The campus is equipped with
[...] outdoor swimming pool, 9-hole go l f court , s qu ash a n d badminton courts , i nd oor and outdoor shooting [...]
ranges, football
court, cricket court and tennis court.
校內建有室外游泳池、9洞高爾夫球、回力球 羽毛 球場 、室內及室外射擊場、足球場、曲棍球場 及網 球場
A 200-square-foot fitness center, swimming pools,
[...] tennis, squ as h , badminton courts a n d a golf practicing [...]
area are all here for your enjoyment
and leisure at our hotel in Sukhumvit.
200 平方英尺(19
[...] 平方米)的健身中心、游泳池、网球场、壁球 毛球 场、 高尔夫练习区……各类设施应有尽有,缔造无与伦比的享乐及休闲时光。
There are several sports facilities,
[...] including an archery fi el d , badminton courts , t en -pin bowling lanes, [...]
indoor swimming pools, tennis
courts, soft tennis courts and football pitches.
水原市有多項運動設施,包括射箭場 、羽球 場、 保齡球場、室內游泳池、網球場、軟式網球場及足球場。
Students studying at SEGi College Subang Jaya also benefit from free access to sports facilities through the “SEGi-3K Sports Partnership”. This enables students to use
the gymnasium, swimming pool,
[...] football fi el d , badminton courts , s qua s h courts a n d other sporting [...]
facilities at the 3K Sports
Complex located across the road from the campus building.
受惠于“世纪学院—3K体育合作项目”,学生能免费使用运动设施,如健身房,游泳池,足 球场, 壁球 场,以及其他的设施。
The integrated sport training facilities include field and track, swimming pool,
wheelchair fencing pistes, table
[...] tennis tab le s , badminton courts a n d ha r d court f o r boccia, whilst [...]
ancillary facilities cover
hostel rooms specially designed for athletes with disabilities, disabled toilets and changing rooms, and wheelchair storage, etc. Moreover, a new covered walkway connecting the new multi-purpose building and other key facilities of the HKSIL will be provided.
綜合體育 訓練設施包括田徑場、游泳池、輪椅劍撃賽道、乒 乓球枱 羽毛球場 及硬 地滾球場;而配套設施包括傷殘運動員宿 舍、傷殘運動員洗手間及更衣室、輪椅存放處等。
The integrated sport training facilities include field and track, swimming pool,
wheelchair fencing pistes, table
[...] tennis tab le s , badminton courts a n d ha r d court f o r boccia, whilst [...]
ancillary facilities cover
hostel rooms specially designed for athletes with disabilities, disabled toilets and changing rooms, and wheelchair storage, etc. Moreover, a new covered walkway connecting the new multi-purpose building and other key facilities of the HKSIL will be provided.
综合体育训练设施 包括田径场、游泳池、轮椅剑击赛道、乒乓球 枱、 羽毛 球场 及硬 地滚球场;而配 套设施包括伤残运动员宿舍、伤残运动员洗手间及更衣室、轮椅存放处等。
There are various body building and recreational services and places, including hot springs, body building, recreational and sports places, out-door hot springs theme park, in-door hot springs recreational palace, hot spring swimming pool, SPA and health care center, in-door
carnival, game room, bowling center,
[...] in-door te nn i s court , badminton court , o th er ball game [...]
courts, gym, chess & card room,
night club, KTV, and EVD cinema.
北京九华山庄拥有丰富多彩的温泉、保健、娱乐、运动项目,露天温泉主题公园、室内温泉游乐宫、温泉游泳馆、 各种SPA和保健养生项目、大型室内嘉年华、游艺室、32道保龄球馆、室内网 场、 羽毛 球场 、各 种球类室、健身房、棋牌室及夜总会、KTV包房、EVD影院等。
It spreads over three platforms linked up by staircases and comprises two five-a-side hard-surfaced football pitches on the top platform; a children’s
play area on the middle
[...] platform; and t hr e e badminton courts , o ne volley ba l l court a n d two basketball [...]
courts on the lower platform.
[...] 樓梯連接的平台組成,設施包括上層平台的兩個五人硬地足球場;中 層平台的一個兒童遊樂處;以及低層平台的 三個 羽毛 場、 一個排球 和兩 個籃球場。
Maria is familiar with the rigors of competition – when she was nine, she
[...] played competi ti v e badminton a t n ational level [...]
for eight years.
Maria 深知比赛的艰苦 – 从 9 岁开始,她打了 8 年的国家 羽毛 比赛
Mr TONG Wai-lun said that the "M" Mark System, which was supported by ASDF in the provision of matching funds or direct grant for recognised sports events, had enabled Hong Kong to become a prime location for
hosting major sports events such as the
[...] Hong Kong Op e n Badminton S u pe r Series, [...]
a world tournament well received by local and overseas audience.
