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94.4951 13.0392C95.8158 15.0094 97.1877 17.0379 97.6766 19.7159C98.866 26.232 100.398 28.1657 102.952 31.369C102.952 31.369 102.96 31.3836 102.967 31.3909C99.924 31.8288 97.0125 31.3107 93.9332 30.7561V30.7634ZM83.0754 19.0227L85.031 23.0287H88.4241L83.5643 13.083H80.1713L81.9079 16.6366H75.9755L74.2389 13.083H70.8458L75.7055 23.0287H79.0913L77.1357 19.0227H83.0681H83.0754ZM0 55.8794V45.941H2.06503V49.7354H5.9105V45.941H7.97553V55.8794H5.9105V51.4502H2.06503V55.8794H0ZM18.4612 54.9819C17.7096 55.7554 16.6297 56.1421 15.2214 56.1421C13.8131 56.1421 12.7258 55.7554 11.9815 54.9819C10.9746 54.0333 10.4784 52.6688 10.4784 50.8883C10.4784 49.1079 10.9819 47.7069 11.9815 46.7947C12.7258 46.0213 13.8131 45.6345 15.2214 45.6345C16.6297 45.6345 17.7169 46.0213 18.4612 46.7947C19.4609 47.7069 19.9571 49.0714 19.9571 50.8883C19.9571 52.7052 19.4609 54.0333 18.4612 54.9819ZM17.1769 53.4714C17.6585 52.8658 17.8993 52.0047 17.8993 50.8883C17.8993 49.7719 17.6585 48.9181 17.1769 48.3052C16.6954 47.6996 16.0459 47.3931 15.2287 47.3931C14.4114 47.3931 13.7547 47.6996 13.2658 48.3052C12.7769 48.9108 12.5361 49.7719 12.5361 50.8883C12.5361 52.0047 12.7769 52.8658 13.2658 53.4714C13.7547 54.0771 14.4041 54.3762 15.2287 54.3762C16.0532 54.3762 16.6954 54.0771 17.1769 53.4714ZM13.0031 43.1317H14.7617V44.7224H13.0031V43.1317ZM15.6957 43.1317H17.4542V44.7224H15.6957V43.1317ZM29.6474 47.6996H24.4885V49.8084H29.2242V51.5231H24.4885V54.1208H29.8809V55.8794H22.4745V45.941H29.6474V47.6996ZM39.1261 49.0568C38.9655 48.3782 38.5861 47.9039 37.9805 47.6412C37.6375 47.4879 37.2654 47.415 36.8421 47.415C36.0468 47.415 35.3901 47.7141 34.8793 48.3198C34.3685 48.9254 34.1131 49.8303 34.1131 51.0342C34.1131 52.2382 34.3904 53.1139 34.9449 53.6174C35.4995 54.1208 36.1343 54.3762 36.8421 54.3762C37.5499 54.3762 38.1045 54.1792 38.5496 53.7779C38.9947 53.3839 39.2647 52.8585 39.3669 52.2163H37.0902V50.5526H41.213V55.8721H39.8339L39.6223 54.6316C39.2209 55.0986 38.8634 55.4343 38.5496 55.624C38.0024 55.9597 37.331 56.1275 36.5357 56.1275C35.2222 56.1275 34.1496 55.6751 33.3177 54.763C32.4421 53.8509 32.0116 52.5958 32.0116 51.0124C32.0116 49.4289 32.4567 48.1228 33.3396 47.1523C34.2225 46.1891 35.3901 45.7002 36.8494 45.7002C38.1118 45.7002 39.1188 46.0213 39.885 46.6561C40.6511 47.2909 41.089 48.0936 41.1984 49.0495H39.1407L39.1261 49.0568ZM44.0588 55.8794V45.941H46.1165V49.7354H49.962V45.941H52.0197V55.8794H49.962V51.4502H46.1165V55.8794H44.0588ZM62.987 45.941H65.3366L68.8318 55.8794H66.5917L65.9423 53.8436H62.2938L61.6225 55.8794H59.4553L62.9943 45.941H62.987ZM62.8557 52.1288H65.395L64.1472 48.2176L62.863 52.1288H62.8557ZM70.4007 45.941H72.5095V52.0485C72.5095 52.7344 72.5898 53.2306 72.7503 53.5444C72.9984 54.0989 73.5457 54.3762 74.3848 54.3762C75.2239 54.3762 75.7639 54.0989 76.012 53.5444C76.1725 53.2306 76.2528 52.7344 76.2528 52.0485V45.941H78.3616V52.0485C78.3616 53.1066 78.1938 53.9238 77.8727 54.5149C77.2598 55.5948 76.0996 56.1348 74.3848 56.1348C72.67 56.1348 71.5025 55.5948 70.8896 54.5149C70.5612 53.9238 70.3934 53.1066 70.3934 52.0485V45.941H70.4007ZM88.0592 45.941V47.6996H85.0821V55.8794H83.0243V47.6996H80.0472V45.941H88.0592ZM96.9615 54.9746C96.2099 55.7481 95.1299 56.1348 93.7143 56.1348C92.2987 56.1348 91.2188 55.7481 90.4672 54.9746C89.4675 54.026 88.964 52.6615 88.964 50.881C88.964 49.1006 89.4675 47.6996 90.4672 46.7874C91.2115 46.014 92.2987 45.6272 93.7143 45.6272C95.1299 45.6272 96.2099 46.014 96.9615 46.7874C97.9611 47.6996 98.4573 49.0641 98.4573 50.881C98.4573 52.6615 97.9611 54.026 96.9615 54.9746ZM95.6772 53.4641C96.1588 52.8585 96.3996 51.9974 96.3996 50.881C96.3996 49.7646 96.1588 48.9108 95.6772 48.2979C95.1956 47.6923 94.5462 47.3858 93.7289 47.3858C92.9117 47.3858 92.255 47.6923 