Reference & resources
Applies to:
Databricks SQL
Databricks Runtime 12.2 and above
Error classes are descriptive, human-readable, strings unique to the error condition.
You can use error classes to programmatically handle errors in your application without the need to parse the error message.
This is a list of common, named error conditions returned by Databricks.
Non-deterministic expression
should not appear in the arguments of an aggregate function.
Failed to parse model output when casting to the specified returnType: “
”, response JSON was: “
”. Please update the returnType to match the contents of the type represented by the response JSON and then retry the query again.
The actual model output has more than one column “
”. However, the specified return type[“
”] has only one column. Please update the returnType to contain the same number of columns as the model output and then retry the query again.
Error occurred while making an HTTP request for function
Invalid HTTP response for function
The maximum number of words must be a non-negative integer, but got
Error occurred while parsing the JSON response for function
Failed to parse the schema for the serving endpoint “
, response JSON was: “
Set the
parameter manually in the AI_QUERY function to override schema resolution.
The function
is not supported in the current environment. It is only available in Databricks SQL Pro and Serverless.
Failed to evaluate the SQL function “
” because the provided argument of
has “
”, but only the following types are supported:
. Please update the function call to provide an argument of string type and retry the query again.
AI function: “
” does not support the following type as return type: “
”. Return type must be a valid SQL type understood by Catalyst and supported by AI function. Current supported types includes:
Provided value “
” is not supported by argument “
”. Supported values are:
Provided “
” is not supported by the argument returnType.
Vector Search with embedding column type
is not supported.
Vector Search with index type
is not supported.
Vector Search with num_results larger than
is not supported. The limit specified was
. Pleaase try again with num_results <= `<maxLimit>`
Using name parameterized queries requires all parameters to be named. Parameters missing names:
Cannot use all columns for partition columns.
specifies descriptor “
” more than once, which is invalid.
is ambiguous in nested CTE.
Please set
to “CORRECTED” so that name defined in inner CTE takes precedence. If set it to “LEGACY”, outer CTE definitions will take precedence.
See ’.
Column or field
is ambiguous and has
is ambiguous. It’s because you joined several DataFrame together, and some of these DataFrames are the same.
This column points to one of the DataFrames but Spark is unable to figure out which one.
Please alias the DataFrames with different names via
before joining them,
and specify the column using qualified name, e.g.
Ambiguous reference to constraint
Lateral column alias
is ambiguous and has
is ambiguous, could be:
Ambiguous reference to the field
. It appears
times in the schema.
ANALYZE CONSTRAINTS is not supported.
The ANSI SQL configuration
cannot be disabled in this product.
The function
includes a parameter
at position
that requires a constant argument. Please compute the argument
separately and pass the result as a constant.
If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
For more details see ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW
The number of columns or variables assigned or aliased:
does not match the number of source expressions:
Invalid as-of join.
For more details see AS_OF_JOIN
The use of default values is not supported when`rescuedDataColumn` is enabled. You may be able to remove this check by setting
to false, but the default values will not apply and null values will still be used.
Cannot convert Avro
to SQL
because the original encoded data type is
, however you’re trying to read the field as
, which would lead to an incorrect answer.
To allow reading this field, enable the SQL configuration: “spark.sql.legacy.avro.allowIncompatibleSchema”.
The use of positional field matching is not supported when either
is enabled. Remove these options to proceed.
Unable to find batch
BigQuery connection credentials must be specified with either the ‘GoogleServiceAccountKeyJson’ parameter or all of ‘projectId’, ‘OAuthServiceAcctEmail’, ‘OAuthPvtKey’
caused overflow.
doesn’t support built-in catalogs.
The method
can not be called on streaming Dataset/DataFrame.
ALTER TABLE (ALTER|CHANGE) COLUMN cannot change collation of type/subtypes of bucket columns, but found the bucket column
in the table
ALTER TABLE (ALTER|CHANGE) COLUMN is not supported for partition columns, but found the partition column
in the table
Watermark needs to be defined to reassign event time column. Failed to find watermark definition in the streaming query.
Cannot cast
Cannot convert Protobuf
to SQL
because schema is incompatible (protobufType =
, sqlType =
Unable to convert
of Protobuf to SQL type
Cannot convert SQL
to Protobuf
because schema is incompatible (protobufType =
, sqlType =
Cannot convert SQL
to Protobuf
is not in defined values for enum:
Cannot copy catalog state like current database and temporary views from Unity Catalog to a legacy catalog.
Failed to create data source table
The provided URL cannot be decoded:
. Please ensure that the URL is properly formatted and try again.
System owned
cannot be deleted.
Cannot drop the constraint with the name
shared by a CHECK constraint
and a PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY constraint. You can drop the PRIMARY KEY or
FOREIGN KEY constraint by queries:
Cannot establish connection to remote
database. Please check connection information and credentials e.g. host, port, user, password and database options. ** If you believe the information is correct, please check your workspace’s network setup and ensure it does not have outbound restrictions to the host. Please also check that the host does not block inbound connections from the network where the workspace’s Spark clusters are deployed. ** Detailed error message:
Cannot establish connection to remote
database. Please check connection information and credentials e.g. host, port, user, password and database options. ** If you believe the information is correct, please allow inbound traffic from the Internet to your host, as you are using Serverless Compute. If your network policies do not allow inbound Internet traffic, please use non Serverless Compute, or you may reach out to your Databricks representative to learn about Serverless Private Networking. ** Detailed error message:
Dataset transformations and actions can only be invoked by the driver, not inside of other Dataset transformations; for example, => dataset2.values.count() * x) is invalid because the values transformation and count action cannot be performed inside of the transformation. For more information, see SPARK-28702.
Cannot load class
when registering the function
, please make sure it is on the classpath.
Could not load Protobuf class with name
An error occurred during loading state.
For more details see CANNOT_LOAD_STATE_STORE
Failed to merge incompatible data types
. Please check the data types of the columns being merged and ensure that they are compatible. If necessary, consider casting the columns to compatible data types before attempting the merge.
Failed merging schemas:
Initial schema:
Schema that cannot be merged with the initial schema:
Cannot modify the value of the Spark config:
See also ’.
Cannot parse decimal. Please ensure that the input is a valid number with optional decimal point or comma separators.
Unable to parse
. Please ensure that the value provided is in a valid format for defining an interval. You can reference the documentation for the correct format. If the issue persists, please double check that the input value is not null or empty and try again.
Cannot parse the field name
and the value
of the JSON token type
to target Spark data type
Error parsing descriptor bytes into Protobuf FileDescriptorSet.
. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
Cannot query MV/ST during initialization.
Cannot read file at path
because it has been archived. Please adjust your query filters to exclude archived files.
Cannot read
file at path:
For more details see CANNOT_READ_FILE
Cannot read sensitive key ‘
’ from secure provider.
Cannot recognize hive type string:
, column:
. The specified data type for the field cannot be recognized by Spark SQL. Please check the data type of the specified field and ensure that it is a valid Spark SQL data type. Refer to the Spark SQL documentation for a list of valid data types and their format. If the data type is correct, please ensure that you are using a supported version of Spark SQL.
Cannot reference a Unity Catalog
in Hive Metastore objects.
Renaming a
across catalogs is not allowed.
Renaming a
across schemas is not allowed.
Cannot resolve dataframe column
. It’s probably because of illegal references like"a"))
Cannot resolve
.* given input columns
. Please check that the specified table or struct exists and is accessible in the input columns.
Failed to set permissions on created path
back to
Cannot save variant data type into external storage.
Cannot shallow-clone tables across Unity Catalog and Hive Metastore.
