
Once upon a time there was a bachelor, age 30, haven't marry the daughter-in-law, his diligent capable daily toil in the field.


One day, he fields, picked up a large snail accidentally, he happy home, in support of their own tank.


Time flies so fast, blink of an eye for the past three years.


One day, a bachelor came home from the field finished found on the table is filled with hot meals, bachelor left right look and do not see someone, he very hungry, Willy nilly, on the table to eat up.

他边吃边想,会有谁给他煮这么好吃的一桌饭菜呢 ?

He would like to eat, who will cook for him so good a table of food?

他连续几天干活回来都同样是满桌的好 饭菜

He came back a few days in a row, and it was a good meal at the table.


So, he thought the matter must be neighbors Aunt Li to help busy, I would like to thank the good people today.

于是他问了邻居李大嫂,大嫂说: 没有呀 ? 我听到你厨房有做饭、炒菜声,我还以为是你提前回家来做饭呢 ?”

So he asked the neighbor Lee sister-in-law, sister-in-law said: "without you? I heard you are cooking in the kitchen, the sound of cooking, I thought you ahead of time to go home to cook?"

单身汉感到奇怪,会有谁这样做呢 ?

The bachelor was surprised, and who would do that?


He must make it clear.


One day, he went to work as usual.

过一会儿他又偷偷返回家来,躲进家门外偷看个究竟,快到中午时,水缸的盖子被慢慢掀开了,从水缸里走出一位象仙女般的 姑娘 接着就很熟练地做起饭、炒起菜来。

After a while he secretly returned home to, hide in the door peeking how fast till noon, water tank lid were slowly opened the, out of a fairy like a girl from the tank then very skilled to start with rice, fried vegetables.


Soon put on a table full of food.


After the meal, it went to hide in water tanks.

单身汉心想,今天该不会是我看走了眼 ?

The single man thinks, today this won't be I see walk eye?


So he consecutive days secretly hide in the house see, the result is absolutely true, indeed, is a a beautiful girl every day to help him cook.

单身汉想,这么一位漂亮贤惠的姑娘天天来帮忙他煮饭,究竟为了什么 ?

Bachelor like, such a beautiful and virtuous girl every day to help him cook, for what?


I must ask a clear, and one day at noon, the girl is concentrating on cooking, the single man pushed the door suddenly into the house, a girl will embrace, and locked her into the room.

他急忙打开水缸盖子,一看傻了眼,怎么那只田螺只剩下个空壳游荡在水中 ?

He hurried to open the tank lid, look foolish eye, only how only a river snail shell around in the water?

这水仙般的姑娘难道是这只田螺变成的 ?

语根拼读【专利号:ZL 2015 2 0651683. 7 ; 专利种类:中国实用新型专利】| 语根知义【专利号:ZL 2015 2 0651275. 1 ;专利种类:中国实用新型专利】 | 单词解码【专利号:ZL 2018 2 1688774.8;专利种类:实用新型专利 】
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