91.7661 48.2979C91.2772 48.9035 91.0364 49.7646 91.0364 50.881C91.0364 51.9974 91.2772 52.8585 91.7661 53.4641C92.255 54.0698 92.9044 54.3689 93.7289 54.3689C94.5462 54.3689 95.1956 54.0698 95.6772 53.4641ZM100.946 45.9337H103.011V54.1135H107.929V55.8721H100.946V45.9337ZM111.526 55.8721H109.461V45.9337H111.526V55.8721ZM114.62 45.9337H116.78L120.713 52.8512V45.9337H122.632V55.8721H120.567L116.539 48.8233V55.8721H114.62V45.9337ZM133.059 47.6923H127.908V49.8011H132.643V51.5158H127.908V54.1135H133.3V55.8721H125.894V45.9337H133.067V47.6923H133.059ZM141.881 46.1891C142.246 46.3496 142.56 46.5758 142.808 46.8823C143.02 47.1304 143.187 47.415 143.304 47.7214C143.428 48.0279 143.487 48.3782 143.487 48.7722C143.487 49.2465 143.37 49.7062 143.136 50.1659C142.903 50.6183 142.509 50.9467 141.969 51.1364C142.421 51.3188 142.742 51.5815 142.925 51.9172C143.114 52.2528 143.209 52.7709 143.209 53.4641V54.1281C143.209 54.5805 143.224 54.887 143.268 55.0476C143.319 55.3029 143.45 55.4927 143.654 55.6094V55.8575H141.385C141.319 55.6386 141.276 55.4562 141.254 55.3248C141.203 55.0476 141.174 54.763 141.166 54.4711L141.152 53.5517C141.144 52.9241 141.035 52.5009 140.823 52.2893C140.612 52.0777 140.218 51.9756 139.634 51.9756H137.598V55.8648H135.584V45.9264H140.327C141.006 45.941 141.531 46.0286 141.896 46.1818L141.881 46.1891ZM137.591 47.6412V50.3337H139.838C140.283 50.3337 140.619 50.2827 140.845 50.1732C141.239 49.9835 141.436 49.604 141.436 49.0422C141.436 48.4365 141.246 48.0279 140.867 47.8163C140.655 47.6996 140.334 47.6412 139.904 47.6412H137.598H137.591ZM147.66 52.822C147.726 53.2744 147.85 53.6101 148.033 53.8363C148.368 54.2449 148.952 54.4419 149.777 54.4419C150.265 54.4419 150.667 54.3908 150.973 54.2814C151.557 54.0771 151.849 53.6976 151.849 53.1358C151.849 52.8074 151.703 52.5593 151.418 52.3769C151.134 52.2018 150.681 52.0485 150.061 51.9099L148.996 51.6764C147.952 51.4429 147.23 51.1875 146.836 50.9175C146.165 50.4578 145.829 49.7427 145.829 48.7722C145.829 47.882 146.157 47.145 146.807 46.5612C147.456 45.9702 148.412 45.6783 149.674 45.6783C150.725 45.6783 151.63 45.9556 152.367 46.5102C153.111 47.0647 153.498 47.8601 153.534 48.9108H151.542C151.506 48.3125 151.243 47.8893 150.754 47.6412C150.426 47.4734 150.017 47.3858 149.528 47.3858C148.988 47.3858 148.558 47.4952 148.237 47.7069C147.916 47.9258 147.755 48.2249 147.755 48.6117C147.755 48.9692 147.916 49.2319 148.23 49.407C148.434 49.5238 148.872 49.6624 149.536 49.823L151.265 50.2316C152.017 50.414 152.586 50.6475 152.965 50.954C153.549 51.421 153.848 52.0923 153.848 52.9752C153.848 53.8582 153.498 54.6316 152.805 55.23C152.104 55.8283 151.119 56.1275 149.85 56.1275C148.58 56.1275 147.529 55.8356 146.785 55.2446C146.041 54.6535 145.668 53.8509 145.668 52.822H147.66Z" fill="currentColor"/></g><defs><clippath id="clip0_211_2853"><rect width="154" height="56" fill="currentColor" transform="translate(0 0.5)"/></clippath></defs></svg></div></a><div class="flex medium:hidden" data-headlessui-state=""><div class="-my-2 -mr-2 medium:hidden grow justify-end flex flex-wrap"><button class="inline-flex items-center justify-center bg-transparent p-1 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-500" 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class="flex flex-col medium:flex-row medium:items-center container"><h1 class="text-5xl mt-7 mb-10 flex-1 medium:mr-8 text-center medium:text-left">What is RoRo shipping? </h1><div class="flex-1 medium:ml-auto"><figure class="ImageObject_figure__6ILHn"><picture class="ImageObject_picture__Fk9l6 min-h-full" style="background-image:url()"><source srcset=" https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3287&w=1200&h=773&fm=webp 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3287&w=1200&h=773&fm=webp&dpr=1.5 