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I'm using FFMpegFrameGrabber on android to consume an rtmp live stream, that streams at 30fps , i tried to set the grabber frame rate using setFrameRate(4) and setOption("framerate","4") , in order to resolve the lag, but neither worked. I also passed a set of options into the grabber such as ("fflags","nobuffer") that seems to be working for others, but non has an effect too.

    grabber = FFmpegFrameGrabber.createDefault(this.listener.getVideoUrlOrPath());
    grabber.setTimeout(Math.abs((int) GlobalHandler.configMnger.getConnectionTimeout() / 1000));
    grabber.setOption("fflags", "nobuffer");
    grabber.setOption("nobuffer", "1");
    grabber.setOption("max_delay", "0");
    grabber.setOption("hwaccel", "auto");
    grabber.setOption("vsync", "0");
    grabber.setOption("r", "4");
    grabber.setOption("preset", "ultrafast");
    grabber.setOption("tune", "zerolatency");
    grabber.setOption("analyzeduration", "0");
    grabber.setOption("fflags", "flush_packets");
    grabber.setOption("fflags", "nofillin");
    grabber.setOption("fflags", "noparse");
    grabber.setOption("flags", "low_delay");
    grabber.setOption("framedrop", "1");
    grabber.setOption("fflags", "discardcorrupt");
    grabber.setOption("framerate", "4");
    Frame image;

Please Note that remove all options gives identical results, where the only working option i have here is timout that is set using the setTimeout function above.

Any help please?. Thanks!!

The options we can use should all be documented on these pages: