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Water cooler (n.) 飲水機

Water cooler 意思即是「飲水機」,同義詞還有 water dispenser (dispenser 意思是「分配器」),兩個名詞皆可用來指「飲水機」。Water cooler chat 可以理解為「茶水間的閒聊」,指的是同事在茶水間聊一些和工作無關的話題,亦可寫為 water cooler talk。

I happened to hear my colleagues talking about me behind my back during their water cooler chat .

Gossip (v.) 八卦

Gossip 可以當動詞或是名詞,接下來會出現在本文的為動詞:gossip about sb. 意思即是「講某人的八卦」。當名詞時 gossip 則可以指「八卦;流言」。

I miss the good old days gossiping with my friends at school.

Staff trip (n.) 員工旅遊

Staff 用來泛指「全體員工」,staff trip 指的即是「員工旅遊」,或可稱為 company trip。

Merriam is looking forward to her first staff trip .
Merriam 引頸期盼第一次員工旅遊。

所以 Ben 他們今天在聊什麼呢?

Ben: Hey! You guys started the water cooler chat without me?
Merriam: Come on, we knew you would come here and take a break soon enough.

Ben: Fine. So what are we
gossiping about today?
Merriam: We were just talking about the
staff trip .
Ben: Oh… right, we’re going to Penghu in three months.

Ben:噢… 對哦,我們三個月後要去澎湖。
Merriam: I’ve been thinking if I should buy a new bikini for the trip.


原來在聊員工旅遊啊!Merriam 竟然已經在想新泳衣的事了,先學習以下三個單字,然後繼續加入他們的聊天室吧!

Year-end banquet (n.) 尾牙

Year-end 為形容詞,意思是「年末的」,banquet 意指「宴會」(尤其用來指很正式的宴會),year-end banquet 指的即是「尾牙」,也可以說 year-end party。

Alison is going to play the guitar at the year-end banquet .
Alison 要在尾牙表演彈吉他。

Year-end bonus (n.) 年終獎金

Bonus 的意思是「獎金;紅利」,year-end bonus 指的即是「年終獎金;年終分紅」。

Alison’s year-end bonus was smaller than she expected.
Alison 領到的年終獎金不如預期。

Performance (n.) 業績

一般常見 performance 用來指「表演;表現」,但用在職場上 performance 也可以指「業績;績效;工作表現」。

Eric’s excellent performance saw him win employee of the month six months in a row.
Eric 因著絕佳的表現連續六個月獲選為最佳員工。

所以 Merriam 決定為了員工旅遊買比基尼了嗎?繼續聽下去!

Ben: Sure, why not? Seeing as it’s your first trip to Penghu, you’ll definitely end up taking lots of photos at the beach.
Merriam: You’re right. In fact, there’s a bikini I’ve had my eye on for a while.

Ben: So what are you waiting for?

Merriam: The only problem is that the one I want is quite expensive.

Ben: Hmm … Isn’t the
year-end banquet next week? Once you get your year-end bonus you’ll have no problem buying whatever bikini you like.
Ben:嗯… 下禮拜不是尾牙嗎?你到時候拿到年終獎金想買什麼比基尼都沒問題了。
Merriam: I don’t think I can expect a very good bonus this year. My
performance has been really bad, so I reckon I won’t get much.



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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語