1.5x" type="image/webp"/><source srcset=" https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3287&w=1200&h=773 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3287&w=1200&h=773&dpr=1.5 1.5x" type="image/jpeg"/><source media="(max-width: 900px)" srcset=" https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3286&w=840&h=541&fm=webp 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3286&w=840&h=541&fm=webp&dpr=1.5 1.5x" type="image/webp"/><source media="(max-width: 900px)" srcset=" https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3286&w=840&h=541 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3286&w=840&h=541&dpr=1.5 1.5x" type="image/jpeg"/><source media="(max-width: 600px)" srcset=" https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?w=540&h=348&fm=webp 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?w=540&h=348&fm=webp&dpr=1.5 1.5x" type="image/webp"/><source media="(max-width: 600px)" srcset=" https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?w=540&h=348 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?w=540&h=348&dpr=1.5 1.5x" type="image/jpeg"/><div class="w-full"><img alt="RoRo shipping" role="img" loading="lazy" width="5102" height="3288" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="ImageObject_image__UlhFk ImageObject_image__UlhFk w-full" style="color:transparent" srcset="https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3287&w=1200&h=773 1x" src="https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/ea68913451a2773c1ebf75a244fd4e45a8211a49-5102x3288.jpg?rect=0,1,5102,3287&w=1200&h=773"/></div></picture></figure></div></div><div><div class="container flex flex-row gap-y-3 gap-x-10 py-4 text-sm"><span>DATE</span> <span class="font-semibold text-gray800">21.12.2023</span></div><div class="container"><div class="mx-auto py-20 small:max-w-xl medium:max-w-prose"><p class="text-darkGray mb-4">Roro (roll-on-roll-off) is a term mostly used in shipping. Roro shipping is a safe and reliable way of transporting vehicles, mining equipment, trucks, buses, boats, and agricultural machinery overseas by sea. Unlike container shipping, roro vessels are designed to accommodate cars and rolling cargo by allowing them to be driven or towed on and off the boat using rolltrailers. These vessels have dedicated ramps and parking areas to facilitate the efficient loading and unloading of cargo. It is considered the safest and cheapest way of heavy equipment transportation due to the easiness of loading and unloading. The cost of roro transportation is usually cheaper than the cost of a single container. This makes roro shipping the preferred choice of transportation for a wide range of industries, from automotive, and mining, to construction. </p><div class="RichTextRenderer_richTextWrapper__hX8DU"><h2>How does RORO shipping work?</h2><p class="mt-6">All vehicles are driven or towed onto the vessel via a wide stern ramp by qualified handlers often called Stevedores. Stevedores are experienced <a class="underline" href="/">drivers</a> who ensure your vehicle is carefully driven on the vessel at the origin port and rolled off at the destination port then parked in the designated parking facility. </p><p class="mt-6">They can have up to 13 decks (the new Auroras will have 14 decks!) with liftable ramps connecting the decks. Vehicles are placed on the most suitable decks, depending on their height, length, and weight. </p><p class="mt-6">Once on board, the vehicles are secured to lashing points using braces or straps. This keeps them from moving, even in rough weather conditions. Once at the destination port, vehicles will either be picked up personally, or shipping can be arranged to move it from the lot to its final destination.