package net . sourceforge . barbecue . linear . code128 ;
import java . util . ArrayList ;
import java . util . List ;
import net . sourceforge . barbecue . BarcodeException ;
import net . sourceforge . barbecue . BlankModule ;
import net . sourceforge . barbecue . CompositeModule ;
import net . sourceforge . barbecue . Module ;
import net . sourceforge . barbecue . linear . LinearBarcode ;
* This is a concrete implementation of the Code 128 barcode. It fully supports all three
* available character sets (A, B and C), and also fully supports code shifts and set
* changes on-the-fly, providing an automatic optimisation mode.
* @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Ian Bourke</a>
public class Code128Barcode extends LinearBarcode {
/** Character set A flag */
public static final int A = 0 ;
/** Character set B flag */
public static final int B = 1 ;
/** Character set c flag */
public static final int C = 2 ;
/** Auto character set flag */
public static final int O = 3 ;
/** Code shift character */
public static final String SHIFT = " \306 " ;
/** Code set change from current to A character */
public static final String CHANGE_TO_A = " \311 " ;
/** Code set change from current to B character */
public static final String CHANGE_TO_B = " \310 " ;
/** Code set change from current to c character */
public static final String CHANGE_TO_C = " \307 " ;
/** FNC1 start character */
public static final String FNC_1 = " \312 " ;
public static final Module START_A = new Module ( new int [] { 2 , 1 , 1 , 4 , 1 , 2 });
public static final Module START_B = new Module ( new int [] { 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 4 });
public static final Module START_C = new Module ( new int [] { 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 2 });
protected static final Module STOP = new Module ( new int [] { 2 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 });
protected static final Module QUIET_SECTION = new BlankModule ( 10 );
private static final Module [] START = {
protected static final int [] START_INDICES = {
103 , 104 , 105
protected static final int [] BUF_SIZES = {
1 , 1 , 2
protected int startIndex ;
protected int mode ;
private int startingMode ;
private boolean shiftNext ;
private boolean shifted ;
private CharBuffer buf ;
private Module checkDigit ;
private boolean optimising ;
private Accumulator sum ;
private Accumulator index ;
* Create a new Code 128 barcode using character set B.
* @param data The data to encode
* @throws BarcodeException If the data to be encoded is invalid
public Code128Barcode ( String data ) throws BarcodeException {
this ( data , O );
* Creates a new Coded 128 barcode with the specified data and the specified
* character set.
* @param data The data to encode
* @param mode The character set to use for encoding
* @throws BarcodeException If the data to be encoded is invalid
public Code128Barcode ( String data , int mode ) throws BarcodeException {
super ( data );
if ( mode == O ) {
optimising = true ;
this . mode = B ;
} else {
optimising = false ;
this . mode = mode ;
this . startingMode = this . mode ;
this . shiftNext = false ;
this . shifted = false ;
this . startIndex = START_INDICES [ this . mode ];
* Returns the current character set being used in this barcode.
* @return The flag indicating the current character set
public int getCharacterSet () {
return startingMode ;
@ Override
protected String beautify ( String s ) {
return s ;
* Returns the width of the encoded symbol portion of the barcode in pixels for
* the given resolution.
* @param resolution The resolution to calculate the width for
* @return The width of the encoded portion of the barcode
protected double getSymbolWidth ( int resolution ) {
// L = (11C + 35)X (alphanumeric) L = (5.5C + 35)X (numeric only using Code C)
// where
// L = length of symbol (not counting quiet zone)
// C = number of data characters, code characters and shift characters
// (do not include start, stop or checksum. They are automatically added in.)
// X = X-dimension
double barWidthMM = convertToMillimetres ( getBarWidth (), resolution );
double multiplier = 11 ;
if ( startingMode == C ) {
multiplier = 5.5 ;
return ( multiplier * getData (). length () + 35 ) * barWidthMM ;
* Calculates the minimum allowed barcode height for the barcode. The height must
* be at least .15 times the length of the symbol (excluding quiet zones) and .25
* inches (whichever is larger).
* @param resolution The output resolution (for calculating the width)
* @return The minimum height
protected int calculateMinimumBarHeight ( int resolution ) {
// The height of the bars must be at least .15 times the symbol's length or .25 inches,
// whichever is larger
double point25Inches = resolution * 0.25 ;
// TODO: Need to get rid of this and do it in the output class
return ( int ) Math . max (( 0.15 * getSymbolWidth ( resolution )), point25Inches );
* Encodes the data of the barcode into bars.