Cannot shallow-clone a table
that is already a shallow clone.
Shallow clone is only supported for the MANAGED table type. The table
is not MANAGED table.
Cannot update
For more details see CANNOT_UPDATE_FIELD
Cannot up cast
Validation of
connection is not supported. Please contact Databricks support for alternative solutions, or set “spark.databricks.testConnectionBeforeCreation” to “false” to skip connection testing before creating a connection object.
Error writing state store files for provider
For more details see CANNOT_WRITE_STATE_STORE
The value
of the type
cannot be cast to
because it is malformed. Correct the value as per the syntax, or change its target type. Use
to tolerate malformed input and return NULL instead. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
For more details see CAST_INVALID_INPUT
The value
of the type
cannot be cast to
due to an overflow. Use
to tolerate overflow and return NULL instead. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
Fail to assign a value of
type to the
type column or variable
due to an overflow. Use
on the input value to tolerate overflow and return NULL instead.
The catalog
not found. Consider to set the SQL config
to a catalog plugin.
Checkpoint block
not found!
Either the executor that originally checkpointed this partition is no longer alive, or the original RDD is unpersisted.
If this problem persists, you may consider using
instead, which is slower than local checkpointing but more fault-tolerant.
must override either
does not support the class
as resulting collection.
Clean Room commands are not supported
Invalid name to reference a
inside a Clean Room. Use a
’s name inside the clean room following the format of [catalog].[schema].[
If you are unsure about what name to use, you can run “SHOW ALL IN CLEANROOM [clean_room]” and use the value in the “name” column.
A file notification was received for file:
but it does not exist anymore. Please ensure that files are not deleted before they are processed. To continue your stream, you can set the Spark SQL configuration
to true.
Cloud provider error:
Please contact your Databricks representative to enable the cluster-by-auto feature.
Please enable clusteringTable.enableClusteringTableFeature to use CLUSTER BY AUTO.
CLUSTER BY AUTO requires Predictive Optimization to be enabled.
CLUSTER BY AUTO is only supported on UC Managed tables.
The codec
is not available.
For more details see CODEC_NOT_AVAILABLE
Cannot find a short name for the codec
The value
does not represent a correct collation name. Suggested valid collation names: [
The value
does not represent a correct collation provider. Supported providers are: [
Could not determine which collation to use for string functions and operators.
For more details see COLLATION_MISMATCH
Can’t create array with
elements which exceeding the array size limit
Column aliases are not allowed in
The column
already exists. Choose another name or rename the existing column.
Creating CHECK constraint on table
with column mask policies is not supported.
statement attempted to assign a column mask policy to a column which included two or more other referenced columns in the USING COLUMNS list with the same name
, which is invalid.
Column mask policies for
are not supported:
Unable to
from table
because it’s referenced in a column mask policy for column
. The table owner must remove or alter this policy before proceeding.
MERGE INTO operations do not support column mask policies in source table
MERGE INTO operations do not support writing into table
with column mask policies.
This statement attempted to assign a column mask policy to a column
with multiple name parts, which is invalid.
This statement attempted to assign a column mask policy to a column and the USING COLUMNS list included the name
with multiple name parts, which is invalid.
Support for defining column masks is not enabled
Column mask policies are only supported in Unity Catalog.
clone from table
with column mask policies is not supported.
clone to table
with column mask policies is not supported.
Using a constant as a parameter in a column mask policy is not supported. Please update your SQL command to remove the constant from the column mask definition and then retry the command again.
Failed to execute
command because assigning column mask policies is not supported for target data source with table provider: “
Cannot perform
for table
because it contains one or more column mask policies with subquery expression(s), which are not yet supported. Please contact the owner of the table to update the column mask policies in order to continue.
The column
had the same name as the target column, which is invalid; please remove the column from the USING COLUMNS list and retry the command.
is not defined in table
, defined table columns are:
The column
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the column name according to the SQL config
Unexpected ‘,’ before constraint(s) definition. Ensure that the constraint clause does not start with a comma when columns (and expectations) are not defined.
The COMMENT ON CONNECTION command is not implemented yet
The comparator has returned a NULL for a comparison between
It should return a positive integer for “greater than”, 0 for “equal” and a negative integer for “less than”.
To revert to deprecated behavior where NULL is treated as 0 (equal), you must set “spark.sql.legacy.allowNullComparisonResultInArraySort” to “true”.
Cannot process input data types for the expression:
Another instance of this query [id:
] was just started by a concurrent session [existing runId:
new runId:
Concurrent update to the log. Multiple streaming jobs detected for
Please make sure only one streaming job runs on a specific checkpoint location at a time.
is not available.
The specified provider
is inconsistent with the existing catalog provider
. Please use ‘USING
’ and retry the command.
Generic Spark Connect error.
For more details see CONNECT
Cannot create connection
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop or replace the existing connection, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing connections.
Cannot execute this command because the connection name must be non-empty.
Cannot execute this command because the connection name
was not found.
Connections of type ‘
’ do not support the following option(s):
. Supported options:
Cannot create connection of type ‘
. Supported connection types:
Table constraints are only supported in Unity Catalog.
The value
) cannot be converted to
because it is malformed. Correct the value as per the syntax, or change its format. Use
to tolerate malformed input and return NULL instead.
Cannot write to
, the reason is
Invalid scheme
. COPY INTO source credentials currently only supports s3/s3n/s3a/wasbs/abfss.
COPY INTO source credentials must specify
Duplicated files were committed in a concurrent COPY INTO operation. Please try again later.
Invalid scheme
. COPY INTO source encryption currently only supports s3/s3n/s3a/abfss.
COPY INTO encryption only supports ADLS Gen2, or abfss:// file scheme
COPY INTO source encryption must specify ‘
Invalid encryption option
. COPY INTO source encryption must specify ‘
’ = ‘
The COPY INTO feature ‘
’ is not compatible with ‘
COPY INTO other than appending data is not allowed to run concurrently with other transactions. Please try again later.
COPY INTO failed to load its state, maximum retries exceeded.
A schema mismatch was detected while copying into the Delta table (Table:
This may indicate an issue with the incoming data, or the Delta table schema can be evolved automatically according to the incoming data by setting:
COPY_OPTIONS (‘mergeSchema’ = ‘true’)
Schema difference:
The format of the source files must be one of CSV, JSON, AVRO, ORC, PARQUET, TEXT, or BINARYFILE. Using COPY INTO on Delta tables as the source is not supported as duplicate data may be ingested after OPTIMIZE operations. This check can be turned off by running the SQL command
The source directory did not contain any parsable files of type
. Please check the contents of ‘
The error can be silenced by setting ‘
’ to ‘false’.
An internal error occurred while processing COPY INTO state.
Failed to parse the COPY INTO command.
For more details see COPY_INTO_SYNTAX_ERROR
The COPY INTO feature ‘
’ is not supported.
The CREATE FOREIGN SCHEMA command is not implemented yet
The CREATE FOREIGN TABLE command is not implemented yet
Cannot CREATE OR REFRESH Materialized Views or Streaming Tables with ASYNC specified. Please remove ASYNC from the CREATE OR REFRESH statement or use REFRESH ASYNC to refresh existing Materialized Views or Streaming Tables asynchronously.
Not allowed to create the permanent view
without explicitly assigning an alias for the expression
specifies descriptor “
” more than once, which is invalid.
Cannot create view
, the reason is
Please provide credentials when creating or updating external locations.
The CSV option
cannot be set when using
, as columns are read by name rather than ordinal.