</p><p class="mt-6">Höegh Autoliners can transport almost any <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship">type of cargo</a>. Our fleet of rolltrailers incorporates several different sizes of cargo carrying equipment ranging from 20 to 80 feet with the capacity to handle up to 160 MT. The longer rolltrailers are equipped with integrated rails for carriage of trains with bogies.</p><h2>When is RORO shipping used?</h2><p class="mt-6">Roll-on-roll-off shipping is used by various industries including the <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/automotive">automotive industry</a> to transport new and used cars, buses, <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/industrial-machinery-shipping">trucks</a>, <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/railcars-and-tramways-shipping">trams</a>, and other vehicles as it’s considered a safe, efficient, and cost-effective way of moving large numbers of vehicles across continents.</p><p class="mt-6">This form of shipping is also used by the <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/mining-equipment-shipping">mining</a> and <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/construction-equipment-shipping">construction industry</a> to transport plant and heavy machinery and equipment. This includes bulldozers, excavators, cranes, and other oversized vehicles that can be driven onto the vessel.</p><p class="mt-6">Roro shipping is also ideal for project cargo as it allows for the transportation of <a class="underline" href="/news/45-metre-long-rotor-blades-shipped-for-renewable-energy-project">oversized cargo</a> that may not fit traditional containers.</p><p class="mt-6">Lastly, roro shipping is also used for the transportation of emergency vehicles. Roro vessels provide a quick and efficient way to transport vehicles, equipment, and supplies to areas affected by natural disasters.</p><h2>What are the advantages of RORO shopping?</h2><p class="mt-6">The main benefits of RORO shipping include time and cost efficiency and reduced risk of damage. Vehicles being driven or towed on the vessels means there is less chance of damage as opposed to lifting vehicles into containers.</p><p class="mt-6">Our Roro vessels are pure car/truck carriers (PCTC) meaning they can carry a large number of vehicles and can accommodate high and heavy and <a class="underline" href="/news/unbeatable-liner-service-secures-transportation-of-critical-breakbulk-cargo">unconventionally-sized cargo</a>.</p><p class="mt-6">We operate a <a class="underline" href="/fleet">fleet</a> of around <a class="underline" href="/fleet">40 RoRo vessels</a>, designed for maximum flexibility to cater for a wide variety of cargo, ranging from <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/automotive">cars</a> to high and heavy and <a class="underline" href="/what-we-ship/breakbulk-shipping">breakbulk</a>. Our New Horizon vessels are some of the world’s largest RoRo vessels, offering up to 6.5 metres of free deck height, 12 metres of ramp width and a ramp capacity of 375 MT. </p><p class="mt-6">Our Höegh Bridge eliminates the need for crane lifting in both load and discharge ports as the railcars can be directly rolled on and off the rolltrailer, which is equipped with rail tracks. This makes the operation safer and less costly than with crane lifts.</p><p class="mt-6">In 2024, we are bringing out the <a class="underline" href="/aurora-class">Aurora Class vessels</a> which will be the largest and most environmentally friendly car carriers in the industry and the first in the PCTC segment to receive DNV’s ammonia and methanol-ready notations.</p><h2>Examples of using RORO ships for emergency aid</h2><h3>Red Cross</h3><p class="mt-6">In 2005, Höegh Autoliners transported 44 trucks from Gothenburg, Sweden to Sumatra, Indonesia, for relief efforts after the South East Asia tsunami.