting sequences that regulate a gene locus. ``Strong'' domain models propose that the domain is a spatially isolated entity consisting of a region of extended accessible chrom
Doing authorization in a clean way is always tricky, You want a delicate balance between an extreme abstraction and something like embedding roles in-side your compiled code, I have always preferred simple abstraction either using roles and their corresponding mappings in the database or using simple xml file to store action to role mappings. Asp.net MVC comes with built in Authorization filter attribute that you can use on your Controller and Action to define the role that can access corresponding Controller or Action. This approach will work fine for small application where you have predefined action to role mappings, but when you have bigger application where developers are not going to define role mappings and mappings might change frequently then maintenance of hard quoted roles might become nightmare. I have created simple application to demonstrate how you can xml based configuration to apply authorization in MVC application. Following are four major pieces of the application. ConfigurationSectionHandler for defining XML Configuration for Controller and Action to role mapping. IMVCAuthorizer Interface and implementation MCVXMLAuthorizer. HttpModule which plugs into AuthorizeRequest event to validate if user are authorized to access Controller and Action. Sample MVC application to test XMLAuthorizer.
SpringBoot启动报错Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXX’ in your configuration. 在业务模块集成公共模块的时候,将业务模块的domain层、mapper层、service层移动到公共模块,提高代码的复用性,易于维护和扩展。 改造好了之后,启动时却报错了。如上图。 大意是咱业务模块的controller中没有咱service层的这个bean。 自己解决的时候是先去查看包名有没有写错,位置有没有对。发现没有问题之后查看service的实现类.
1、安装jenkins,在jenkins上安装jdk、git、maven就不说了,这些网上一大把。     jenkins免密登录到其他服务器可以参考我这一篇:jenkins免密登录到其他服务器 2、看下项目中的配置,按照我的目录结构创建这2个文件和文件夹 assembly.xml文件中的内容,是为了方便打包成zip格式的,而zip中包含了jar、bin、lib,如下: ${project.basedir} README* LICENSE* NOTICE* target/config config
关于SpringBoot启动报错Consider defining a bean of type 'xx.xx.*Service' in your configuration1、问题详情2、问题解读3、解决方法 1、问题详情 *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Field appFileService in com.cloud.appfile.file
看问题描述意思是: com.example.demo.Book中构造函数的参数0需要找不到“java.lang.String”类型的bean。 并建议在配置中定义一个“java.lang.String”类型的bean。 问题原因:spring boot ...
2.位与运算符运算规则:0&0=0&1=1&0=0,1&1=1 位或运算符运算规则:0|1=1|0=1|1=1,0|0=0 位求反运算符运算规则:0=1,1=0,对于整数x有~x=-(x+1) 位异或运算符运算规则:00=11=0,01=10=1 左移位运算符运算规则:原来的所有位左移,最低位补0,相当于乘以2 右移位运算符运算规则:原来的所有位右移,最低位丢弃,最高位使用符号位填充,相当于整除2 TOC](这
This error message usually occurs in Spring Framework when you forget to define a bean of type 'DAO' in your application's configuration file. To fix this issue, you need to define a bean of type 'DAO' in your configuration file. You can do this by adding a bean definition to your XML configuration file or by using the @Bean annotation in your Java configuration file. For example, if you have a class called UserDao that implements the DAO interface, you can define a bean of type UserDao in your configuration file like this: <bean id="userDao" class="com.example.UserDao"/> Or, you can use @Bean annotation in your Java configuration file like this: @Configuration public class AppConfig { @Bean public UserDao userDao() { return new UserDao(); Once you define the DAO bean, Spring Framework will be able to inject it into other beans that depend on it.
解决Seata报错:[imeoutChecker_1] i.s.c.r.netty.NettyClientChannelManager:no available server to connect. 11427 解决 Spring Boot 启动类报错 xxx that could not be found. The injection point has the follow.The injection 解决 SpringBoot 整合 Elasticsearch 报错:Set fielddata=true on [xxxx] in order to load fielddata in...... 解决 Spring Cloud 整合 zipkin 报错:org.springframework.boot.actuate.health.CompositeHealthIndicator......
解决Seata报错:[imeoutChecker_1] i.s.c.r.netty.NettyClientChannelManager:no available server to connect. Java钢枪选手: 我想问的是vgroup_mapping.my_test_tx_group 这个配置是不是没用啊 解决Seata报错:[imeoutChecker_1] i.s.c.r.netty.NettyClientChannelManager:no available server to connect. Java钢枪选手: 大佬,我想问的是我自己在file.conf文件里面配置了vgroup_mapping.my_test_tx_group =xx,在application.xml文件里面配置tx-service-group=xx会报错,如果是你这种写法就没问题,那我想要自己分事务组咋办 Spring 源码学习 之 bean 的生命周期+循环依赖 MMM_FFF: 引用「三级缓存:earlySingletonObjectes | Map<String,Object>」 说错了,earlySingletonObjectes是二级缓存,sigletonFatories才是三级缓存 微服务商城系统(一)框架搭建、商品微服务搭建 Ang Ga Ga: