
Performance testing on a slow network and weak CPU using Puppeteer and React

In the previous article I've shown how to extract performance metrics from the React-based application using Puppeteer. We got ScriptDuration, Contentful Paint, Time To First Byte, Largest Contentful Paint, and other metrics. I also showed how to extract custom performance events using the performance API.

Today we will take a look into various testing conditions you might consider applying. We will set up the network limitations to simulate a slow 3g network, and we also will limit the CPU power to get a better understanding of how our application behaves on weak devices. Also, I will show how to test cache and cache-less scenarios to get performance metrics for the first visit and the next one. As an example, I will use the same React application as previously, however, this will work the same way for Angular, Vue, or classical website.

Testing the application on a slow network

While developing, we usually have pretty good equipment - fast and stable network, fast laptops with enough memory. However, this might do not apply to the end-users. As an example, according to the latest statistics , mobile internet varies from 0.54MBit/s in Tanzania to 59.6MBit/s in Canada.

And this is something we might forget while developing. Thus, if your product will be used worldwide, performance testing with network limitations is more than crucial for you. Luckily it's a pretty easy task.

First of all, we need to define the network conditions that should be applied. Right now we can set up downloadThroughput , uploadThroughput and latency . For example, a slow 3g network will look something like this:

const slow3g = {
  offline: false,
  downloadThroughput: (0.4 * 1024 * 1024) / 8,
  uploadThroughput: (0.4 * 1024 * 1024) / 8,
  latency: 2000,

The next step is to apply this configuration while testing. This task is also pretty simple and consists of 3 steps:

  • Create CDP sesstion using createCDPSession (we will also reuse it for other purposes)
  • Turn ON network using .send("Network.enable")
  • Send configuration using .send("Network.emulateNetworkConditions", slow3g)
  • Working example:

    // create CDP session
    const pageSession = await page.target().createCDPSession();
    // turn ON network
    await pageSession.send("Network.enable");
    // configure network
    await pageSession.send("Network.emulateNetworkConditions", {
      offline: false,
      downloadThroughput: (0.4 * 1024 * 1024) / 8,
      uploadThroughput: (0.4 * 1024 * 1024) / 8,
      latency: 2000,

    Now, if you run npm run e2e you will see pretty many differences between the vanilla test and test with simulated 3g network:

    appRendered TaskDuration

    As you can see, the appRendered metrics grew more than 61X. What is also worth mentioning, that TaskDuration metrics stay the same because we only limited the network and the compute power remains the same.

    Of course, you may apply any network conditions (4g, WiFi) you feel are suitable for your product. Some extra examples can be found here.

    Testing the application on with CPU throttling

    As you might already know, 55% of the page views in 2021 were done through mobile phones. Currently, the are around 5 280 000 000 mobile devices in use around the world. And most of them are not that powerful as a developer laptop. Frankly speaking, their CPU is pretty weak and comparable to the Octa-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A53. This leads us to the situation when the application will work slowly with perfect network conditions because of intensive CPU operations like JS parsing, JS execution, force reflows, and such other expensive stuff.

    And of course, there are a bunch of cheap or outdated laptops that you also might want to cover. This leads us to the importance of testing for the weak CPU conditions, and the good news is that this is an even easier task than the previous.

    All you need is to set throttling rate using pageSession.send('Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate', config}. The only possible caveat is - not possible to set up exact CPU power (frequency, cache, etc), you can only throttle your current CPU in 2-3-4-X times:

    await pageSession.send("Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate", { rate: 4 });

    Test results with the throttling will look like this:

    appRendered TaskDuration

    Note that TaskDuration timing increased 4.9 times which naturally affects all other metrics.

    Testing the application with and without caching

    Before this point, we worked with the cacheless scenario. However, this was done unintentionally - we used a new browser instance for each test. In the real world, you might want to run a series of tests and it might be beneficial if we could control caching strategy. For this purposes, Puppeteer has special API - setChacheEnabled and Network.setCacheDisabled command. Altogether this looks like this:

    await page.setCacheEnabled(false);
    await pageSession.send("Network.setCacheDisabled", { cacheDisabled: true });