No other movie came close to "Iron Man 3" over the weekend. Michael Bay's "Pain & Gain" (
) was second, taking in about $7.6 million, for a two-week total of $33.9 million, according to, which compiles box-office baseball hit "42" chugged along in third place, selling an estimated $6.2 million, for a four-week total of $78.3 million.
Universal Studio City set up in 1915 to serve as the general headquarters of what was already the biggest film company in the United film studios as MGM,
, 20th Century Fox, and United Artists were not yet in existence. Universal Studio Hollywood was opened to the public on July 4, 1964, when the film market had dipped due to the rise of television in the early 1960s.
The strategy worked nicely for
, which wound up with five nominations for its relatively small comedy-drama "Nebraska," and it successfully put Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" into the awards mix, with nominations for not just the film but also for its star Leonardo DiCaprio. The prospects for Mr. Scorsese's film had been an open question. It had been delivered late, has still been seen by few and was snubbed entirely by the Screen Actors Guild.
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