湯徫掄先生表示,由發展基金資助並為認可 運動賽事提供等額撥款或直接補助的"M"品牌制度,
[...] 令香港得以成為舉辦大型運動賽事(例如香 公開 羽 毛 球超 級賽 這類廣受本地及海外觀眾歡迎的世界錦 [...]
The ulti ma t e courts o f t he Judiciary must work in unison with the professional council and realize that its work is based on peer assessment and that any act which might appear trivial to t h e court m a y well be a [...]
severe one from the
point of professional misconduct.
法機 構最 終作決 的法 院, 必須 與專 業委員會的工作步伐㆒ 致,並須明白到,專業委員會的工作是以同業的評核為依據, 為只 是微 不 足道的行為,從醫療專業㆖失當的行為角度來看,卻可能非常嚴重。
Paragraph E of the advisory opinion of the
[...] Internati on a l Court o f J ustice on [...]
the legality of the threat or use of nuclear
weapons states that “the threat or use of nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, and in particular the principles and rules of humanitarian law”.
际法 院关 “以 核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性”的咨询意见 E [...]
段 指出,“以核武器相威胁或使用核武器,一般是违反适用于武装冲突的国际法规则, 特别是人道主义法的原则和规则”。
Based on the orders
[...] pronounced by the Hi g h Court , t he Group is of the view that it has strong grounds to continue to successfully argue before the In di a n Courts t h at it is not [...]
liable to tax in India.
的命 令, 本集團認為有充分的理據繼續向 度法 院成 功爭 辯毋 須在印度繳納 稅項。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit his next annual report on United Nations rule of law activities pursuant to paragraph 5 of resolution 63/128, taking note of paragraph 97 of his report
contained in document A/64/298; invited the
[...] Internati on a l Court o f J ustice, the [...]
United Nations Commission on International
Trade Law and the International Law Commission to continue to comment, in their respective reports to the Assembly, on their current roles in promoting the rule of law; invited the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group and the Rule of Law Unit to continue to interact with Member States on a regular basis, in particular in informal briefings; and invited Member States to focus their comments in the Sixth Committee debate at the sixty-fifth session on the sub-topic “Laws and practices of Member States in implementing international law” (resolution 64/116).
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长按照第 63/128 号决议第 5 段的规定,注意到 其报告(A/64/298)第 97
[...] 段的内容,提交其关于联合国法治活动的下一年度报告; 邀请国 、联 合国 国际贸易法委员会和国际法委员会在各自提交大会的报告 [...]
期与会员国互动,特别是举行非正式通报会;邀请各会员国在第六委员会于大会 第六十五届会议期间的辩论中重点就“会员国实施国际法的法律和实践”这一分 专题作出评论(第 64/116 号决议)。
Outstanding results were achieved in international competitions, including a gold medal in the Women's Team Event at the Asian Table Tennis Championships; gold medals at the East Asian
Squash Championships; very sound efforts
[...] by athlete s i n badminton , f en cing and [...]
table tennis at the Barcelona Olympics; gold
medals at the Asian Windsurfing Championships; and bronze medals at the Asian Swimming Championships.
[...] 的成績,計有:亞洲乒乓球錦標賽女子隊際項目金牌㆒面;東亞壁球錦標賽金牌 羽毛 球、 劍擊和乒乓球運動員在巴塞羅拿奧運會的優秀表現;亞洲滑浪風帆錦標賽某些項目 [...]
It should also be noted that the impact of the criminal embargo policy applied by the United States for some 50 years has also been felt in the area of sports; this year, the United
States Government refused to allow its team to travel to Cuba to play in the twelfth
[...] Internati on a l Badminton T o ur nament.
[...] 策带来的恶果。今年三月份,美国政府拒绝派代表团前往古巴参加第十二届 羽毛球比
As noted in annexes I and II, a mini-package costing an estimated $2,600 for
items and $40,500 for a facility would
[...] include volleyb al l , badminton a n d soccer ball [...]
sets, jump ropes, rugby balls and footballs,
exercise mats, a water cooler and a refrigerator, among other items.
附件一和附件二指出,一个“迷你”型成套设施物品费用大约为 2 600
[...] 美元,设施费用大约为 40 500 美元,其中将包括排球 、羽毛球 和足 球成套器材、 跳绳、橄榄球和足球、运动垫、水冷却器和一台冰箱,以及其它物品。
The Cotswolds is horseriding heaven, with the National Hunt
Festival (including the Gold Cup) taking over for a week in March, plus more
[...] horse-related events at Gatcombe a n d Badminton .
科茨沃尔德是骑马的天堂,每年三月有为期一周的全国狩猎节(包括金杯赛),另外盖特康伯(Gatcomb e)和巴德 明顿 Badminton) 更多 骑马相关活动。
Other YHA Opoutere hostel facilities include plug in insect repellent, free
[...] canoes, trampol in e , badminton a n d volleyball.
