Sonom,who was one of the chiefs in the Central Banner of the Left Wing of the Korcin Mongols,had a levirate marriage with one of the wives of his grandfather Manggus,namely,Korcin Amba Mama.Manggus and Amba Mama already had one daughter,who was,the Queen of Hong Taiji,who was the Khan of Manchu Khanate and the lord of Two Yellow Banners. Sonom and Amba Mama had at least one son and two daughters. When Amba Mama and her family visited Shenyang in 1633,Dodo,who was a younger brother by a different mother of Hong Taiji,petitioned to marry one of the daughters of Amba Mama. Hong Taiji consulted with lords of the other Banners about this marriage and consented to it. Dodo subsequently married that daughter in 1634. Dorgon,who was an older full brother of Dodo,married another daughter of Amba Mama. Dorgon and Dodo thus became sons-in-law of Amba Mama just like Hong Taiji. By those two marriages these three lords of Banners mutually confirmed that they formed one faction,besides other lords of Banners had acknowledged that faction beforehand.