</p><p class="mt-6">In January 2006, Höegh Autoliners cooperated with Red Cross Norway to ro/ro transport Red Cross relief initiatives to Mombasa, Kenya, and the famine-stricken regions in eastern Africa.</p><h3>SOS Children’s Villages</h3><p class="mt-6">SOS Children’s Villages is an international child welfare organization that provides long-term care for orphans and children in need.</p><p class="mt-6">In 2005 Höegh Autoliners entered a partnership with SOS Children’s Villages and has financed the building and running of three family houses and a social centre in the Lipa Children’s Village in the Philippines. In 2008, the partnership was extended when Höegh committed to financing the construction of four family houses in Calbayog Children’s Village in the Philippines and providing running costs for one family house in the Cebu Children’s Village. Höegh’s objective in the operation was a broad engagement within the organization for SOS Children’s Villages projects. In 2008, the first young man who grew up in an SOS Children’s Village in the Philippines was accepted into the Höegh cadet program, starting his career with the company.</p><h4>Conclusion</h4><p class="mt-6">RoRo shipping has become an integral part of global logistics and provides a seamless and efficient solution for transporting vehicles and rolling cargo. Its versatility, cost-effectiveness, and time efficiency make it a preferred choice for various industries, from automotive to construction and beyond. As the demand for efficient and reliable cargo transport continues to grow, RoRo shipping plays a crucial role in shaping the future of international trade.</p><p class="mt-6">To ship your cargo on one of our vessels, make a booking request on top right of the website: "<a class="underline" href="/ship-your-cargo">ship your cargo</a>".</p></div></div></div><div class="py-20 bg-darkGray"><div class="container"><div class="rounded flex bg-white relative max-w-full grow-1 flex-[1_0_100%] my-4 flex-row h-[280px] hover:drop-shadow-md cursor-pointer"><a aria-hidden="true" class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0" href="/a-troubled-heart-my-life-on-hoeegh-trooper-week-3"><span class="sr-only">Read next</span></a><div class="bg-xxLight overflow-hidden flex justify-center rounded-r flex-1 h-full"><img alt="My life on Höegh Trooper Week 3" role="img" loading="lazy" width="600" height="230" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="object-cover h-full min-w-full" style="color:transparent" srcset="https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/5039161fac684b5768166a48056c6f2a5077c5cf-4032x3024.jpg?w=600 1x, https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/5039161fac684b5768166a48056c6f2a5077c5cf-4032x3024.jpg?w=600 2x" src="https://cdn.sanity.io/images/iufiix04/production/5039161fac684b5768166a48056c6f2a5077c5cf-4032x3024.jpg?w=600"/></div><div class="flex flex-col rounded-l w-2/3 medium:flex-1 p-4 medium:p-8"><div class="grow"><p class="text-xs text-gray600 my-2">22 December 2023</p><h3 class="text-xl my-2 flex items-center">A troubled heart. My life on Höegh Trooper Week 3</h3><p class="text-sm line-clamp-3 my-4">The engine is the steaming hot heart of the ship. After each brief visit to the engine room, I urgently need a cold shower, but the engineers seem unaffected by the heat: – It’s only 38 degrees today, says Harris, the second engineer. – In the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East, the temperature can surpass 50 degrees. At times, it’s only possible to work at night. Harris has worked in engine rooms for 13 years and still feels he’s learning something new every day.
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