-r, --random Generate a random-based UUID. This method creates a UUID consisting mostly of random bits. It requires that the operating system has a high quality random number generator, such as /dev/random. -t, --time Generate a time-based UUID. This method creates a UUID based on the system clock plus the system’s ethernet hardware address, if present. -h, --help Display help text and exit. -V, --version Print version and exit. -m, --md5 Use MD5 as the hash algorithm. -s, --sha1 Use SHA1 as the hash algorithm. -n, --namespace namespace Generate the hash with the namespace prefix. The namespace is UUID, or '@ns' where "ns" is well-known predefined UUID addressed by namespace name (see above). -N, --name name Generate the hash of the name. -x, --hex Interpret name name as a hexadecimal string.

uuidgen 命令实例:

uuidgen 创建随机 UUIDv4

uuidgen --random

uuidgen 根据当前时间创建 UUIDv1

uuidgen --time

uuidgen 创建具有指定命名空间前缀的名称的 UUIDv5

uuidgen --sha1 --namespace @dns|@url|@oid|@x500 --name object_name

uuidgen 命令扩展阅读:

  • blkid 命令
  • uuidgen 命令
  • pidof 命令
  • id 命令