Cyclic function reference detected:
Databricks Delta is not enabled in your account.
Cannot resolve
due to data type mismatch:
For more details see DATATYPE_MISMATCH
requires a length parameter, for example
(10). Please specify the length.
Write Lineage unsuccessful: missing corresponding relation with policies for CLM/RLS.
Data source ‘
’ already exists. Please choose a different name for the new data source.
Data source ‘
’ not found. Please make sure the data source is registered.
Failed to find the data source:
. Make sure the provider name is correct and the package is properly registered and compatible with your Spark version.
must not be empty and should not contain invalid characters, query strings, or parameters.
is required.
The schema of the data source table does not match the expected schema. If you are using the DataFrameReader.schema API or creating a table, avoid specifying the schema.
Data Source schema:
Expected schema:
JDBC URL is not allowed in data source options, please specify ‘host’, ‘port’, and ‘database’ options instead.
Datetime operation overflow:
You have exceeded the API quota for the data source
For more details see DC_API_QUOTA_EXCEEDED
Failed to make a connection to the
source. Error code:
For more details see DC_CONNECTION_ERROR
Error happened in Dynamics API calls, errorCode:
For more details see DC_DYNAMICS_API_ERROR
Error happened in Netsuite JDBC calls, errorCode:
For more details see DC_NETSUITE_ERROR
SQLSTATE: none assigned
A schema change has occurred in table
of the
For more details see DC_SCHEMA_CHANGE_ERROR
Error happened in ServiceNow API calls, errorCode:
For more details see DC_SERVICENOW_API_ERROR
Ingestion for object
is incomplete because the Salesforce API query job took too long, failed, or was manually cancelled.
To try again, you can either re-run the entire pipeline or refresh this specific destination table. If the error persists, file a ticket. Job ID:
. Job status:
Error happened in Sharepoint API calls, errorCode:
For more details see DC_SHAREPOINT_API_ERROR
An error occurred in the
API call. Source API type:
. Error code:
This can sometimes happen when you’ve reached a
API limit. If you haven’t exceeded your API limit, try re-running the connector. If the issue persists, please file a ticket.
Unsupported error happened in data source
For more details see DC_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
Error happened in Workday RAAS API calls, errorCode:
For more details see DC_WORKDAY_RAAS_API_ERROR
Decimal precision
exceeds max precision
Default database
does not exist, please create it first or change default database to
It is possible the underlying files have been updated. You can explicitly invalidate the cache in Spark by running ‘REFRESH TABLE tableName’ command in SQL or by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved. If disk cache is stale or the underlying files have been removed, you can invalidate disk cache manually by restarting the cluster.
A DEFAULT keyword in a MERGE, INSERT, UPDATE, or SET VARIABLE command could not be directly assigned to a target column because it was part of an expression.
For example:
is allowed, but
is not allowed.
The streaming query was reading from an unexpected Delta table (id = ‘
It used to read from another Delta table (id = ‘
’) according to checkpoint.
This may happen when you changed the code to read from a new table or you deleted and
re-created a table. Please revert your change or delete your streaming query checkpoint
to restart from scratch.
Distinct window functions are not supported:
Division by zero. Use
to tolerate divisor being 0 and return NULL instead. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
For more details see DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
Expectations are only supported within a Delta Live Tables pipeline.
MATERIALIZED VIEWs with a CLUSTER BY clause are supported only in a Delta Live Tables pipeline.
MATERIALIZED VIEW locations are supported only in a Delta Live Tables pipeline.
MATERIALIZED VIEW schemas with a specified type are supported only in a Delta Live Tables pipeline.
CONSTRAINT clauses in a view are only supported in a Delta Live Tables pipeline.
Duplicated field names in Arrow Struct are not allowed, got
Duplicate map key
was found, please check the input data.
If you want to remove the duplicated keys, you can set
to “LAST_WIN” so that the key inserted at last takes precedence.
The metric name is not unique:
. The same name cannot be used for metrics with different results.
However multiple instances of metrics with with same result and name are allowed (e.g. self-joins).
The columns or variables
appear more than once as assignment targets.
Found duplicate clauses:
. Please, remove one of them.
Found duplicate keys
Call to routine
is invalid because it includes multiple argument assignments to the same parameter name
Found duplicate name(s) in the parameter list of the user-defined routine
Found duplicate column(s) in the RETURNS clause column list of the user-defined routine
Previous node emitted a row with eventTime=
which is older than current_watermark_value=
This can lead to correctness issues in the stateful operators downstream in the execution pipeline.
Please correct the operator logic to emit rows after current global watermark value.
Failed to parse an empty string for data type
Empty local file in staging
Not found an encoder of the type
to Spark SQL internal representation.
Consider to change the input type to one of supported at ‘
Some of partitions in Kafka topic(s) report available offset which is less than end offset during running query with Trigger.AvailableNow. The error could be transient - restart your query, and report if you still see the same issue.
latest offset:
, end offset:
For Kafka data source with Trigger.AvailableNow, end offset should have lower or equal offset per each topic partition than pre-fetched offset. The error could be transient - restart your query, and report if you still see the same issue.
pre-fetched offset:
, end offset:
Error reading avro data – encountered an unknown fingerprint:
, not sure what schema to use.
This could happen if you registered additional schemas after starting your spark context.
Cannot query event logs from an Assigned or No Isolation Shared cluster, please use a Shared cluster or a Databricks SQL warehouse instead.
No event logs available for
. Please try again later after events are generated
The table type of
Querying event logs only supports Materialized Views, Streaming Tables, or Delta Live Tables pipelines
The event time
has the invalid type
, but expected “
Exceeds char/varchar type length limitation:
EXCEPT column
was resolved and expected to be StructType, but found type
Columns in an EXCEPT list must be distinct and non-overlapping, but got (
EXCEPT columns [
] were resolved, but do not match any of the columns [
] from the star expansion.
The column/field name
in the EXCEPT clause cannot be resolved. Did you mean one of the following: [
Note: nested columns in the EXCEPT clause may not include qualifiers (table name, parent struct column name, etc.) during a struct expansion; try removing qualifiers if they are used with nested columns.
There is not enough memory to build the broadcast relation
. Relation Size =
. Build-side Shuffle Size =
. Total memory used by this task =
. Executor Memory Manager Metrics: onHeapExecutionMemoryUsed =
, offHeapExecutionMemoryUsed =
, onHeapStorageMemoryUsed =
, offHeapStorageMemoryUsed =
. [shuffleId:
The USING clause of this EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command contained multiple arguments with same alias (
), which is invalid; please update the command to specify unique aliases and then try it again.
’ expects a permanent view but
is a temp view.
’ expects a table but
is a view.
For more details see EXPECT_TABLE_NOT_VIEW
The table
does not support
For more details see EXPECT_VIEW_NOT_TABLE
Failed to decode a row to a value of the expressions:
Failed to encode a value of the expressions:
to a row.
Column expression
cannot be sorted because its type
is not orderable.
External tables don’t support the
Error running ‘REFRESH FOREIGN
’. Cannot refresh a Fabric
directly, please use ‘REFRESH FOREIGN CATALOG
’ to refresh the Fabric Catalog instead.
User defined function (
: (
) =>
) failed due to:
Failed preparing of the function
for call. Please, double check function’s arguments.
Failed JDBC
on the operation:
For more details see FAILED_JDBC
Failed parsing struct:
Error while reading file
For more details see FAILED_READ_FILE
Failed to register classes with Kryo.
Failed to rename
as destination already exists.
Failed to rename temp file
as FileSystem.rename returned false.
Failed to convert the row value
of the class
to the target SQL type
in the JSON format.
