C:\> Get-Location
By the way, PowerShell has been designed to be user-friendly, even old-school-Unix-shell-user-friendly, so there are built-in aliases for popular Linux/bash commands which are pointing to the actual cmdlet.
For example, bash users can still let their muscle memory type pwd
, because it is an alias to the cmdlet Get-Location
. Other alias to this cmdlet : gl
But you can use the aliases cd
, sl
or chdir
if you have old habits or to save typing when you are using PowerShell interactively at the console.
Conveniently, there is the built-in ls
alias for those who come from bash and dir
for those who come from cmd.exe.
A parameter combination which is frequently used is ls -ltr
, it sorts the items to get the most recently modified files at the end.
The PowerShell equivalent would be :
C:\> Get-ChildItem $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime
Directory: C:\Users\mbuisson\Desktop
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 18/10/2016 11:18 1998 MediaServerDscConfig.ps1
-a---- 22/10/2016 15:37 1567 CopyArtifactsToAzure.ps1
-a---- 25/10/2016 13:39 1470 Packaging.ps1
-a---- 09/11/2016 13:38 1742 Create-Nuspec.ps1
-a---- 21/11/2016 10:42 816 Mount-AzureFileShare.ps1
Notice how close to plain English the syntax is. This helps you “Think it, type it, get it” as Jeffrey Snover likes to say.
Sorting is based on a property, not a column, so you don’t need to know the column number, you just need the property name.
find :
But this time with the Include
(or Filter
) and Recurse
For example, a common use case of find is to look recursively for files which have a case-insensitive string in their name :
find . -type f -iname "azure"
PowerShell is case-insensitive in general, so we have nothing in particular to do in this regard :
Get-ChildItem -Filter "*azure*" -Recurse -File
Let’s say you want to copy a folder named Tools
including all its files and sub-directories to your home directory, in bash you run :
cp -R Tools ~/
In PowerShell on a Windows machine, you would run :
C:\> Copy-Item -Path '.\Tools\' -Destination $env:USERPROFILE -Recurse
is a scope modifier, it tells PowerShell to look for the variable named USERPROFILE
in a special scope : the environment. This is a convenient way to use environment variables.
In addition, the Path
and Destination
parameters are positional. Path
is at position 1 and Destination
is at position 2, so the following command accomplishes the same as the previous one :
C:\> Copy-Item '.\Tools\' $env:USERPROFILE -Recurse
To save even more typing, we could use the aliases cp
, copy
or cpi
Here is the equivalent of the (in)famous rm -rf
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
And if you tell me it’s too much typing, I’m going to throw aliases at you :
, ri
, rmdir
, rd
and del
mkdir :
C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name 'MyNewFolder'
Directory: C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 28/07/2016 11:23 MyNewFolder
It does create the parent if needed without any special parameter, so it works like mkdir -p
as well.
touch :
For those who like to “touch” to create a bunch of files, the cmdlet New-Item
can do it when specifying ‘File’ for the ItemType
A nice usage example is :
touch MyFile{1..4}
This creates 4 files : Myfile1, Myfile2, Myfile3 and Myfile4.
Here is a simple way to do this with PowerShell :
C:\> 1..4 | ForEach-Object { New-Item -ItemType File -Name "MyFile$_" }
Directory: C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 28/07/2016 11:30 0 MyFile1
-a---- 28/07/2016 11:30 0 MyFile2
-a---- 28/07/2016 11:30 0 MyFile3
-a---- 28/07/2016 11:30 0 MyFile4
This deserves a few explanations.
is the range operator, so 1..4
stands for 1,2,3,4.
is a cmdlet used for iteration. It executes the scriptblock between the {}
once for every object passed to it via the pipeline.
In case you are wondering what is the $_
in the example above, it is a representation of the object currently being processed, which was passed from the pipeline. So, in the example above, $_
stores the value 1
, then it stores the value 2
, then the value 3
and finally the value 4
cat :
Note that even when we run this cmdlet against a text file, this doesn’t output plain text, this outputs one object of the type [string]
for each line in the file.
we can use its aliases : cat
, gc
or type
tail :
tail -n7 ./MyFile1
This would output the last 7 lines of the file MyFile1 :
C:\> Get-Content -Tail 7 .\MyFile1
Hey there ! I'm line number 2.
Hey there ! I'm line number 3.
Hey there
! I'm line number 4.
Hey there ! I'm line number 5.
Hey there ! I'm line number 6.
Hey there ! I'm line number 7.
Hey there ! I'm line number 8.
The Tail
parameter has an alias : Last
, this makes this parameter more discoverable for those who Tail
would not even cross their mind because they don’t have a Linux background. This parameter was introduced with PowerShell 3.0.
An exceedingly valuable usage of the tail
command for troubleshooting is tail -f
to display any new lines of a log file as they are written to the file. For this, there is the Wait
parameter, which was introduced in PowerShell 3.0 as well.
grep :
This is the one I get asked about the most :
“How do you do ‘grep’ in Powershell ?”
And my answer is :
“Most of the time, you don’t.”
Think about what you are trying to achieve when you use grep
: filtering lines of text which contain a specific value, string, or pattern.
In Powershell, most of the time we are dealing with objects so this translates to : filtering the objects which have 1 or more value(s) in a property.
