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埃博拉病毒  · 风流倜傥的消炎药  · heroes  ·  8 月前
2021年10月13日 ... Nancy Powell, who led Ebola epidemic response efforts from Washington. The Foreign Service Institute's Deputy Director Joan Polaschik will;...
埃博拉病毒  · 风流倜傥的消炎药  ·  ·  8 月前
2023年4月20日 ... Overview. Ebola virus disease (EVD or Ebola) is a rare but severe illness in humans. It is often fatal. People get infected with Ebola by;...
埃博拉病毒  · 风流倜傥的消炎药  ·  ·  8 月前
The first-ever UN emergency health mission, UNMEER, was established on 19 September 2014 and closed on 31 July 2015, having achieved its core objective of;...
埃博拉病毒  · 风流倜傥的消炎药  · sierra  ·  8 月前
2016年3月1日 ... The 2013-2016 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone was the worst in history with over 28000 cases and 11000 deaths.
埃博拉病毒  · 风流倜傥的消炎药  ·  ·  8 月前
2019年9月23日 ... The investigational antiviral agent GS-5734, also known as remdesivir, is being developed by Gilead as a treatment for Ebola virus disease.