The statement, including potential SQL functions and referenced views, was too complex to parse.
To mitigate this error divide the statement into multiple, less complex chunks.
The feature
is not enabled. Consider setting the config
to enable this capability.
is not supported on Classic SQL warehouses. To use this feature, use a Pro or Serverless SQL warehouse. To learn more about warehouse types, see
is not supported without Unity Catalog. To use this feature, enable Unity Catalog. To learn more about Unity Catalog, see
is not supported in your environment. To use this feature, please contact Databricks Support.
column, because
already exists in
No such struct field
File in staging path
already exists but OVERWRITE is not set
The operation
is not allowed on the
An error occurred in the user provided function in foreach batch sink. Reason:
Foreign key parent columns
do not match primary key child columns
Cannot execute this command because the foreign
name must be non-empty.
Detected multiple data sources with the name ‘
’. Please check the data source isn’t simultaneously registered and located in the classpath.
from_json inference encountered conflicting schema updates at:
from_json found columnNameOfCorruptRecord (
) present
in a JSON object and can no longer proceed. Please configure a different value for
the option ‘columnNameOfCorruptRecord’.
from_json inference could not read the schema stored at:
from_json was unable to infer the schema. Please provide one instead.
from_json inference is only supported when defining streaming tables
from_json configuration is invalid:
from_json could not evolve from
The function
requires named parameters. Parameters missing names:
. Please update the function call to add names for all parameters, e.g.,
(param_name => …).
A column cannot have both a default value and a generation expression but column
has default value: (
) and generation expression: (
Hive 2.2 and lower versions don’t support getTablesByType. Please use Hive 2.3 or higher version.
Failed to get warmup tracing. Cause:
Function get_warmup_tracing() not allowed.
Invalid Graphite protocol:
Graphite sink requires ‘
’ property.
Column of grouping (
) can’t be found in grouping columns
Columns of grouping_id (
) does not match grouping columns (
Grouping sets size cannot be greater than
Aggregate functions are not allowed in GROUP BY, but found
For more details see GROUP_BY_AGGREGATE
refers to an expression
that contains an aggregate function. Aggregate functions are not allowed in GROUP BY.
GROUP BY position
is not in select list (valid range is [1,
The expression
cannot be used as a grouping expression because its data type
is not an orderable data type.
Invalid call to
; only valid HLL sketch buffers are supported as inputs (such as those produced by the
Invalid call to
; the
value must be between
, inclusive:
Sketches have different
. Set the
parameter to true to call
with different
is not a valid identifier as it has more than 2 name parts.
Illegal value provided to the State Store
For more details see ILLEGAL_STATE_STORE_VALUE
Invalid pivot column
. Pivot columns must be comparable.
can only be performed on tables with compatible column types. The
column of the
table is
type which is not compatible with
at the same column of the first table.
Detected an incompatible DataSourceRegister. Please remove the incompatible library from classpath or upgrade it. Error:
Cannot write incompatible data for the table
The join types
are incompatible.
The SQL query of view
has an incompatible schema change and column
cannot be resolved. Expected
columns named
but got
Please try to re-create the view by running:
Incomplete complex type:
You may get a different result due to the upgrading to
requires at least
arguments and at most
Max offset with
rowsPerSecond is
, but ‘rampUpTimeSeconds’ is
Function called requires knowledge of the collation it should apply, but indeterminate collation was found. Use COLLATE function to set the collation explicitly.
Cannot create the index
on table
because it already exists.
Cannot find the index
on table
Trigger type
is not supported for this cluster type.
Use a different trigger type e.g. AvailableNow, Once.
Cannot write to
, the reason is
Cannot write to ‘
Table columns:
Partition columns with static values:
Data columns:
Insufficient privileges:
has insufficient privileges for external location
There is no owner for
. Ask your administrator to set an owner.
User does not own
User does not have permission
The owner of
is different from the owner of
Storage credential
has insufficient privileges.
User cannot
because of permissions on underlying securables.
User cannot
because of permissions on underlying securables:
Division by zero. Use
to tolerate divisor being 0 and return NULL instead.
The FILTER expression
in an aggregate function is invalid.
The index
is out of bounds. The array has
elements. Use the SQL function
to tolerate accessing element at invalid index and return NULL instead. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
For more details see INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX
The index
is out of bounds. The array has
elements. Use
to tolerate accessing element at invalid index and return NULL instead. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
The 0-indexed bitmap position
is out of bounds. The bitmap has
bits (
The boundary
is invalid:
For more details see INVALID_BOUNDARY
Cannot use
for bucket column. Collated data types are not supported for bucketing.
Invalid bucket file:
The expected format is ByteString, but was
The datasource
cannot save the column
because its name contains some characters that are not allowed in file paths. Please, use an alias to rename it.
Column or field
is of type
while it’s required to be
The value ‘
’ in the config “
” is invalid.
For more details see INVALID_CONF_VALUE
function can only be used in the
statement or the
statement to define a share only view in Unity Catalog.
The cursor is invalid.
For more details see INVALID_CURSOR
Unrecognized datetime pattern:
Failed to execute
command because the destination column or variable
has a DEFAULT value
For more details see INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE
Invalid value for delimiter.
For more details see INVALID_DELIMITER_VALUE
Destination catalog of the SYNC command must be within Unity Catalog. Found
System memory
must be at least
Please increase heap size using the –driver-memory option or “
” in Spark configuration.
The location name cannot be empty string, but
was given.
Found an invalid escape string:
. The escape string must contain only one character.
should be a string literal of length one, but got
Executor memory
must be at least
Please increase executor memory using the –executor-memory option or “
” in Spark configuration.
Found an invalid expression encoder. Expects an instance of ExpressionEncoder but got
. For more information consult ‘
Can’t extract a value from
. Need a complex type [
] but got
Cannot extract
Field name should be a non-null string literal, but it’s
Field name
is invalid:
is not a struct.
The format is invalid:
For more details see INVALID_FORMAT
The fraction of sec must be zero. Valid range is [0, 60]. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
The handle
is invalid.
For more details see INVALID_HANDLE
The unquoted identifier
is invalid and must be back quoted as:
Unquoted identifiers can only contain ASCII letters (‘a’ - ‘z’, ‘A’ - ‘Z’), digits (‘0’ - ‘9’), and underbar (‘_’).
Unquoted identifiers must also not start with a digit.
Different data sources and meta stores may impose additional restrictions on valid identifiers.
The index 0 is invalid. An index shall be either < 0 or > 0 (the first element has index 1).
Invalid inline table.
For more details see INVALID_INLINE_TABLE
Error parsing ‘
’ to interval. Please ensure that the value provided is in a valid format for defining an interval. You can reference the documentation for the correct format.
For more details see INVALID_INTERVAL_FORMAT
Invalid inverse distribution function
Failed to convert the JSON string ‘
’ to a data type. Please enter a valid data type.
Collations can only be applied to string types, but the JSON data type is
Cannot convert JSON root field to target Spark type.
Input schema
can only contain
as a key type for a
The value of the config “
” must be less than 2048 MiB, but got
Invalid lambda function call.
JOIN with LATERAL correlation is not allowed because an OUTER subquery cannot correlate to its join partner. Remove the LATERAL correlation or use an INNER JOIN, or LEFT OUTER JOIN instead.
The limit like expression
is invalid.
The operator expects a deterministic expression, but the actual expression is
Numeric literal
is outside the valid range for
with minimum value of
and maximum value of
. Please adjust the value accordingly.
Invalid observed metrics.
