1. 自然资源部城市国土资源监测与仿真重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518034;
2. 深圳市不动产评估中心, 广东 深圳 518040 ;
3. 华中师范大学, 湖北 武汉 430079 收稿日期:2020-08-20;修回日期:2020-09-17
作者简介:崔东阳(1984-), 男, 河南南阳人, 博士, 主要从事海域资源价值评价研究, E-mail: [email protected] .
摘要 :填海类用海是深圳改革开放以来发展较为迅猛的用海方式之一,过往的研究大多围绕深圳市过度填海对海洋环境的影响开展讨论,极少对深圳市海域进行定级方面的研究。借鉴《海域定级技术指引(试行)》,本研究构建了深圳市填海类用海的海域定级指标体系,创新性地引入一票选择机制,并将工业、交通运输、渔业基础设施等填海用海和城镇建设填海用海合并,统一为填海类用海进行定级。采用专家打分法确定定级因素和评价因子及其权重,通过聚类分析方法和变异系数(CV)来校核级别,将填海类用海划分为4个级别。该研究为沿海地区开展填海类用海定级提供参考。
关键词 填海类用海 海域定级 深圳
Grading of sea area in reclamation: A case study of Shenzhen City 1. Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, MNR, Shenzhen 518034, China;
2. Shenzhen Real Estate Assessment Research Center, Shenzhen 518040, China ;
3. Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China Received: Aug. 20, 2020
Foundation: The Project Supported by the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, MNR
Abstract : Sea reclamation is one of the rapidly developing sea area use mode that have developed rapidly in Shenzhen since the reform and opening up. Most of the previous studies have focused on the impact of excessive reclamation on the marine environment in Shenzhen, whereas few studies on the grading of the sea area were carried out. Using the Technical Guidlines for Sea Area Grading (Trial) for reference, this study constructed the sea area grading index system of Shenzhen's sea reclamation, innovatively introduced a selection mechanism, and combined the sea area used for reclamation by industry, transportation, fishery infrastructure and urban construction, so as to unify the sea area used for reclamation to grade. The grading factors, assessment factors and their corresponding weights were determined by expert scoring method. The grades were checked by cluster analysis method and coefficient of variation, and the reclaimed sea was divided in to 4 grades. This study provides a reference for the grading of sea reclamation in coastal areas.
Key words : sea reclamation grading of sea area Shenzhen

深圳市位于广东省中部沿海, 除深汕合作区外, 全市陆地面积1 997 km 2 , 海域面积1 145 km 2 , 大陆海岸线总长260.51 km。全市以山地丘陵地貌为主, 平原地貌只占26.45%, 城市建设用地非常紧张, 沿岸港口、工业和城市建设通常以填海造地来补充不足。自20世纪80年代中期以来, 深圳市的填海工程在东部的盐田港到西部的宝安机场之间开展, 分别在1979—1989年, 1990—1999年和2000—2009年填海7.79 km 2 、34.44 km 2 、29.64 km 2 。2010—2020年间是深圳填海的高峰期, 填海总量达到了47.6 km 2 [ 7 ]

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