
By Bha rat

Harpsichord vs piano- read about the two famous musical instruments used during the renaissance period to the classical era. Learn about the differences between the harpsichord and the piano. Both, harpsichord and a Clavichord are the stringed keyboard instruments.

羽管键琴vs钢琴-这是一篇关于在文艺复兴时期到古典主义时期两件著名乐器的文章。让我们来领略羽管键琴与钢琴的不同之处。 首先,羽管键琴和击弦古钢琴都是弦鸣键盘乐器。

What is Clavichord?


Clavichord is a stringed keyboard instrument that was popular during the renaissance ,baroque and classical periods. The clavichord was never used in the concerts because of its softer tone. However, the mild and mellow musical tone made it a perfect instrument for practicing and composing music.

古钢琴是盛行于文艺复兴时期、巴洛克时期与古典主义时期的击弦键盘乐器。 古钢琴因其过于细小的声音从不在音乐会上使用,但这温润的声音却是练琴与作曲的绝佳乐器。

What is harpsichord?


Harpsichord is a stringed musical instrument played using the keyboard. The strings are played using the plucking mechanism with the help of quills attached to the jack that triggers the note when the key is pressed. It is still not clear who invented the harpsichord, however, there are mentions of the musical instruments in the 14 th-century literary work. This means that harpsichord is a known musical instrument having a history of at least 600 years.


Harpsichord vs piano- is the harpsichord same as the piano? No. Here are 6 differences between the harpsichord and the piano.

羽管键琴VS钢琴——二者一模一样吗?不。 羽管键琴与钢琴之间有这6点差异:

#1 the piano is relatively newer instrument

#1 钢琴是相对而言年代更靠后产生的乐器

Harpsichord was invented during the 15th century while the piano relatively a new instrument built around the late 18th century.


#2 harpsichord strings are plucked and not hammered.


Unlike the piano ,the strings of the harpsichord are plucked and not hammered.

Harpsichord has a mechanism similar to the guitar plectrum that plucks the strings when the keys on the keyboard are pressed. Surprising the jack comes with a damper that stops playing the musical note when the key is released.


#3 a harpsichord may pluck two strings at a time.

#3 羽管键琴一次拨两弦

Another peculiar thing about a harpsichord is that the key stroke plucks two strings one at a time. The string arrangement is somewhat similar to the twelve string guitar.


#4 a piano may always have a single keyboard while a harpsichord my not.

#4 钢琴只有一列键盘而羽管键琴不一定

Harpsichord may have a single or a double keyboard known as “manuals”. The stacked layer of keyboards is mapped to different sets of strings that produce sounds that have more treble and resembles more like a nasal noise. This mechanism gives a great range of frequencies to write melodious compositions.A typical harpsichord may have around 4 to 6 octaves ,while a standard grand piano has around 88 keys with little more than 7 octaves.

羽管键琴可能是单列键盘也可能是双层键盘。堆叠的键盘对应着不同的弦,这样能产生甚于三倍或更类似于噪音的声音。 这个机制给了很大的可能性去创作旋律性作品。传统的羽管键琴大概只有4-6个八度的音域,而一个标准的钢琴有大概88个琴键、超七个八度的音域。

#5 it is more painful to tune a harpsichord than a piano

#5 给羽管键琴调音比给钢琴调音更加繁琐

The strings of the piano are always under tremendous pressure. This gives them the characteristic tone and the loudness that is required for a concert performance. An ideal grand piano may have a combined pressure of around 30 tons on all of its strings. Hence , it is very less likely to tune the piano more often.The harpsichord strings being under very less tensions keeps losing its tensile strength. Therefore, the strings are required to be tuned again and again.


一架钢琴所有的弦大概承重30吨。因此,它也更少去频繁调音。 羽管键琴的琴弦在很小的拉力之下,渐渐失去了它的抗张强度。因此,琴弦总是需要一次又一次地调音。

#6 harpsichord has a beautiful past. The piano is the future.


The harpsichord was replaced by the piano because of the richer and loud musical notes of the richer and loud musical notes that may be required for a concert performance. The baroque period (1600-1750) was the golden period for the instrument. However, with the invention of the piano in the 18th century, the harpsichord started disappearing from the public performance scenes. It was only until the 20th century that musicians started experimenting with this historical instrument again.

羽管键琴被钢琴替代是因为钢琴有着更丰富、更响亮的乐音,它更为音乐会演奏所需要。 巴洛克时期(1600-1750)是羽管键琴的黄金期。但是,随着18世纪钢琴的发明,它开始消失在大众舞台上。 直到20世纪,音乐家才重新尝试这一历史性的乐器。