Invalid options:
For more details see INVALID_OPTIONS
The group aggregate pandas UDF
cannot be invoked together with as other, non-pandas aggregate functions.
An invalid parameter mapping was provided:
The value of parameter(s)
is invalid:
For more details see INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE
Cannot use
for partition column.
The partition command is invalid.
Pipeline id
is not valid.
A pipeline id should be a UUID in the format of ‘xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx’
is not valid for
is an invalid property key, please use quotes, e.g. SET
is an invalid property value, please use quotes, e.g. SET
Parameterized query must either use positional, or named parameters, but not both.
The specified save mode
is invalid. Valid save modes include “append”, “overwrite”, “ignore”, “error”, “errorifexists”, and “default”.
The input schema
is not a valid schema string.
For more details see INVALID_SCHEMA
is not a valid name for tables/schemas. Valid names only contain alphabet characters, numbers and _.
Unity catalog does not support
as the default file scheme.
Invalid secret lookup:
For more details see INVALID_SECRET_LOOKUP
Expected format is ‘SET’, ‘SET key’, or ‘SET key=value’. If you want to include special characters in key, or include semicolon in value, please use backquotes, e.g., SET
alias name must be of the form “”.
option cannot be used if there is also a user specified schema.
Source catalog must not be within Unity Catalog for the SYNC command. Found
The argument
is invalid. Consider to replace it either by a SQL literal or by collection constructor functions such as
Invalid SQL syntax:
For more details see INVALID_SQL_SYNTAX
Invalid staging path in staging
The INTO clause of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is only valid for queries but the given statement is not a query:
The statement or clause:
is not valid.
Invalid subquery:
Cannot create the persistent object
of the type
because it references to the temporary object
of the type
. Please make the temporary object
persistent, or make the persistent object
The provided timestamp
doesn’t match the expected syntax
Cannot specify both version and timestamp when time travelling the table.
The time travel timestamp expression
is invalid.
The value of the typed literal
is invalid:
does not implement a ScalarFunction or AggregateFunction.
the source table is in Hive Metastore and the destination table is in Unity Catalog.
The url is invalid:
. If necessary set
to “false” to bypass this error.
Invalid usage of
Invalid UTF8 byte sequence found in string:
is not a valid UUID.
The UUID should be in the format of ‘xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx’
Please check the format of the UUID.
Variable type must be string type but got
The variant value
cannot be cast into
. Please use
Invalid variant.
The path
is not a valid variant extraction path in
A valid path should start with
and is followed by zero or more segments like
, or
The WHERE condition
contains invalid expressions:
Rewrite the query to avoid window functions, aggregate functions, and generator functions in the WHERE clause.
Cannot specify ORDER BY or a window frame for
The data source writer has generated an invalid number of commit messages. Expected exactly one writer commit message from each task, but received
The requested write distribution is invalid.
The join condition
has the invalid type
, expected “
Some data may have been lost because they are not available in Kafka any more;
either the data was aged out by Kafka or the topic may have been deleted before all the data in the
topic was processed.
If you don’t want your streaming query to fail on such cases, set the source option failOnDataLoss to false.
For more details see KAFKA_DATA_LOSS
Could not read until the desired sequence number
for shard
kinesis stream
with consumer mode
. The query will fail due to
potential data loss. The last read record was at sequence number
This can happen if the data with endSeqNum has already been aged out, or the Kinesis stream was
deleted and reconstructed with the same name. The failure behavior can be overridden
by setting spark.databricks.kinesis.failOnDataLoss to false in spark configuration.
The minimum fetched shardId from Kinesis (
is less than the minimum tracked shardId (
This is unexpected and occurs when a Kinesis stream is deleted and recreated with the same name,
and a streaming query using this Kinesis stream is restarted using an existing checkpoint location.
Restart the streaming query with a new checkpoint location, or create a stream with a new name.
For shard
, the last record read from Kinesis in previous fetches has sequence number
which is greater than the record read in current fetch with sequence number
This is unexpected and can happen when the start position of retry or next fetch is incorrectly initialized, and may result in duplicate records downstream.
Kryo serialization failed:
. To avoid this, increase “
” value.
LOAD DATA input path does not exist:
LOCAL must be used together with the schema of
, but got:
Cannot name the managed table as
, as its associated location
already exists. Please pick a different table name, or remove the existing location first.
Some of partitions in Kafka topic(s) have been lost during running query with Trigger.AvailableNow. The error could be transient - restart your query, and report if you still see the same issue.
topic-partitions for latest offset:
, topic-partitions for end offset:
Malformed Avro messages are detected in message deserialization. Parse Mode:
. To process malformed Avro message as null result, try setting the option ‘mode’ as ‘PERMISSIVE’.
Malformed CSV record:
Malformed records are detected in record parsing:
Parse Mode:
. To process malformed records as null result, try setting the option ‘mode’ as ‘PERMISSIVE’.
Variant binary is malformed. Please check the data source is valid.
Create managed table with storage credential is not supported.
the materialized view because it predates having a pipelineId. To enable
please drop and recreate the materialized view.
The materialized view operation
is not allowed:
Output expression
in a materialized view must be explicitly aliased.
Materialized View
could not be created with streaming query. Please use CREATE [OR REFRESH] STREAMING TABLE or remove the STREAM keyword to your FROM clause to turn this relation into a batch query instead.
is not supported on Materialized Views for this version.
Cannot create the new variable
because the number of variables in the session exceeds the maximum allowed number (
maxRecordsPerFetch needs to be a positive integer less than or equal to
The ON search condition of the MERGE statement matched a single row from the target table with multiple rows of the source table.
This could result in the target row being operated on more than once with an update or delete operation and is not allowed.
METRIC CONSTRAINT is not enabled.
Provided value “
” is not supported by argument “
” for the METRIC_STORE table function.
Metric Store function
is currently disabled in this environment.
Kafka data source in Trigger.AvailableNow should provide the same topic partitions in pre-fetched offset to end offset for each microbatch. The error could be transient - restart your query, and report if you still see the same issue.
topic-partitions for pre-fetched offset:
, topic-partitions for end offset:
The non-aggregating expression
is based on columns which are not participating in the GROUP BY clause.
Add the columns or the expression to the GROUP BY, aggregate the expression, or use
if you do not care which of the values within a group is returned.
For more details see MISSING_AGGREGATION
Connections of type ‘
’ must include the following option(s):
The query does not include a GROUP BY clause. Add GROUP BY or turn it into the window functions using OVER clauses.
CHECK constraint must have a name.
is required for Kafka, but is not specified in
is required, but is not specified in
Modifying built-in catalog
is not supported.
Databricks Delta does not support multiple input paths in the load() API.
. To build a single DataFrame by loading
multiple paths from the same Delta table, please load the root path of
the Delta table with the corresponding partition filters. If the multiple paths
are from different Delta tables, please use Dataset’s union()/unionByName() APIs
to combine the DataFrames generated by separate load() API calls.
Found at least two matching constraints with the given condition.
Cannot specify time travel in both the time travel clause and options.
Detected multiple data sources with the name
). Please specify the fully qualified class name or remove
from the classpath.
The expression
does not support more than one source.
Not allowed to implement multiple UDF interfaces, UDF class
Mutually exclusive clauses or options
. Please remove one of these clauses.
The input query expects a
, but the underlying table is a
Named parameters are not supported for function
; please retry the query with positional arguments to the function call instead.
Cannot call function
because named argument references for SQL UDF are not supported. In this case, the named argument reference was
Cannot call function
because named argument references are not enabled here.
In this case, the named argument reference was
Set “spark.sql.allowNamedFunctionArguments” to “true” to turn on feature.
