目的 针对目前国内市场幼儿园洗手产品缺乏一定互动性和引导性的问题,设计研究一款幼儿园智能洗手机,帮助引导幼儿养成良好的洗手习惯,更好地呵护幼儿身体健康。方法 首先通过分析SET因素,明确产品机遇;其次进行用户调研,获取用户需求点,采用熵权法对层次分析法(AHP)所得到的数据进行修正得到综合权重值,并进行用户需求重要度排序,明确产品价值机会;再次根据产品价值机会,形成产品概念,绘制设计概念矩阵;最后将概念转化成设计方案,并制作产品样机模型,检验设计方案的有效性。结论 INPD与熵权法指导下的幼儿园智能洗手机设计具有可行性。INPD法提高了产品开发的效率和市场成功率,层次分析法(AHP)和熵权法组合赋权完善了用户重要需求提取过程,使幼儿园智能洗手机的整个设计流程更具科学性、系统性和合理性。 英文摘要 : In response to the lack of interactivity and guidance of handwashing products for kindergartens in the current domestic market, the work aims to design and study a smart handwashing machine for kindergarten to help guide children to develop good handwashing habits and take better care of their health. Firstly, the product opportunity gap was clarified by analyzing the SET factors. Secondly, the user research was carried out to obtain the user demand points. The entropy method was used to correct the data obtained by the hierarchical analysis method (AHP) to obtain comprehensive weighting values and to rank the importance of user demands to clarify the product value opportunity. Thirdly, based on the product value opportunity, the product concept was formed and the design concept matrix was drawn. Finally, the concept was transformed into a design scheme and a prototype model was produced to test the validity of the design.The smart handwashing machines for kindergartens under the guidance of INPD and entropy method have the feasibility. The INPD method improves the efficiency and market success rate of product development, while the combination of the hierarchical analysis method (AHP) and the entropy method improves the process of extracting important user demands, making the whole design process of the kindergarten handwashing machines more scientific, systematic and rational. 查看/发表评论 下载PDF阅读器

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