* 职位描述:

招聘职位:助理顾问 /Analyst

(欢迎投递,简历请发送至HR Amy Xi, 邮箱:[email protected], 电话:021-33039510,请备注学校及姓名)


Participate in the project of enterprise digital transformation and assist with project manager/ team members to provide clients with consulting service by IT planning of industrial digital transformation and ERP implementation.

参与企业数字化转型项目,协助项目经理 / 团队成员为客户制定产业数字化转型的 IT 规划、 ERP 实施咨询服务。

Get involved in various consulting projects in a wide range of business areas including but not limited to S&O, RPA, BPR, etc.

参与业务领域广泛的各类咨询项目,所涉项目类型包括但不限于战略 & 运营管理,机器人流程自动化,流程优化等。

Provide consulting services for implementation, testing development, maintenance and enhancement of software packages and applications by utilizing software and accompanying development tools and environments.


•Be responsible for system implementation of SAP modules: demand analysis, problem solving, business process optimization, blueprint design, system configuration, program development and optimization, system testing and on-line support, etc.

负责 SAP 相关模块的系统实施工作:需求分析与问题处理、业务流程优化、蓝图设计、系统配置、程序开发与优化、系统测试和线上支持等。

Provide the necessary SAP background training for clients and apply corresponding ABeam method to support the implementation of SAP solutions.

为客户提供必要的 SAP 背景培训,并运用相应的 ABeam 方法论以支持 SAP 解决方案的实施。


Bachelor’s degree or above graduate in 2025

本科及以上学历, 2025 年应届毕业生

Excellent communication skills in English or Japanese


Strong analytic skills, problem-solving and logical thinking capability


Highly motivated, outstanding interpersonal skills and team spirit.


Desire to learn by pursuing personal and team development opportunities


Ability to work effectively with a diverse group of individuals at all levels of the organization


Flexible, willing to travel and willing to take challenge in a dynamic environment with enthusiasm



公司地址:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路 479 号上海中心 71 7101-7104


  • 每年 15 天带薪年假

  • 每年 96 小时带薪病假

  • 年终 13 薪,年度 Bonus( 结合公司效益及个人贡献 )

  • 项目出差津贴

  • 五险一金全额缴纳,额外提供补充医疗保险

  • 年度体检套餐及生日礼券

  • 完善的专业及其他课程,专业人士授课

  • 专项日语培训

  • 行业资质证书考取奖励制度

  • 丰富的学习资源,快速共享企业内知识库


  • 充分配合人才落户政策,达到上海落户标准的应届生即可申请

  • 具备公平透明的人才考评制度和清晰的晋升机制,只要个人能力及项目贡献度达到更高职位的资质,可实现快速的职位晋升

  • 提供广阔的发展空间和参与 global 项目的机会,入职即享专业化培训课程

  • 体验从 ERP ,战略管理到流程优化等多元化项目,迅速获取各行业领域的知识和经验