Cannot create namespace
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop the existing namespace, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing namespace.
Cannot drop a namespace
because it contains objects.
Use DROP NAMESPACE … CASCADE to drop the namespace and all its objects.
The namespace
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the namespace.
If you did not qualify the name with, verify the current_schema() output, or qualify the name with the correctly.
To tolerate the error on drop use DROP NAMESPACE IF EXISTS.
Native XML Data Source is not enabled in this cluster.
It is not allowed to use an aggregate function in the argument of another aggregate function. Please use the inner aggregate function in a sub-query.
Nested EXECUTE IMMEDIATE commands are not allowed. Please ensure that the SQL query provided (
) does not contain another EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command.
do(es) not exist. Available fields:
The function
requires the parameter
to be a foldable expression of the type
, but the actual argument is a non-foldable.
When there are more than one MATCHED clauses in a MERGE statement, only the last MATCHED clause can omit the condition.
When there are more than one NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clauses in a MERGE statement, only the last NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clause can omit the condition.
When there are more than one NOT MATCHED [BY TARGET] clauses in a MERGE statement, only the last NOT MATCHED [BY TARGET] clause can omit the condition.
Literal expressions required for pivot values, found
PARTITION clause cannot contain the non-partition column:
Window function is not supported in
(as column
) on streaming DataFrames/Datasets.
Structured Streaming only supports time-window aggregation using the WINDOW function. (window specification:
Not allowed in the FROM clause:
For more details see NOT_ALLOWED_IN_FROM
The expression
used for the routine or clause
must be a constant
which is NOT NULL.
For more details see NOT_A_CONSTANT_STRING
is not allowed for
because it is not a partitioned table.
appears as a scalar expression here, but the function was defined as a table function. Please update the query to move the function call into the FROM clause, or redefine
as a scalar function instead.
appears as a table function here, but the function was defined as a scalar function. Please update the query to move the function call outside the FROM clause, or redefine
as a table function instead.
NULL value appeared in non-nullable field:
If the schema is inferred from a Scala tuple/case class, or a Java bean, please try to use scala.Option[_] or other nullable types (such as java.lang.Integer instead of int/scala.Int).
Assigning a NULL is not allowed here.
ALTER TABLE ALTER/CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing
’s column
with type
with type
is not supported for v2 tables.
is not supported, if you want to enable it, please set “spark.sql.catalogImplementation” to “hive”.
Not supported command in JDBC catalog:
is not supported on a SQL
is not supported on serverless compute.
Unresolved encoder expected, but
was found.
Can’t determine the default value for
since it is not nullable and it has no default value.
No handler for UDAF ‘
’. Use sparkSession.udf.register(…) instead.
df.mergeInto needs to be followed by at least one of whenMatched/whenNotMatched/whenNotMatchedBySource.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
No parent external location was found for path ‘
’. Please create an external location on one of the parent paths and then retry the query or command again.
Cannot find
in Protobuf schema.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
No storage location was found for table ‘
’ when generating table credentials. Please verify the table type and the table location URL and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
Catalog ‘
’ was not found. Please verify the catalog name and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The clean room ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify that the clean room name is spelled correctly and matches the name of a valid existing clean room and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The external location ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify that the external location name is correct and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The metastore was not found. Please ask your account administrator to assign a metastore to the current workspace and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The share provider ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify the share provider name is spelled correctly and matches the name of a valid existing provider name and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The recipient ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify that the recipient name is spelled correctly and matches the name of a valid existing recipient and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The share ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify that the share name is spelled correctly and matches the name of a valid existing share and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The storage credential ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify that the storage credential name is spelled correctly and matches the name of a valid existing storage credential and then retry the query or command again.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
The user ‘
’ does not exist. Please verify that the user to whom you grant permission or alter ownership is spelled correctly and matches the name of a valid existing user and then retry the query or command again.
UDF class
doesn’t implement any UDF interface.
Column or field
is nullable while it’s required to be non-nullable.
Row ID attributes cannot be nullable:
Cannot use null as map key.
Execute immediate requires a non-null variable as the query string, but the provided variable
is null.
The value
cannot be interpreted as a numeric since it has more than 38 digits.
For more details see NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE
can only be performed on inputs with the same number of columns, but the first input has
columns and the
input has
Number of given aliases does not match number of output columns.
Function name:
; number of aliases:
; number of output columns:
No custom identity claim was provided.
Calling function
is not supported in this
supported here.
SQL operation
is only supported on Databricks SQL connectors with Unity Catalog support.
Operation has been canceled.
requires Unity Catalog enabled.
is not supported in read-only session mode.
ORDER BY position
is not in select list (valid range is [1,
Syntax error, unexpected empty statement.
Syntax error at or near
Cannot ADD or RENAME TO partition(s)
in table
because they already exist.
Choose a different name, drop the existing partition, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate a pre-existing partition.
The partition(s)
cannot be found in table
Verify the partition specification and table name.
To tolerate the error on drop use ALTER TABLE … DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION.
Partition location
already exists in table
Failed to execute the ALTER TABLE SET PARTITION LOCATION statement, because the
partition location
is not under the table directory
To fix it, please set the location of partition to a subdirectory of
is not allowed on table
since storing partition metadata is not supported in Unity Catalog.
already exists. Set mode as “overwrite” to overwrite the existing path.
Path does not exist:
Invalid pivot value ‘
’: value data type
does not match pivot column data type
arguments, but
were provided.
CREATE PROCEDURE with an empty routine definition is not allowed.
The parameter
is defined with parameter mode
. OUT and INOUT parameter cannot be omitted when invoking a routine and therefore do not support a DEFAULT expression. To proceed, remove the DEFAULT clause or change the parameter mode to IN.
Stored procedure is not supported
Stored procedure is not supported with Hive Metastore. Please use Unity Catalog instead.
Could not find dependency:
Error reading Protobuf descriptor file at path:
Searching for
in Protobuf schema at
matches. Candidates:
in Protobuf schema but there is no match in the SQL schema.
Type mismatch encountered for field:
Java classes are not supported for
. Contact Databricks Support about alternate options.
Unable to locate Message
in Descriptor.
Protobuf type not yet supported:
Task in pubsub fetch stage cannot be retried. Partition
in stage
cannot be an empty string.
Invalid key type for PubSub dedup:
The option
is not supported by PubSub. It can only be used in testing.
Invalid type for
. Expected type of
to be type
Invalid read limit on PubSub stream:
Invalid UnsafeRow to decode to PubSubMessageMetadata, the desired proto schema is:
. The input UnsafeRow might be corrupted:
Failed to find complete PubSub authentication information.
Could not find required option:
Fail to move raw data checkpoint files from
to destination directory:
PubSub stream cannot be started as there is more than one failed fetch:
must be within the following bounds (
) exclusive of both bounds.
Shared clusters do not support authentication with instance profiles. Provide credentials to the stream directly using .option().
PubSub source connector is only available in cluster with
An error occurred while trying to create subscription
on topic
. Please check that there are sufficient permissions to create a subscription and try again.
Unable to parse serialized bytes to generate proto.
getOffset is not supported without supplying a limit.
Failed to
Python data source
Failed when Python streaming data source perform
Unable to access referenced table because a previously assigned column mask is currently incompatible with the table schema; to continue, please contact the owner of the table to update the policy:
Unable to access referenced table because a previously assigned row level security policy is currently incompatible with the table schema; to continue, please contact the owner of the table to update the policy:
It is possible the underlying files have been updated. You can explicitly invalidate the cache in Spark by running ‘REFRESH TABLE tableName’ command in SQL or by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved.