旅舍的其他设施包括插电式杀虫器、免费独木舟、蹦 床、 羽毛 和排
The Keep-fit place in Beifang Hot Spring Conference Center is a comprehensive place integrating indoor and outdoor sport and leisure as one whole, providing indoor sports of bowling, racket ball, table football, arrow-shooting, shooting with prize, gas ball, happy darts, happy
gift bag, table tennis, billiards, chess
[...] room, ten ni s , badminton , b as ketball and [...]
volleyball, etc. In each sport field, you
can enjoy the quality services we provide you and the professional coach will provide you with careful technology guidance.
北方温泉会议中心康体馆是集室内、室外、运动、休闲为一体的综合性场所,提供保龄球、沙壶球、壁球、桌上足 球、射箭、有奖射击、气悬球、快乐飞镖、快乐大礼包、乒乓球、台球、棋牌室、网球 羽毛球 、篮 球、排球等室内项目,在各运动场馆可以享受到我们为您提供的优质服务及专业教练耐心细致的技术指导。
Athletic activities include basketball,
[...] volleyball, soc ce r , badminton , p in g-pong, swimming, [...]
cross country, ultimate Frisbee and more.
[...] 90%的在校生积极参与到这些活动中来,其中包括篮球、排球、 足球 羽毛球 、乒 乓球、游泳、越野及飞盘等。
This would provide adequate resources for the Judiciary to appoint additional judges and judicial
officers at the
[...] levels of Dist ri c t Court a n d Magistrate s’ Courts t o f ill existing vacancies, appoint additional Deputy Judges and Judicial Officers at various level s o f court t o h elp improve [...]
waiting time in pressure
areas, and deploy and engage adequate staff to provide support to the increased level of judicial and registry services.
這筆撥款 會令司法機構有足夠的資源,增聘區域 院及 裁判法 院的 法官 及司法人員,以填補有關的職位空缺,增聘各級 法院的 暫委 法 官及司法人員,以按需要縮短輪候時間,及調派和聘用足夠員 工為提升司法服務及登記處服務提供支援。
Eight sports competitions will be held: athlet ic s , badminton , b as ketball, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball.
今屆港運會設有田徑 羽毛 球、 籃球、乒乓球、游泳、網球、五人足球和排球八項體育項目。
We find reasonable the ideas put forward by Mr. Jack Lang, the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues related to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, in his recent report (S/2011/30, annex), including the proposal
to establish a
[...] system of Som al i a courts c o mp rising a special iz e d court i n P untland, a special iz e d court i n S omaliland and a specialized extraterritorial So ma l i court o u ts ide the country.
我们认为,秘书长 索马里近海海盗行径所涉法律问题特别顾问杰克·兰 先生在其最近报告(S/2011/30,附件)中提出的想法 是有道理的,包括建立索马里 院系 统的 建议,包含 一个邦特兰特别 庭、 一个索马里兰特别法庭和该国 境外的一个域外索马里特 法庭
While other exis ti n g courts ( i n particular, the Spe ci a l Court f o r Sierra Leone) [...]
also recognize the importance of an office
dedicated to defence matters, this is the first time that that recognition has led to the establishment of an independent organ on a par with the Office of the Prosecutor.
尽管其他 有法 庭 (尤 其是塞拉利昂问题特 法庭 )也 承认设立一个专责被告方事务的办公室的 重要性,但这是这种承认首次导致设立一个与检察官办公室平行的独立机构的实 例。
The parties
[...] hereby irrevocably agree that t h e courts o f S ingapore are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement which cannot be settled successfully through the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) and that, accordingly, any legal action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (“Proceedings”) may be brought in t ho s e courts a n d the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of t ho s e courts P R OV IDED THAT nothing in this Clause shall limit the right of any party to take Proceedings in any o th e r court o f c ompetent jurisdiction nor [...]
shall the
taking of Proceedings in one or more jurisdictions preclude that party from taking Proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not.
5 . 4 司 法管 权: 双方特此不可撤销地同意,新 法院将 具有 关于 解决任何可能因本协议所引起或与之 相关的争议的司法管辖权,而这些争议无法通过新加坡调解中心 (SMC) 或新加坡仲裁 员协会 (SIArb) 予以解决;并同意,据此任何因本协议所引起或与之相关的法律诉讼 (以下称“诉讼”)可以提交给这 进行 处理 ,而且双方不可撤销地服从这些 法院 的 法管 辖权 ,但前提条件是:本条款中的任何规定均不会限制任何一方向具有同等司 法管辖权的其他任 何法 院提 诉讼 ,而且一方在一个或多个司法管辖区提起诉讼亦不会 妨碍该方在其他任何司法管辖区另行提起诉讼(不论是否同时进行)。
Compe te n t court m ea ns a court i n a Contracting State that, according to the rules on the internal allocation of jurisdiction among t h e courts o f t hat State, [...]
may exercise jurisdiction over the dispute.
三十、“管辖 法院” 是指 一缔约国内,根据本国法院之间管辖权内部划分规 则可以对某一争议行使管辖权 的法 院。