
FAO has three statutory bodies on statistics, composed of senior statistics officials from member countries, which meet every two years:

Their role is to review the state of food and agricultural statistics in their respective region, to advise Members on the development and standardization of agricultural statistics within the general framework of FAO’s work and to convene the study groups or other Subsidiary Bodies of national experts required for this purpose.


作为负责制定粮食及农业统计方法和标准及其在各国实施的联合国机构,本组织担任 联合国粮食安全、农业及农村统计专家委员会(UN-CEAG) 渔业统计协调工作组(CWP) 秘书处。

本组织还参加了 联合国统计委员会(UNSC) 下属的多个专家委员会和工作组(全球统计系统的最高机构,汇集了联合国所有成员国的统计部门负责人)以及与粮农组织统计职能相关的其他区域统计协调机构。

最后,本组织还每次与一个不同的成员国合作,共同组织 国际农业统计大会(ICAS) ,大会由 国际统计学会农业统计委员会(ISI) 主持,每三年举行一次。

The Unjust Climate - Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women, and youth
Follow the launch of the groundbreaking report measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth FAO-La Sapienza Seminar Series “Case Studies on Food and Agricultural Statistics”
26/02/2024 - 14/05/2024

The first meeting of the fourth series of seminars, “Case studies on food and agricultural statistics” in conjunction with La Sapienza, will take...
