暮色中的城市综合服务中心  ©赵奕龙
内庭院景观  ©赵奕龙

设计单位 中信设计

项目地点 湖北武汉

时间 2022年

建筑面积 95435平方米


In the current modern context, the comprehensive service center plays an important role as the city's living room, where different service functions converge to stimulate urban vitality. Under the background of the rapid development of Caidian, there is an urgent need for a high-quality public space to meet the public's gathering, learning, entertainment, sports and business environment.


Through the interpretation of the texture of surrounding cities, the overall architectural design uses rational column grids and square outlines to build efficient and universal building groups. The segmentation and occlusion of blocks better realizes the mutual penetration and space sharing between buildings and cities, reflects the contemporary interpretation of traditional courtyard, increases the interaction between blocks, and presents tension, which conforms to the modern concept of " mountain and water courtyards".

折线形幕墙形成富有韵律的立面变化,同时也具有良好的遮阳效果  ©赵奕龙
延新福路一侧,建筑以开放的姿态迎接市民的到来  ©赵奕龙


The architectural layout conforms to the east-west urban development axis of Caidian, creating a rich urban interface and an open public square. Each functional block is designed with its own unique features, creating an engaging visiting experience while maintaining a coherent and unified form and structural logic.  The design team organically connected four independent building units into groups through the two-story platform and corridor, blurring the interface between building units, making the bottom floor transparent and open, and the upper floor private and independent. The ground floor will open a multi-directional pedestrian access, effectively activate the supporting service industry, and integrate the surrounding high-quality landscape resources and buildings. The platform roof serves as a second-floor rooftop garden for office workers to relax and engage in activities.

档案馆外观实景  ©赵奕龙
屋顶平台  ©赵奕龙
现代的材料语言组成了记忆与现代的对话  ©方聪
玻璃百叶  ©方聪


The project features a sunken square at the north entrance and courtyard to excavate the value of underground space and create a multi-level space experience. The east-west courtyard square and the connecting corridor between the buildings provide a walking path through the site, attracting citizens to participate in public activities and showcasing a welcoming, open, relaxed, and comfortable human touch. The courtyard, corridors, and interior spaces of the building are integrated to form a harmonious and orderly modern service space that seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor elements.

内庭院景观  ©赵奕龙
通向庭院的廊道  ©赵奕龙
下沉庭院  ©方聪


The design revolves the regional culture and human feelings as the context, seeks the core relationship between the functional attributes and open and inclusive nature. The façade design elements are comprised of curtain walls, aluminum panels, and stone materials.  According to the different functional attributes of each museum, through the change and unification of the virtual and the real, the density, and creates the facade skin that conforms to the lighting, ventilation and space needs of each space.

“山”映斜阳  ©赵奕龙
演艺厅外观实景  ©赵奕龙


At the same time, the design team also attempts to endow the cold modern materials with humanistic connotation: on the outside, through the change of aluminum plate perforation rate, the artistic conception of hazy landscape painting was presented; while on the inside, a slowly unfolding landscape painting is sketched with silk glass. The combination of inside and outside, together weaves a group of "highly integrated, harmonious but different" architectural settlements in Jingchu culture.

外立面通过孔径变化的穿孔铝板展现山峦起伏的形象  ©赵奕龙
穿孔板的开孔率提供了不同程度的遮阳效果  ©方聪
建筑山水与屋面自然景观的融合  ©方聪


Efficient and compatible service space is achieved through 5G all-optical network, and intelligent information technology is widely applied, making the integrated service center have characteristics in terms of operation and maintenance management, energy conservation and low-carbon, intelligent sharing, and personalized interaction of "wireless ubiquitous"; Integrating intelligence with the internal space of the building, the big data visualization screen is placed at each important space node, during which citizens can get the required government information within sight, which has practiced the concept of modern intelligent government service.


In order to optimize the thermal performance, lattice roof is adopted in the atrium design, which can not only ensure the indoor lighting, but also provide sunshade to avoid direct sunlight in the office space. It is supplemented by perforated aluminum panels to further provide external shading. According to the different functional requirements, solar radiation intensity and orientation of each indoor space of the project, the perforation size of the panel varies, in order to adjust the amount of incoming light to different degrees.

市民之家中庭,山水图案犹如一张画卷展开  ©赵奕龙
市民之家中庭通往二层的步梯  ©方聪

设计图纸 ▽

总平面图  ©中信设计
一层平面图  ©中信设计
四层平面图  ©中信设计

立面图  ©中信设计

剖面图  ©中信设计

立面构造详图  ©中信设计























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