以柳桉(Eucalyptus saligna)成年优株萌条的带芽茎段为外植体进行了组培快繁技术体系研究。研究结果表明:利用截干的方式,可获得最佳的促萌效果,萌芽率100%,平均萌芽数38。3月下旬为柳桉组培的最佳外植体获取时间。半木质化枝条为最佳外植体选择。MS+6-BA0.5 mg·L
+NAA0.05 mg·L
为柳桉初代诱导的最佳培养基,萌芽率66.67%。改良MS+6-BA1.0 mg·L
+IBA0.02 mg·L
+NAA0.05 mg·L
为柳桉增殖培养的最适培养基,增殖系数5.44。改良MS+6-BA0.01 mg·L
+IBA0.5 mg·L
+NAA0.2 mg·L
Studies were made of tissue culture and fast propagation system of
Eucalyptus saligna
by taking stem segments with auxiliary buds from superior plants' shooting as explants.The results showed that cutting the superior plants at the trunk base could get the best effect of promoting sprouting with germination rate of 100% and average number of 38 shoots.Late March was the best time to obtain explants and semi-lignified shoots were the best choice.The optimal medium for primary induction was MS+6-BA0.5 mg·L
+NAA0.05 mg·L
with a germination rate of 66.67%.The optimal medium for subculture was modified MS+6-BA1.0 mg·L
+IBA0.02 mg·L
+NAA0.05 mg·L
with a multiplication coefficient of 5.44.The optimal medium for rooting was modified MS+6-BA0.01 mg·L
+IBA0.5 mg·L
+NAA0.2 mg·L
with a rooting rate of 95% and the average root number of above 9.