元理论指的是广泛的观点,这些观点提出了关于现实本质的主张。元理论在哲学上是研究和实践的基础。尽管元理论在研究和实践中处于中心地位,但很少有研究活动具有明确的哲学基础。在定性和混合方法研究中,有许多有说服力的哲学论据援引元理论。我们认为选择和应用特定的元理论是个人表达和历史性的问题。在本文中,我们描述了批判现实主义(CR)的元理论,该理论为我们围绕复杂心力衰竭疾病管理干预措施的研究奠定了基础。CR认为现实是独立于思想的,并通过分层的本体论来观察这个现实。它的解释重点,生成逻辑,多因素和开放系统方法,而且它对各种方法的开放性使它成为利用定性,定量和混合方法在各种学科中进行研究的可行的元理论。CR诠释学,人种志,扎根理论,混合方法研究和批判现实主义者评论遵循CR的元理论假设;这些对于全面探索复杂的干预措施(包括其组成,环境和机制)非常有用。 Meta-theory refers to broad perspectives, which make claims regarding the nature of reality. Meta-theories philosophically underpin research and practice. Despite this centrality of meta-theory to research and practice, research studies seldom have a strong articulated philosophical basis. There are persuasive philosophical arguments for invoking meta-theory in qualitative and mixed-methods research. We argue that selecting and applying a particular meta-theory is a matter of personal expression and historicity. In this article, we describe the meta-theory of critical realism (CR), which underpins our research around complex heart failure disease management interventions. CR posits that reality is mind independent and views this reality via a stratified ontology. Its explanatory focus, generative logic, multifactorial and open systems approach, and its openness to a variety of methods make it a viable meta-theory for research in a variety of disciplines, utilizing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. CR hermeneutics, ethnographies, grounded theories, mixed-methods studies, and critical realist reviews follow the meta-theoretical assumptions of CR; these are extremely useful in exploring complex interventions holistically, including their components, contexts, and mechanisms.