俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所 于1818年11月11日作为俄罗斯科学院亚洲博物馆成立。2007年6月,俄罗斯科学院主席团下令重组圣彼得堡分院。东方研究所成为独立的东方文献研究所。





Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Era: 18th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Route: Land
Authors: S. G. Klyashtorny
Themes: History, Arts and Literature
Era: 4th – 11th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
Era: 19th – 20th centuries
Language of article: English, Russian
Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
Format: PDF
  • Buddhist Monuments from Khotan in the Collection of the Hermitage
  • Route: Land
    Authors: Yu. I. Elikhina
    Themes: Arts and Literature, Religion and Spirituality
    Era: 3rd – 4th centuries, 6th century, 9th century, 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • Manichaica in the Asiatic Museum
  • Route: Land
    Authors: V. A. Livshits
    Themes: Languages, History, Arts and Literature
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • S. M. Dudin’ Kashgar Collection in the Russian Museum of Ethnography
  • Route: Land
    Authors: S. V. Dmitriyev and I. F. Popova
    Themes: History
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • P. K. Kozlov’s Mongolia and Sichuan Expedition (1907–1909): the Discovery of Khara-Khoto
  • Route: Land
    Authors: T. I. Yusupova
    Themes: History
    Era: 11th – 14th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • The Tangut Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts: History and Study
  • Route: Land
    Authors: E. I. Kychanov
    Themes: History, Arts and Literature, Languages
    Era: 11th – 14th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • S. F. Oldenburg’s Second Russian Turkestan Expedition (1914–1915)
  • Route: Land
    Authors: I. F. Popova
    Themes: History
    Era: 6th – 10th centuries, 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • Japanese Researchers of Russian Collections from Central Asia
  • Route: Land
    Authors: Takata Tokio
    Themes: History, Arts and Literature, Languages
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • An English Participant in the Japanese Exploration of Central Asia. The Role of A. O. Hobbs in the Third Otani Expedition
  • Route: Land
    Authors: Imre Galambos
    Themes: History
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • Scholarly Respect in an Age of Political Rivalry
  • Route: Land
    Authors: Susan Whitfield
    Themes: History
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
  • Russian Expeditions and the Chinese Authorities in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
  • Route: Land
    Authors: Rong Xin-jiang
    Themes: History
    Era: 19th – 20th centuries
    Language of article: English, Russian
    Source: Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century. Collected articles. Edited by I. F. Popova. St Petersburg, Slavia Publishers, 2008.
    Format: PDF
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