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Introduction #

Pastas is an open source Python package to analyse hydro(geo)logical time series. The objective of Pastas is twofold: to provide a scientific framework to develop and test new methods, and to provide a reliable ready‐to‐use software tool for groundwater practitioners. All code is available from the Pastas GitHub . Want to contribute to the project? Check out the Developers section.


In this example a head time series is modelled in just a few lines of Python code.

# Import python packages
import pandas as pd
import pastas as ps
# Read head and stress data
obs = pd.read_csv("head.csv", index_col=0, parse_dates=True).squeeze("columns")
rain = pd.read_csv("rain.csv", index_col=0, parse_dates=True).squeeze("columns")
evap = pd.read_csv("evap.csv", index_col=0, parse_dates=True).squeeze("columns")
# Create and calibrate model
ml = ps.Model(obs, name="head")
sm = ps.RechargeModel(prec=rain, evap=evap, rfunc=ps.Exponential(), name="recharge")

Using Pastas? Please cite us!#

If you find Pastas useful and use it in your research or project, we kindly ask you to cite the Pastas article published in Groundwater journal as follows:

  • Collenteur, R.A., Bakker, M., Caljé, R., Klop, S.A., Schaars, F. (2019) Pastas: open source software for the analysis of groundwater time series. Groundwater. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12925.
