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Already on GitHub? Sign in to your account Constraints constraints = new Constraints . Builder () . setRequiredNetworkType ( NetworkType . CONNECTED ) . build (); PeriodicWorkRequest myWorkRequest = new PeriodicWorkRequest . Builder ( UpdateWeatherWorker . class , 1 , TimeUnit . MINUTES ) . setConstraints ( constraints ) . build (); WorkManager . getInstance (). enqueueUniquePeriodicWork ( "12312ds" , ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy . KEEP , myWorkRequest ); public class UpdateWeatherWorker extends Worker { public static final String TAG = UpdateWeatherWorker . class . getSimpleName (); @ NonNull @ Override public Result doWork () { if ( BuildConfig . DEBUG ) Log . d ( TAG , "worker started" ); return Worker . Result . RETRY ;

Time of start Worker is not periodically in 1 minute:

08-07 11:23:15.905 11773-11814/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:23:15.917 11773-11814/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 11:23:46.052 11773-11854/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:23:46.062 11773-11854/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 11:24:46.323 11773-11872/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:24:46.328 11773-11872/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 11:26:46.560 11773-11814/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:26:46.566 11773-11814/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 11:30:46.794 11773-11854/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:30:46.799 11773-11854/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 11:39:42.133 11773-11872/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:39:42.139 11773-11872/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 11:55:42.240 11773-11814/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 11:55:42.255 11773-11814/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
08-07 12:27:42.400 11773-11854/com.example.technomag.weatherapp D/UpdateWeatherWorker: worker started
08-07 12:27:42.413 11773-11854/com.example.technomag.weatherapp I/WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=50a6a163-be82-40ba-a26f-cf47d8337c15, tags={ com.example.technomag.weatherapp.UpdateWeatherWorker } ]
  iamkdblue, BenoitDuffez, gurleensethi, rushdroid, pess0a, 02gaurav, rodgarcialima, Shamyyoun, siaLp2020, sac-sha, and 10 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
  vferreirati, rushdroid, cassioso, ThisIsAreku, SaeedMasoumi, gsandaru, tsal, rezazarchi, OhhhThisVarun, and tongbaoloc reacted with confused emoji
  sac-sha and kanghb reacted with rocket emoji
    All reactions

15 minutes is min, you can see in the source:
public final class PeriodicWorkRequest extends WorkRequest { /** * The minimum interval duration for {@link PeriodicWorkRequest} (in milliseconds). */ public static final long MIN_PERIODIC_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 15 * 60 * 1000L; // 15 minutes. /** * The minimum flex duration for {@link PeriodicWorkRequest} (in milliseconds). */ public static final long MIN_PERIODIC_FLEX_MILLIS = 5 * 60 * 1000L; // 5 minutes.
It would be nice to have this specified in the documentation though (or maybe fail fast and throw a RuntimeException if you try to go under this?)

I created 20 min interval periodic work request but it's not working periodically. It runs just once when app runs first time. am I doing something wrong?

My Worker class

public class MyCustomWorker extends Worker {
    public Result doWork() {
        Log.d("Worker", "doWork() called");
        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "my_channel_id_01";
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            NotificationChannel notificationChannel = new NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, "My Notifications", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT);
            // Configure the notification channel.
            notificationChannel.setDescription("Channel description");
            notificationChannel.setVibrationPattern(new long[]{0, 1000, 500, 1000});
        NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext(), NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID);
                .setContentTitle("Default notification")
                .setContentText("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.")
        notificationManager.notify(/*notification id*/1, notificationBuilder.build());
        return Result.SUCCESS;

Initialization of periodic work

    private void prepareWork(){
        PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder myWorkBuilder =
                new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(MyCustomWorker.class, 20, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
        PeriodicWorkRequest myWork = myWorkBuilder.build();
                .enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("jobTag", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, myWork);

Device -> Nexus 5X Api 27 Emulator
WorkManager version -> 1.0.0-alpha07

Thanks for reporting this.
I'm closing this issue because this forum is for issues with the codelab.

If you think that this is a problem of the WorkManager library, please open a bug on the WorkManager public issue tracker: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=409906&template=1094197

Please reopen if you still think this is an issue with the codelab.

The same issue, PeriodicWorkRequests only run a single time, when I remove the app from the background.
library : implementation 'androidx.work:work-runtime:2.2.0'
Component: PeriodicWorkRequests, WorkManager
Mobile: Vivo 1804
Android version: 9 pie

PeriodicWorkRequests only run a single time, when I remove the app from the background.
library version ::1.0.0-alpha11
device honor 9n