The invocation of function
set, which are aliases of each other. Please set only one of them.
The function
required parameter
must be assigned at position
without the name.
/TIMESTAMP_LTZ/TIMESTAMP_NTZ types are supported for recipient expiration timestamp.
Found recursive reference in Protobuf schema, which can not be processed by Spark by default:
. try setting the option
0 to 10. Going beyond 10 levels of recursion is not allowed.
Recursive view
detected (cycle:
References to DEFAULT column values are not allowed within the PARTITION clause.
Can not build a
that is larger than 8G.
The remote HTTP request failed with code
, and error message
Failed to evaluate the
SQL function due to inability to parse the JSON result from the remote HTTP response; the error message is
. Check API documentation:
. Please fix the problem indicated in the error message and retry the query again.
Failed to evaluate the
SQL function due to inability to process the unexpected remote HTTP response; the error message is
. Check API documentation:
. Please fix the problem indicated in the error message and retry the query again.
The remote request failed after retrying
times; the last failed HTTP error code was
and the message was
Failed to evaluate the
SQL function because
. Check requirements in
. Please fix the problem indicated in the error message and retry the query again.
Failed to rename as
was not found.
clause may be used at most once per
The function
required parameter
has been assigned at position
without the name.
Please update the function call to either remove the named argument with
for this parameter or remove the positional
argument at
and then try the query again.
Cannot invoke function
because the parameter named
is required, but the function call did not supply a value. Please update the function call to supply an argument value (either positionally at index
or by name) and retry the query again.
requires a single-part namespace, but got
The write contains reserved columns
that are used
internally as metadata for Change Data Feed. To write to the table either rename/drop
these columns or disable Change Data Feed on the table by setting
to false.
The option
has restricted values on Shared clusters for the
Cannot create the routine
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop or replace the existing routine, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate a pre-existing routine.
The routine
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the schema and catalog.
If you did not qualify the name with a schema and catalog, verify the current_schema() output, or qualify the name with the correct schema and catalog.
To tolerate the error on drop use DROP … IF EXISTS.
The function
does not support the parameter
specified at position
The function
cannot be created because the specified classname ‘
’ is reserved for system use. Please rename the class and try again.
Creating CHECK constraint on table
with row level security policies is not supported.
statement attempted to assign a row level security policy to a table, but two or more referenced columns had the same name
, which is invalid.
Row level security policies for
are not supported:
Unable to
from table
because it’s referenced in a row level security policy. The table owner must remove or alter this policy before proceeding.
MERGE INTO operations do not support row level security policies in source table
MERGE INTO operations do not support writing into table
with row level security policies.
This statement attempted to assign a row level security policy to a table, but referenced column
had multiple name parts, which is invalid.
Row level security policies are only supported in Unity Catalog.
clone from table
with row level security policy is not supported.
clone to table
with row level security policy is not supported.
Using a constant as a parameter in a row level security policy is not supported. Please update your SQL command to remove the constant from the row filter definition and then retry the command again.
Failed to execute
command because assigning row level security policy is not supported for target data source with table provider: “
More than one row returned by a subquery used as a row.
Not found an id for the rule name “
”. Please modify RuleIdCollection.scala if you are adding a new rule.
Permissions not supported on sample databases/tables.
The correlated scalar subquery ‘
’ is neither present in GROUP BY, nor in an aggregate function.
Add it to GROUP BY using ordinal position or wrap it in
) if you don’t care which value you get.
More than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression.
Cannot create schema
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop the existing schema, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing schema.
Cannot drop a schema
because it contains objects.
Use DROP SCHEMA … CASCADE to drop the schema and all its objects.
The schema
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the schema and catalog.
If you did not qualify the name with a catalog, verify the current_schema() output, or qualify the name with the correct catalog.
To tolerate the error on drop use DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS.
Schema from schema registry could not be initialized.
The second argument of
function needs to be an integer.
Cannot execute
command with one or more non-encrypted references to the SECRET function; please encrypt the result of each such function call with AES_ENCRYPT and try the command again
The seed expression
of the expression
must be foldable.
The server is busy and could not handle the request. Please wait a moment and try again.
sortBy must be used together with bucketBy.
A CREATE TABLE without explicit column list cannot specify bucketing information.
Please use the form with explicit column list and specify bucketing information.
Alternatively, allow bucketing information to be inferred by omitting the clause.
Cannot specify both CLUSTER BY and PARTITIONED BY.
A CREATE TABLE without explicit column list cannot specify PARTITIONED BY.
Please use the form with explicit column list and specify PARTITIONED BY.
Alternatively, allow partitioning to be inferred by omitting the PARTITION BY clause.
The SQL config
cannot be found. Please verify that the config exists.
Transient error while accessing target staging path
, please try in a few minutes
Star (*) is not allowed in a select list when GROUP BY an ordinal position is used.
Failed to perform stateful processor operation=
with invalid handle state=
Failed to perform stateful processor operation=
with invalid timeMode=
Cannot re-initialize state on the same grouping key during initial state handling for stateful processor. Invalid grouping key=
. Please check your initial state, remove duplicate rows and restart query.
Cannot use TTL for state=
in timeMode=
, use TimeMode.ProcessingTime() instead.
TTL duration must be greater than zero for State store operation=
on state=
Failed to create column family with unsupported starting character and name=
Failed to perform column family operation=
with invalid name=
. Column family name cannot be empty or include leading/trailing spaces or use the reserved keyword=default
The handle has not been initialized for this StatefulProcessor.
Please only use the StatefulProcessor within the transformWithState operator.
Incorrect number of ordering ordinals=
for range scan encoder. The number of ordering ordinals cannot be zero or greater than number of schema columns.
Incorrect number of prefix columns=
for prefix scan encoder. Prefix columns cannot be zero or greater than or equal to num of schema columns.
The given State Store Provider
does not extend org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.StateStoreProvider.
Null type ordering column with name=
at index=
is not supported for range scan encoder.
The given State Store Provider
does not extend org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.SupportsFineGrainedReplay.
Therefore, it does not support option snapshotStartBatchId in state data source.
State store operation=
not supported on missing column family=
Variable size ordering column with name=
at index=
is not supported for range scan encoder.
Static partition column
is also specified in the column list.
No committed batch found, checkpoint location:
. Ensure that the query has run and committed any microbatch before stopping.
The options
cannot be specified together. Please specify the one.
Failed to read the state schema. Either the file does not exist, or the file is corrupted. options:
Rerun the streaming query to construct the state schema, and report to the corresponding communities or vendors if the error persists.
Invalid value for source option ‘
For more details see STDS_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE
The state does not have any partition. Please double check that the query points to the valid state. options:
The offset log for
does not exist, checkpoint location:
Please specify the batch ID which is available for querying - you can query the available batch IDs via using state metadata data source.
Metadata is not available for offset log for
, checkpoint location:
The checkpoint seems to be only run with older Spark version(s). Run the streaming query with the recent Spark version, so that Spark constructs the state metadata.
’ must be specified.
Adaptive Query Execution is not supported for stateful operators in Structured Streaming.
Cannot stream from Materialized View
. Streaming from Materialized Views is not supported.
Streaming stateful operator name does not match with the operator in state metadata. This likely to happen when user adds/removes/changes stateful operator of existing streaming query.
Stateful operators in the metadata: [
]; Stateful operators in current batch: [
Streaming table
needs to be refreshed. Please run CREATE OR REFRESH STREAMING TABLE
AS to update the table.
