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Ribbon Disabler for Windows 10 and Windows 8

Yet another tool that i have initially created for Windows 8. Its Ribbon Disabler .

The latest version is 4.0, now supports all Windows 10 versions including version 1903 "May 2019 Update".

Ribbon Disabler is compatible with all Windows 10 versions, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.
Note: If you have upgraded your OS from an earlier Windows release, please download Ribbon Disabler 3.0 first and then use it to disable the Ribbon. Don't use previous releases of Ribbon Disabler, or you will end with a black screen.

Ribbon Disabler will allow you to disable Ribbon in File Explorer and preserve Paint and Wordpad working . Aslo it has an option to restore ribbon.
There is no system files what will be modified by this tool. Since version 2 the Ribbon Disabler modifies your explorerframe.dll but makes backup. It is safe.
Here is example of Explorer without Ribbon:


If you have some unwanted line before the command bar after Ribbon Disabler

If you have something similar:

please refer to the following article:
Fix: A line shows below Explorer’s address bar after disabling Ribbon in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8
It will be fixed.

Change log

Please always use only latest version.
Updated the app code to make it compatible with Windows 10 version 1903.
Fixed the issue reported by the user "R" HERE .
The application will warn you if you upgrade a previous Windows version. It is not necessary to restore the Ribbon using older system files. Instead, you must disable the Ribbon again and will be prompted to do so. This resolves the "black screen" issue for users who performed the upgrade from earlier Windows releases. If you have upgraded your OS from an earlier Windows release, please download Ribbon Disabler 3.0 first and then use it to disable the Ribbon. Don't use previous releases of Ribbon Disabler, or you will end with a black screen.

Fixed critical issue in the code. Every time you remove/restore ribbon in Explorer it causes wrong NTFS permissions to be set for some system files. It can cause other user accounts to be unable to work in Windows 8/Windows 10. This is fixed.
Command line options are implemented so you can use Ribbon Disabler in your scripts.
A new code base, with support for Windows 8 x86 and x64.
first release with Windows 8 x64 support only

Ribbon Disabler is portable application and does not require to be installed.

Download Ribbon Disabler

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