“仔细审题,覆盖要点”是carefully examine the topic and cover all main points。这里需要注意的是topic这个单词,它是“主题”“话题”的意思,比如:谈话的主题,the topic of conversation;文章问题,the topic of article。
为了让大家更好地区分theme与topic,我们考察一个句子:North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival. 北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。这里,北美文学是theme,主旨,这就意味着,在这个艺术节上的所有作品都围绕北美文学展开。如果换成topic,那就表示这个艺术节的有一个明确的主体,那就是北美文学,而theme则不要求明确的主题。
(上一期参考翻译:Examination should be fair, and cheating will greatly corrupt its fairness. Cheating in exams is not only unfair to other examinees, but also involves a person’s integrity. A lifelong stain will be left on anyone who behaves dishonestly. )