* @return The encoded bar data
public Module [] encodeData () {
// We are calculating the check digit as we encode - this will ensure that it is
// calculated correctly, even with code changes to char set C
sum = new Accumulator ( startIndex );
List < Module > modules = new ArrayList < Module >();
buf = new CharBuffer ( BUF_SIZES [ mode ]);
index = new Accumulator ( 1 );
padDataToEvenLength ();
String data = getData ();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data . length (); i ++) {
char c = data . charAt ( i );
if ( optimising && startingMode == B ) {
if ( i + 1 < data . length () && isControl ( c ) && mode != A ) {
if ( mode == B ) {
encode ( modules , SHIFT );
} else {
encode ( modules , CHANGE_TO_A );
} else if ( i + 3 < data . length () && digitGroupIsNext ( i , data ) && mode != C ) {
encode ( modules , CHANGE_TO_C );
} else if ( i + 1 <= data . length () && digitGroupEndIsNext ( i , data )
&& mode == C && buf . size () != 1 ) {
encode ( modules , CHANGE_TO_B );
if ( isShiftOrCode ( c )) {
encode ( modules , String . valueOf ( c ));
buf . clear ();
} else {
buf . addChar ( c );
if ( buf . isFull ()) {
encode ( modules , buf . toString ());
buf . clear ();
checkDigit = ModuleFactory . getModuleForIndex ( sum . getValue () % 103 , mode );
mode = startingMode ;
return modules . toArray ( new Module [ 0 ]);
private boolean isShiftOrCode ( char c ) {
String s = String . valueOf ( c );
return ( s . equals ( SHIFT )
|| s . equals ( CHANGE_TO_A )
|| s . equals ( CHANGE_TO_B )
|| s . equals ( CHANGE_TO_C )
|| s . equals ( FNC_1 ));
* Calculates the check sum digit for the barcode.
* @return The check sum digit
public Module calculateChecksum () {
if ( checkDigit == null ) {
encodeData ();
return checkDigit ;
* Returns the pre-amble for the barcode. This is a combination of a
* quiet section and the start character for the character set that the barcode
* was constructed with.
* @return The pre-amble
protected Module getPreAmble () {
CompositeModule module = new CompositeModule ();
if ( isDrawingQuietSection ()) {
module . add ( QUIET_SECTION );
module . add ( START [ mode ]);
return module ;
* Returns the post amble for the barcode. This is the combination
* of the stop character anda quiet section.
* @return The post amble
protected Module getPostAmble () {
CompositeModule module = new CompositeModule ();
module . add ( STOP );
if ( isDrawingQuietSection ()) {
module . add ( QUIET_SECTION );
return module ;
private boolean isControl ( char c ) {
return Character . isISOControl ( c );
private boolean digitGroupIsNext ( int index , String chars ) {
char c1 = chars . charAt ( index );
char c2 = chars . charAt ( index + 1 );
char c3 = chars . charAt ( index + 2 );
char c4 = chars . charAt ( index + 3 );
return ( Character . isDigit ( c1 )
&& Character . isDigit ( c2 )
&& Character . isDigit ( c3 )
&& Character . isDigit ( c4 ));
private boolean digitGroupEndIsNext ( int index , String chars ) {
if ( index == chars . length () - 1 ) {
return true ;
char c1 = chars . charAt ( index );
char c2 = chars . charAt ( index + 1 );
return (( Character . isDigit ( c1 ) && (! Character . isDigit ( c2 )))
|| (! Character . isDigit ( c1 )));
* Pads the data to be encoded to an even length by prepending "0" characters.
* This is only valid for pure character set C barcodes.
private void padDataToEvenLength () {
// Only for Code C
String data = getData ();
if ( startingMode == C && data . length () % 2 != 0 && ! containsShiftOrChange ( data )) {
data = '0' + data ;
setData ( data );
private boolean containsShiftOrChange ( String data ) {
return (( data . indexOf ( CHANGE_TO_A ) >= 0 )
|| ( data . indexOf ( CHANGE_TO_B ) >= 0 )
|| ( data . indexOf ( CHANGE_TO_C ) >= 0 )
|| ( data . indexOf ( SHIFT ) >= 0 ));
private void clearShift () {
if ( shifted ) {
shifted = false ;
shiftNext = false ;
mode = shiftMode ();
private void checkShift ( Module module ) {
if ( module instanceof ShiftModule ) {
mode = shiftMode ();
shiftNext = true ;
} else if ( shiftNext ) {
shifted = true ;
private int shiftMode () {
if ( mode == A ) {
return B ;
} else {
return A ;
private void checkCodeChange ( Module module ) {
if ( module instanceof CodeChangeModule ) {
mode = (( CodeChangeModule ) module ). getCode ();
buf = new CharBuffer ( BUF_SIZES [ mode ]);
private void encode ( List < Module > modules , String data ) {
Module module = ModuleFactory . getModule ( data , mode );
updateCheckSum ( data );
checkShift ( module );
checkCodeChange ( module );
modules . add ( module );
clearShift ();
private void updateCheckSum ( String data ) {
int code = ModuleFactory . getIndex ( data , mode );
sum . add ( code * index . getValue ());
index . increment ();
private double convertToMillimetres ( double barWidth , int resolution ) {
//25.4 mm in 1 inch
double pixelsPerMM = resolution / 25.4 ;
return barWidth / pixelsPerMM ;