(3.10 MiB) The amalgamation source code, the command-line shell source code, configure/make scripts for unix, and a Makefile.msc for Windows. See the change log or the timeline for more information.
(SHA3-256: b8ebb6d841b9f3ef9c5edd7708e6370d18d7284847cd2ffa5db978f89b55fdf5) Source Code sqlite-amalgamation-3450300.zip
(2.61 MiB) C source code as an amalgamation , version 3.45.3.
(SHA3-256: c514a2640102a43adb1ea17056df3e6772c3b5aea94e0e64d5c819156f540952) sqlite-autoconf-3450300.tar.gz
(3.09 MiB) C source code as an amalgamation . Also includes a "configure" script and TEA makefiles for the TCL Interface .
(SHA3-256: cc1050780e0266de4d91b31c8deaf4638336908c12c21898e9f1fcae1e2ac303) Documentation sqlite-doc-3450300.zip
(10.26 MiB) Documentation as a bundle of static HTML files.
(SHA3-256: 7e88f62dfd6a0c34ac6378c6807da0378fa96d034f613c515277cd11746c4f8f) Precompiled Binaries for Android sqlite-android-3450300.aar
(3.42 MiB) A precompiled Android library containing the core SQLite together with appropriate Java bindings , ready to drop into any Android Studio project.
(SHA3-256: db494f2a8708411346b95312b68121615738332b8d0d654f5993e3cecad87bb9) Precompiled Binaries for Linux sqlite-tools-linux-x64-3450300.zip
(10.45 MiB) A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files, including the command-line shell program, the sqldiff program, and the sqlite3_analyzer program. (64-bit)
(SHA3-256: 487eacb6497440d216d9ddd14018e5d641a65124054e27258150de9a8b23027f) Precompiled Binaries for Mac OS X (x86) sqlite-tools-osx-x64-3450300.zip
(3.52 MiB) A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files, including the command-line shell program, the sqldiff program, and the sqlite3_analyzer program. (64-bit)
(SHA3-256: e5d25078f8d1d480ba77080db9993c7b6afc450c73391e97a40e56f92a326b9e) Precompiled Binaries for Windows sqlite-dll-win-x86-3450300.zip
(1.01 MiB) 32-bit DLL (x86) for SQLite version 3.45.3.
(SHA3-256: b5d01cccf1cea00b4250bc26d3941ba29b16eaaaa7ce9fe9f7776b8e4491ff2f) sqlite-dll-win-x64-3450300.zip
(1.26 MiB) 64-bit DLL (x64) for SQLite version 3.45.3.
(SHA3-256: 9631cadef7d48498a468be6dd0dba825af3121f0980109601168f695f4273688) sqlite-tools-win-x64-3450300.zip
(4.77 MiB) A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files, including the command-line shell program, the sqldiff.exe program, and the sqlite3_analyzer.exe program. 64-bit.
(SHA3-256: 429cca813471884ff3c9b51697ecc1e6750fb947ab5cd91efb098c6fbc1f4053) Precompiled Binaries for .NET System.Data.SQLite Visit the System.Data.SQLite.org website and especially the download page for source code and binaries of SQLite for .NET. WebAssembly & JavaScript sqlite-wasm-3450300.zip
(823.09 KiB) A precompiled bundle of sqlite3.wasm and its JavaScript APIs, ready for use in web applications.
(SHA3-256: 45d3520084b16a0e51fbbef52f18c10780cfa81aa6209131c3014be72a38d3c9) Alternative Source Code Formats sqlite-src-3450300.zip
(13.50 MiB) Snapshot of the complete (raw) source tree for SQLite version 3.45.3. See How To Compile SQLite for usage details.
(SHA3-256: 246bbfec0c93c084f2dd1c4178320b157d031bee8101889b73dd448444836c68) sqlite-preprocessed-3450300.zip
(2.71 MiB) Preprocessed C sources for SQLite version 3.45.3.
(SHA3-256: cc73202a90fef23260e929fc02e6a00e89ae355cfcd72c1052c28111c6d092bc)
  • sqlite- product - version .zip
  • sqlite- product - version .tar.gz
  • sqlite- product - os - cpu - version .zip
  • sqlite- product - date .zip

    Templates (1) and (2) are used for source-code products. Template (1) is used for generic source-code products and templates (2) is used for source-code products that are generally only useful on unix-like platforms. Template (3) is used for precompiled binaries products. Template (4) is used for unofficial pre-release "snapshots" of source code.

    The version is encoded so that filenames sort in order of increasing version number when viewed using "ls". For version 3.X.Y the filename encoding is 3XXYY00. For branch version 3.X.Y.Z, the encoding is 3XXYYZZ.

    The date in template (4) is of the form: YYYYMMDDHHMM

    For convenient, script-driven extraction of the downloadable file URLs and associated information, an HTML comment is embedded in this page's source. Its first line (sans leading tag) reads:

    Download product data for scripts to read
    Its subsequent lines comprise a CSV table with this column header:
    The column header and following data lines have no leading space. The PRODUCT column is a constant value ("PRODUCT") for convenient regular expression matching. Other columns are self-explanatory. This format will remain stable except for possible new columns appended to the right of older columns. The SQLite source code is maintained in three geographically-dispersed self-synchronizing Fossil repositories that are available for anonymous read-only access. Anyone can view the repository contents and download historical versions of individual files or ZIP archives of historical check-ins. You can also clone the entire repository .

    See the How To Compile SQLite page for additional information on how to use the raw SQLite source code. Note that a recent version of Tcl is required in order to build from the repository sources. The amalgamation source code files (the "sqlite3.c" and "sqlite3.h" files) build products and are not contained in raw source code tree.

    https://www.sqlite.org/cgi/src (Dallas)
    https://www2.sqlite.org/cgi/src (Newark)
    https://www3.sqlite.org/cgi/src (San Francisco)

    There is a GitHub mirror at https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite/

    The documentation is maintained in separate Fossil repositories located
