
Collector of Revenue, Michelle D. McBride

Thank you for visiting our website!

Payments are processed in the order received. The quickest way to see your payment posted  (excluding coming to the office in person) is to pay online or over the pho ne (1-855-227-7840).  Payments made online are posted in our office the next business day. There is a drive-up drop box on Monroe Street near the corner of North Second Street in Saint Charles and another drop box in the lobby of the County Administration Building at 201 N Second Street in St Charles.

To pay or research accounts/bills, click on a search button at the right .

To see additional information about the Office, visit www.collector.sccmo.org

  • The Online Payment Transaction Receipt is not sufficient for license plate renewal . The official Paid Personal Property Tax Receipt is needed and will be mailed from the Collector's Office.  Please allow 5 business days for mail time and for the state to update its paid tax database.
  • To obtain a receipt immediately , DO NOT PAY ONLINE . Come to the Collector's Office, pay your bill with card, cash, check or money order and leave with an official paid receipt.
  • Reminder: Partial Payments are accepted on existing bills. Accounts must be paid in full to get the Personal Property Tax Receipt needed for Vehicle Registration Renewals.  All 2022 and prior Real Estate taxes must be paid in full to prevent their offering in the 2024 Tax Certificate Sale.
  • When funds submitted exceed the amount due on an account , a credit is typically placed on the record toward future taxes.  A written request (by mail or email) from the party making the payment and containing current contact information is required for the release of funds. Duplicate Payments , are typically rejected and returned.
  • Late payment interest and penalty are due on all tax payments made after January 1st of the year for which tax is assessed in accordance with State Law (Sections 52.290, 139.100, 140.100 RSMo).  The late payment interest and penalty is calculated based on the date of payment receipt or on the USPS postmark of the payment envelope.  The late payment interest and penalty increase on the first of each month.

    The Personal Property bills shown on this site only display the amount due. The listing of assets on a paper bill should include everything owned on January 1st of the tax year (Section 137.115 RSMo). If a zero-dollar-due or no bill is showing , it could be because the Assessor did not receive a completed Personal Property Assessment Form for the account.

    This site will cease to accept payments at 12:01am on the 1st of each month .  It re-opens for payments around the fifth business day of the month except in January when it re-opens around the 15th.  This is to allow sufficient time for updating to the current amount due.

    NOTE: No Personal Checks will be accepted for 2022 and prior years' Taxes. Payment for taxes past due by more than one year m ust be in the form of Cash, Cashier's Check, Money Order, Certified Funds or Credit Card.

    The online shopping cart is disabled the first 3-5 business days of the month... Statutory penalties are updated during that time.

    Pay By Check
    Please make checks payable to:
    Michelle D. McBride
    St. Charles County Collector

    Mailing Address:
    201 N Second St
    Suite 134
    Saint Charles, MO 63301

    Dropbox located inside the lobby at 201 North Second Street in Saint Charles

    Drive-up dropbox located on Monroe Street near the intersection of North Second and Monroe in Saint Charles

    Office Hours:
    Monday – Friday
    8:00am to 5:00pm

    The St. Charles County Collector’s Office makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, or its interpretation. All information provided by this online resource is subject to verification by the St. Charles County Collector’s Office.
