• 进化与发育 Laboratory for Evolution & Development
  • 纤毛与器官发育 Laboratory of Cilia Biology & Organogenesis
  • 形态发生与进化 Laboratory for Morphogenesis & Evolution
  • 生态与适应进化 Laboratory of Ecology and Adaptive Evolution
  • 海洋资源生物学 Laboratory for Marine Resources Biology
  • 微生物海洋学 Laboratory for Microbial Oceanography
  • 发育与再生 Laboratory for Development & Regeneration
  • 进化基因组学 Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics
  • 海洋病毒与微型生物多样性 Laboratory of Viral & Microbial Diversity
  • 海洋生物遗传学 Laboratory of Genetics of Marine Organisms
  • 海洋动物细胞培养与组织再生 Laboratory of Cell Culture & Tissue Regeneration of Marine Animals

  • 实验室的研究方向是动物组织器官形态发生与适应性进化。以果蝇和海鞘等模式动物为材料,通过细胞遗传发育生物学技术手段,结合数学物理模型,研究囊泡极性运输、细胞骨架动态、细胞外基质物理特性在动物重要器官形成过程中的角色和功能。同时运用组学途径揭示海鞘环境适应的基因组学基础及肠道微生物同宿主间的协同进化。 在器官发育和稳态维持机制等方面取得重要进展, 发现了脊索管腔形成的细胞学过程,揭示了调控细胞及器官形态发育变化的重要信号通路,建立了决定生物管腔几何形状的数学物理模型。 研究成果发表在 PNAS, PLoS Biology, eLife, Nature Communications Cell Reports Development FASEB J 等领域主流刊物。

    · 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项:细胞外基质在管腔器官形态发生与稳态维持中的角色和功能研究 (2020-2023)

    · 国家基金面上项目:真海鞘肠道微生物组学解析及活性成分功能鉴定 (2020-2023)

    · 国家基金面上项目:软骨调节素在海鞘脊索腔液形成中的分子调控机制 (2018-2021)

    · 国家基金面上项目:小窝蛋白在海洋模式动物海鞘脊索发育中的角色 (2016-2019)

    · 国家基金青年项目:激活 T细胞核因子5在海鞘脊索管腔形成中的渗透调控机制 (2017-2019)

    · 国家基金青年项目:间充质细胞 miR-4018a调控海鞘幼体变态的作用机制 (2018-2020)

    · 山东省重大科技创新工程专项课题 海洋微生物基因组进化及其与宿主协同进化 (2018-2020)

    · 山东省重大科技创新工程专项课题:海洋动物个体发育与系统演化遗传基础 (2018-2020)

    * 通讯作者, # 共同第一作者)

    1. Jiang A.#, Han K.#, Wei J.#, Su X.#,Wang R., Zhang W., Liu X., Qiao  J.,  Liu P., Liu Q., Zhang J. , Zhang N., Ge Y., Zhuang Y., Yu H., Wang  S.,  Chen K., Xu X., Yang H, Fan G*, Dong B.*. Spatially-resolved single-cell atlas of ascidian endostyle provides insights into the origin of vertebrate pharyngeal organs. Science Advances , 2024, 10 (13), eadi9035.

    2. Wei J.#, Zhang W.#, Jiang A#, Peng H.#, Zhang Q.#, Li Y., Bi J., Wang   L., Liu P., Wang J., Ge Y., Zhang L., Yu H., Li L., Wang S., Leng L.*,   Chen K.*, Dong B.* Spatiotemporal   hierarchy and allele-specific expression of zygotic genome activation   revealed by distant interspecific urochordate hybrids. Nature Communications , 2024, 15, 2395.

    3. Peng H., Qiao J., Wang G., Shi W., Xia F., Qiao R., Dong B .* A collagen-rich arch in the urochordate notochord coordinates cell shaping and multi-tissue elongation. Current Biology , 2023, 33: 1-14.

    4. Wei J.#, Liu, P.#, Liu F.#, Jiang A., Qiao J, Pu Z., Wang B., Zhang J., Jia D., Li Y.*, Wang S,* and Dong B* . EDomics: a comprehensive and comparative multiomics database for animal evo-devo. Nucleic Acids Research 2023, 51, D913–D923.

    5. Zhao L # , Gao F # , Gao S # , Liang Y # , Long H # , Lv Z # , Su Y # , Ye N # , Zhang L # , Zhao C # , Wang X, Song W*, Zhang S*, Dong B *, Biodiversity-based development and evolution: The emerging research systems in model and non-model organisms. Science China Life Sciences . 2021, 64(8):1236-1280. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-020-1915-y.

