Viltrox已經宣布推出AF 75mm f/1.2 XF鏡頭,這是一款獨特的鏡頭,具有不同於以往推出的焦距和光圈。值得一提的是,「XF」表示此鏡頭是Fujifilm XF接環的,但尚不清楚Viltr
18th Mar 2023
人氣套餐包括:1x 1英吋全景鏡頭,1x ONE RS 主機,1x 1英吋全景鏡頭保護邊框,1x 1英吋全景鏡頭專用豎拍電池底座,1x 1英吋全景鏡頭鏡頭保護套,1x 70cm隱形自拍棒和1x 64G
6th Aug 2022
首1kg 運費 HK$30,後續重每0.5 kg HK$6。
快件重量計算方式為實際重量或材積重量,取較重者。材積重量計算公式為: 長X闊X高(cm) / 6000。
如購買防潮箱、背景紙及其他大型貨品,客人可使用自費客貨車送貨,我們可代為安排客貨車,買方需負責所有運送相關費用。貨車會由深水埗開出,有現貨商品一般最快可安排翌日送貨,當貨品準備好後,我們會聯絡您相約送貨時間,您需到樓下可停車處取貨及支付車費,司機會於出車前聯絡您確認收貨地點,客貨車運費可參考下表。收貨時請務必接聽電話。背景紙需加收$15拆半網費。星期日及公眾假期需收取$20付加費。如需進入停車場或超時等候,買方需要支付額外付加費。如司機因未能聯絡收貨人而折返,買方需支付額外來回運費。以下價格只供參考,實際價錢可能相差~$10,價錢未包括隧道費,以客貨車報價為準。 送貨上門服務費用另議($300起)。
Pick up in store:
We will send you a WhatsApp message to inform you when the goods are ready. You can choose Sham Shui Po or Mong Kok to pick up the goods. You are required to show the message when you pick up the goods.
S.F. Express
The first 1kg shipping cost is HK$30.
Subsequent weight (per 0.5 kg) HK$6.
The weight of the shipment is calculated as the actual weight or the volume of the material, whichever is the heavier.
The formula for calculating the volume of the volume is: length X width X height (cm) / 6000.
The above shipping costs do not include non-business add-on (HK$30).
Deliver by Van
The delivery charges are listed in the table above, while tunnel fees and other expenses such as parking are excluded. The delivery service is provided by third party such as GoGoVan. You need to pay for the delivery charges when the driver arrives at your location and hand over the goods. Please note it is not a door to door service. You need pick up the goods at a nearest area that possible for the van to stop a while. Please keep your phone on so that the driver can contact you during delivery.
Hong Kong Island
New Territories
Sham Shui Po
Wan Chai
~$130+ tunnel
Tai Wai
~$95+ tunnel
Cheung Sha Wan
Causeway Bay
~$130+ tunnel
Sha Tin
~$95+ tunnel
North Point
~$130+ tunnel
~$95+ tunnel
Tai Kok Tsui
Quarry Bay
~$130+ tunnel
Deep well
Mong Kok
Tsuen Wan
~$130+ tunnel
Well tree
Yau Ma Tei
Happy Valley
~$135+ tunnel
Jiubei Mountain
Chai Wan
~$135+ tunnel
Ma On Shan
~$110+ tunnel
Kowloon City
Hong Kong University
~$150+ tunnel
Middle to large
~$110+ tunnel
Kwai Chung
Western ring
~$140+ tunnel
Sai Ying Pun
~$140+ tunnel
Tsim Sha Tsui
Sheung Wan
~$140+ tunnel
Tai Po
~$125+ tunnel
Jiu Long Tang
~$140+ tunnel
Ma Wan
~$125+ tunnel
Tsuen Wan
Wong Chuk Hang
~$140+ tunnel
He Wentian
Jardine's Lookout
~$145+ tunnel
Blue land
Hung Hom
Hong Kong guy
~$145+ tunnel
~$140+ tunnel
To Kwa Wan
Ap Lei Chau
~$145+ tunnel
Tsz Wan Shan
~$150+ tunnel
Flood bridge
Wong Tai Sin
~$150+ tunnel
Sheung Shui
~$145+ tunnel
Mid-Levels West
~$165+ tunnel
Yuen Long
Smooth village
Deep Water Bay
~$155+ tunnel
Tin Shui Wai
Tsing Yi
Repulse Bay
~$155+ tunnel
Sau Mau Ping
~$160+ tunnel
Lok Ma Chau
~$170+ tunnel
Liufu Mountain
Oil pond
Tai Tam
~$170+ tunnel
Tung Chung
Kwun Tong
Shi O
~$185+ tunnel
Tseung Kwan O
+ tunnel
Hollyland Solidcom C1 Pro-4S Full-Duplex Wireless Intercom System with 4 Headsets (1.9 GHz) 頭戴一體式無線對話系統
Hollyland Solidcom C1 Pro-6S Full-Duplex Wireless Intercom System with 6 Headsets (1.9 GHz) 頭戴一體式無線對話系統
使用Hollyland Solidcom C1 Pro Hub Base擴展您的對講系統的功能。雖然 Solidcom C1 Pro 系統允許您在沒有集線器的情況下操作多達 8 個耳機,但添加集線器允許您同時使用 1 個有線耳機和 8 個遠程耳機(耳機單獨提供)。該系統可以通過級聯額外的集線器單元進一步擴展,以容納更多耳機。
完整的 C1 Pro 系統在 1.9 GHz...
Hollyland Solidcom C1 Pro-8S Full-Duplex Wireless Intercom System with 8 Headsets (1.9 GHz) 頭戴一體式無線對話系統
Hollyland Solidcom C1 Pro-6S Full-Duplex Wireless Intercom System with 6 Headsets (1.9 GHz) 頭戴一體式無線對話系統