No text-parsing required here, unless you are dealing with objects of the type [string]
Many cmdlets have built-in parameters which allows to filter the objects, but the generic filtering mechanism is the cmdlet Where-Object
For example, to filter the processes which have a working set of more than 100 MB, you would run the following :
C:\> Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.WorkingSet -gt 104857600 }
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
392 60 189080 137908 1,669.80 5660 1 chrome
2578 88 155792 136412 3,480.59 7244 1 chrome
537 51 271080 135876 1,392.81 10048 1 chrome
500 64 140452 142732 410.08 10560 1 Code
0 118 141664 147184 5,991.05 6312 1 ruby
498 69 261916 148068 1,498.70 2656 1 slack
Notice that in the output, the WorkingSet property is displayed in KiloBytes, but this is due to the formatting view, the actual value is in bytes.
Since PowerShell version 3.0, Where-Object
supports a simplified syntax, so the following would do the same as the previous command :
Get-Process | Where-Object WorkingSet -gt 104857600
By the way, in case we are dealing with strings and we really want to filter objects on a specific string or pattern, we can use Select-String
One use case is working with a plain text log file, for example :
C:\> Select-String -Path 'C:\Windows\iis.log' -Pattern 'Failed'
Windows\iis.log:11:[07/24/2017 15:40:08] Failed to create iisCngConfigurationKey key container (result=0x8009000f)
Windows\iis.log:21:[07/24/2017 15:40:08] Failed to create iisCngWasKey key container (result=0x8009000f)
Windows\iis.log:76:[07/24/2017 15:40:10] Failed to create iisCngConfigurationKey key container (result=0x8009000f)
Windows\iis.log:80:[07/24/2017 15:40:10] Failed to create iisCngWasKey key container (result=0x8009000f)
Windows\iis.log:679:[07/24/2017 15:43:28] < WARNING! > Failed to update the DynamicIPRestrictionModule globalModule (ignoring failure) (result=0x80070490)
And if you are a regular expression nerd, you can feed them to the Pattern
uname :
For example, uname -a
outputs the OS, the hostname, the kernel version and the architecture.
A good way to get the equivalent information on a Windows machine with PowerShell is to use the Win32_OperatingSystem class from CIM/WMI :
C:\> $Properties = 'Caption', 'CSName', 'Version', 'BuildType', 'OSArchitecture'
C:\> Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object $Properties | Format-Table -AutoSize
Caption CSName Version BuildType OSArchitecture
------- ------ ------- --------- --------------
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro DevBox 10.0.15063 Multiprocessor Free 64-bit
Yes, I know, it is much longer. Fortunately, there is tab completion for cmdlets, parameters, and even sometimes for parameter values.
The Format-Table -AutoSize
is just to make the width of the output blog-friendly.
mkfs :
or Format-Volume
if the volume already exists.
ping :
Off course, we could run ping.exe
from PowerShell but if we need an object-oriented ping
equivalent, there is the cmdlet Test-Connection
C:\> Test-Connection | Format-Table -AutoSize
Source Destination IPV4Address IPV6Address Bytes Time(ms)
------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----- --------
DevBox 32 1
DevBox 32 1
DevBox 32 1
DevBox 32 1
man :
The PowerShell help system is extremely… helpful and it would deserve an entire article on its own.
To get the help information for a specific cmdlet, let’s say Stop-Service
Get-Help Stop-Service -Full
The parameter Full
outputs everything : the description, syntax, information on every parameter, usage examples…
We can also search help information on conceptual topics. Let’s say you are a regular expression nerd and you want to know how they work :
Get-Help "about_regular*"
The help files for conceptual topics have a name starting with “about_”.
cut :
This is used to select columns from a text input (usually a file).
Because this is plain text, we need to map the fields to the column numbers and depending on the format of the input we may need to specify a delimiter to define the columns.
In PowerShell, this painful text-parsing is not required because again, we deal with objects.
If you want to retain only some properties from some input objects, just use Select-Object
and specify the property names.
That’s it.
C:\> Get-ChildItem $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop -Filter "*.ps1" |
>> Select-Object -Property 'Name', 'Length'
Name Length
---- ------
CopyArtifactsToAzure.ps1 1567
Create-Nuspec.ps1 1742
Deploy.ps1 554
Mount-AzureFileShare.ps1 816
The quotes surrounding the property names are not mandatory. They indicate that these are [string]
values but because the Property
parameter of Select-Object
expects strings, PowerShell is kind enough to cast (convert) these values to strings.
There are plenty of other commands and I cannot write on all of them, but if there are popular commands that you think should be there, please let me know and I will add them to this article.
bash, PowerShell
Hi Mathieu,
This article is very helpful.Thank you. Like many people I’ve worked a lot on shell scripting. Now I ran into a situation where I need to develop a script for windows environment which I have no clue about . Well I took my unix script and started to make a powershell out of it. I’m stuck at a place and I’m hoping if you could help me here. Here is the requirement. I have a text file and I want to cat few lines( precisely from a particular line number till the last line of the file) from the text file into a different text file.
I take the line number with the below code and save into a variable
and want to print all the lines from that line number till the end of the file like done with “sed” command in linux.
sed -n “$LINE,$p” a.txt >b.txt
Can you please help me with this.
Thanks a ton in advance.
Mathieu Buisson
I’m sure there are a number of ways to accomplish this but the way I would do that is :