render settings:

    this.renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
    this.renderer.toneMapping = this.toneMappingOptions[ this.params.toneMapping ]; //'ACESFilmic'
    this.renderer.toneMappingExposure = this.params.exposure; //0.9

world colors set with:


hdr environment:

    new RGBELoader().load("assets/hdr/color_sky_3.hdr", ( _texture )=>{
        _texture.mapping = THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping; //THREE.CubeReflectionMapping; //THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping;
        this.scene.environment = _texture; 
        this.scene.environment.needsUpdate = true;

When I don’t set scene.environment to the hdr coloring is fine:
Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 1.40.23 PM1664×994 50.1 KB

Any idea what may cause this? I haven’t seen this issue yet…

If you lower the intensity of your environment map it might look better - but what it looks like is the HDR environment has some bright lighting to it pushing the rendered colors to some pretty high values, and then tonemapping gives those light colors for particularly bright values. Playing with the exposure may help here, as well.

Otherwise you may need to provide a live demo and show what hdr map you’re using for more help.

Thanks for reply. Yes, I think I will have to try reduce the coloring of the hdr I just don’t quite understand why it was fine in blender and fine in older threejs and now way too bright.

Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 3.40.38 PM1254×706 21.2 KB

Does a similar change appear if you disable tone mapping both before and after the update?

Possibly related: Shaders: apply exposure boost to ACES Filmic tone mapping by WestLangley · Pull Request #19696 · mrdoob/three.js · GitHub … but there have been lots of changes related to environment maps and PMREM and lighting and tone mapping over various versions. It would narrow things down a lot to know what versions you’re updating from and to.


but there have been lots of changes related to environment maps and PMREM and lighting and tone mapping over various versions

@donmccurdy yes seems so

I will fix it by adjusting the hdr, thanks.