    6. Lu Q #, Gao Y#, Fu Y, Peng H, Shi W, Li B, Lv Z, Feng X, Dong B*, Ciona embryonic tail bending is driven by asymmetrical notochord contractility and coordinated by epithelial proliferation. Development . 2020. 147. doi:10.1242/dev.185868. ( 当期亮点文章,被选为最令人兴奋文章进行作者采访和推荐报道 )

    7. Wei J, Zhang J, Lu Q, Ren P, Guo X, Wang J, Li X, Chang Y, Duan S, Wang S, Yu H, Zhang X, Yang X, Gao H, Dong B *, Genomic basis of environmental adaptation in the leathery sea squirt ( Styela clava ). Molecular Ecology Resources . 2020. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13209 . ( 被选为当月亮点文章 )

    8. Wei J, Gao H, Yang Y, Liu H, Yu H, Chen Z*, Dong B *, Seasonal dynamics and starvation Impact on the gut microbiome of urochordate ascidian Halocynthia roretz . Animal Microbiome , 2020, 2: 30. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42523-020-00048-2 .

    9. Bhattachan P, Rae J, Yu H, Jung W, Wei J, Parton R. G, and Dong B*, Ascidian caveolin induces membrane curvature and protects tissue integrity and morphology during embryogenesis. The FASEB Journal, 2020, 34 (1): 1345-1361.

    10. Lv Z, Lu Q, Dong B*, Morphogenesis: a focus on marine invertebrates. Marine Life Science & Technology, 2019, 1:28-40.

    11. Lu Q, Bhattachan P, Dong B *. Ascidian notochord elongation, Developmental Biology . 2019, 448 147-153.

    12. Zhang X, Liu X, Liu C, Wei J, Yu H, Dong B* . Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in   ascidian  larval metamorphosis. BMC Genomics . 2018, 19(1):168

    13. Wei J, Wang G, Li X, Ren P, Yu H, Dong B *. 2017. Architectural delineation and molecular identification of   extracellular matrix in ascidian embryos and larvae. Biology Open 6(9): 1383-1390. ( 封面文章 )

    14 . 董波 * 。海洋模式动物海鞘及其脊索发育与调控 科学通报, 2015 60: 1167-1179.

    15. Sehring I, Recho P, Denker E, Kourakis M, Mathiesen B, Hannezo E*, Dong B *, Jiang D*. 2015. Assembly and   positioning of actomyosin rings by contractility and planar cell polarity. eLife 4: e09206. ( 当期亮点文章, faculty of   1000 专家推荐 )

    16. Hannezo E #, *, Dong B #, *,  Recho P, Joanny JF, Hayashi S. 2015. A cortical instability drives  periodic   supracellular actin pattern formation in epithelial tubes. PNAS 112 (28): 8620-8625. (PNAS 同期配发了点评文章 )

    17. Dong B , Hayashi S. Shaping of biological tubes by mechanical interaction of cell and extracellular   matrix. Current  Opinion in Genetics & Development , 2015, 32: 129-134. ( 邀请综述文章 )

    18. Sehring I # , Dong B # ,Denker  E,Bhattachan P,Deng W, Mathiesen B, Jiang D. An equatorial contractile  mechanism   drives cell elongation but not cell division. PLoS Biology , 2014,12(2): e1001781. ( 同期配发了点评文章, faculty of   1000 专家推荐 )

    19 . Dong B *,  Hannezo E, Hayashi S*. 2014. Balance between apical membrane growth and  luminal matrix   resistance  determines the shape of epithelial  tubule. Cell Reports 7(4): 941-950.

    20. Dong B ,  Miao GX, Hayashi S. A fat body-derived apical extracellular matrix  enzyme is transported to the tracheal   lumen and is required for tube  morphogenesis in Drosophila . Development, 2014 141 (21): 4104-4109. ( 当期亮点文 )

    21 . DongB ,  KakiharaK, Otani T, WadaH, Hayashi S. 2013. Rab9 and retromer regulate  retrograde trafficking of   luminal protein required for epithelial tube  length control. Nature Communications 4, 1358.

    22 . Dong B , Deng W, Jiang D, Distinct cytoskeleton populations and extensive crosstalk control Ciona notochord   tubulogenesis. Development , 2011, 138 (8): 1631-1641. (faculty of 1000 专家推荐 )

    23 . Dong B , Horie T, Denker E, Kusakabe T, Tsuda M, Smith WC, Jiang D.  Tube formation by complex cellular   processes in Ciona intestinalis notochord. Developmental Biology , 2009. 330: 237-249.

    Ocean University of China, Yushan Campus, No. 5 Yushan Road, Qingdao 266003, China, E-mail: [email protected]