University of Minnesota
  • One Stop
  • Check out these featured facts about Fritz Lang’s Metropolis : Silent Film with Live Music Featuring Peter Richard Conte, organ
    In-person, livestream on Sun, Mar 13, and on-demand through Mar 26.

    Directed by Fritz Lang, Metropolis stunned audiences with its pioneering special effects and elaborate production design. Called a “futuristic masterpiece,” the dark plot of Metropolis depicts a classist struggle between industrialists and the workers they exploit, a love story, and an out-of-control robot.

    A German Expressionist, director Fritz Lang was called the "Master of Darkness" by the British Film Institute. After emigrating to the US, he became a Hollywood film-noir heavyweight. He continued to make films until the 1960s, some featuring all-star casts including icons such as Barbara Stanwyck and Marilyn Monroe.

    Lang and gifted cinematographer Karl Freund created production design techniques and special effects for Metropolis that dazzled and influenced generations of filmmakers. Its impact can be found in science-fiction films from Blade Runner, Brazil and works from Alfred Hitchcock, to Dr. Who, Young Frankenstein and Avatar in the 21st century. A Sight and Sound critic’s poll in 2012 named Metropolis one of the The 100 Greatest Films of All Time .