Streaming Tables can only be created and refreshed in Delta Live Tables and Databricks SQL Warehouses.
The operation
is not allowed:
Streaming table
can only be created from a streaming query. Please add the STREAM keyword to your FROM clause to turn this relation into a streaming query.
Kinesis stream
not found.
Please start a new query pointing to the correct stream name.
Input row doesn’t have expected number of values required by the schema.
fields are required while
values are provided.
The sum of the LIMIT clause and the OFFSET clause must not be greater than the maximum 32-bit integer value (2,147,483,647) but found limit =
, offset =
Repair table sync metadata command is only supported for delta table.
Repair table sync metadata command is only supported for Unity Catalog tables.
Source table name
must be same as destination table name
Support of the clause or keyword:
has been discontinued in this context.
For more details see SYNTAX_DISCONTINUED
Cannot create table or view
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop the existing object, add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing objects, add the OR REPLACE clause to replace the existing materialized view, or add the OR REFRESH clause to refresh the existing streaming table.
The table or view
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the schema and catalog.
If you did not qualify the name with a schema, verify the current_schema() output, or qualify the name with the correct schema and catalog.
To tolerate the error on drop use DROP VIEW IF EXISTS or DROP TABLE IF EXISTS.
For more details see TABLE_OR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND
SQL user-defined function
with TABLE arguments because this functionality is not yet implemented.
Failed to analyze the Python user defined table function:
Failed to evaluate the table function
because its table metadata
, but the function call
Failed to evaluate the table function
because its table metadata was invalid;
There are too many table arguments for table-valued function.
It allows one table argument, but got:
If you want to allow it, please set “spark.sql.allowMultipleTableArguments.enabled” to “true”
Table with ID
cannot be found. Verify the correctness of the UUID.
Task failed while writing rows to
Cannot create the temporary view
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop or replace the existing view, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing views.
CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW or the corresponding Dataset APIs only accept single-part view names, but got:
Bucketed tables are not supported in Unity Catalog.
For Unity Catalog, please specify the catalog name explicitly. E.g. SHOW GRANT
[email protected]
The command(s):
are not supported in Unity Catalog.
For more details see UC_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED
The command(s):
are not supported for Unity Catalog clusters in shared access mode. Use single user access mode instead.
The specified credential kind is not supported.
Data source format
is not supported in Unity Catalog.
Data source options are not supported in Unity Catalog.
LOCATION clause must be present for external volume. Please check the syntax ‘CREATE EXTERNAL VOLUME … LOCATION …’ for creating an external volume.
The query failed because it attempted to refer to table
but was unable to do so:
. Please update the table
to ensure it is in an Active provisioning state and then retry the query again.
Creating table in Unity Catalog with file scheme
is not supported.
Instead, please create a federated data source connection using the CREATE CONNECTION command for the same table provider, then create a catalog based on the connection with a CREATE FOREIGN CATALOG command to reference the tables therein.
Hive Metastore federation is not enabled on this cluster.
Accessing the catalog
is not supported on this cluster
Dependencies of
are recorded as
while being parsed as
. This likely occurred through improper use of a non-SQL API. You can repair dependencies in Databricks Runtime by running ALTER VIEW
Nested or empty namespaces are not supported in Unity Catalog.
Non-Unity-Catalog object
can’t be referenced in Unity Catalog objects.
Unity Catalog Lakehouse Federation write support is not enabled for provider
on this cluster.
Managed volume does not accept LOCATION clause. Please check the syntax ‘CREATE VOLUME …’ for creating a managed volume.
Unity Catalog is not enabled on this cluster.
Unity Catalog Query Federation is not enabled on this cluster.
Service credentials are not enabled on this cluster.
Support for Unity Catalog Volumes is not enabled on this instance.
Support for Volume Sharing is not enabled on this instance.
does not exist. Please use ‘SHOW VOLUMES’ to list available volumes.
SQLSTATE: none assigned
Execution of function
For more details see UDF_ERROR
One or more UDF limits were breached.
For more details see UDF_LIMITS
Exceeded query-wide UDF limit of
UDFs (limited during public preview). Found
. The UDFs were:
PySpark UDF
) is not supported on clusters in Shared access mode.
Parameter default value is not supported for user-defined
Execution of function
For more details see UDF_USER_CODE_ERROR
The number of aliases supplied in the AS clause does not match the number of columns output by the UDTF.
aliases, but got
Please ensure that the number of aliases provided matches the number of columns output by the UDTF.
Failed to evaluate the user-defined table function because its ‘analyze’ method returned a requested OrderingColumn whose column name expression included an unnecessary alias
; please remove this alias and then try the query again.
Failed to evaluate the user-defined table function because its ‘analyze’ method returned a requested ‘select’ expression (
) that does not include a corresponding alias; please update the UDTF to specify an alias there and then try the query again.
PySpark UDTF is not supported on clusters in Shared access mode. To proceed, please create a single-user cluster instead and re-run the notebook.
Unable to acquire
bytes of memory, got
Unable to convert SQL type
to Protobuf type
Unable to fetch tables of Hive database:
. Error Class Name:
Unable to infer schema for
. It must be specified manually.
Unauthorized access:
Found the unbound parameter:
. Please, fix
and provide a mapping of the parameter to either a SQL literal or collection constructor functions such as
Found an unclosed bracketed comment. Please, append */ at the end of the comment.
of function
requires the
type, however
has the type
Unexpected operator
in the CREATE VIEW statement as a streaming source.
A streaming view query must consist only of SELECT, WHERE, and UNION ALL operations.
Cannot invoke function
because it contains positional argument(s) following the named argument assigned to
; please rearrange them so the positional arguments come first and then retry the query again.
The class
has an unexpected expression serializer. Expects “
” or “IF” which returns “
” but found
Encountered unknown fields during parsing:
, which can be fixed by an automatic retry:
For more details see UNKNOWN_FIELD_EXCEPTION
The invocation of function
contains an unknown positional argument
at position
. This is invalid.
Attempting to treat
as a Message, but it was
UNPIVOT requires all given
expressions to be columns when no
expressions are given. These are not columns: [
At least one value column needs to be specified for UNPIVOT, all columns specified as ids.
Unpivot value columns must share a least common type, some types do not: [
All unpivot value columns must have the same size as there are value column names (
Cannot invoke function
because the function call included a named argument reference for the argument named
, but this function does not include any signature containing an argument with this name. Did you mean one of the following? [
Unrecognized SQL type - name:
, id:
Could not resolve
to a table-valued function.
Please make sure that
is defined as a table-valued function and that all required parameters are provided correctly.
is not defined, please create the table-valued function before using it.
For more information about defining table-valued functions, please refer to the Apache Spark documentation.
Cannot infer grouping columns for GROUP BY ALL based on the select clause. Please explicitly specify the grouping columns.
A column, variable, or function parameter with name
cannot be resolved.
For more details see UNRESOLVED_COLUMN
A field with name
cannot be resolved with the struct-type column
For more details see UNRESOLVED_FIELD
Cannot resolve column
as a map key. If the key is a string literal, add the single quotes ‘’ around it.
For more details see UNRESOLVED_MAP_KEY
Cannot resolve routine
on search path
For more details see UNRESOLVED_ROUTINE
USING column
cannot be resolved on the
side of the join. The
-side columns: [
Cannot resolve variable
on search path
Attempted to unset non-existent properties [
] in table
Don’t support add file.
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_ADD_FILE
Unsupported arrow type
The function
does not support batch queries.
Cannot call the method “
” of the class “
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_CALL
The char/varchar type can’t be used in the table schema.
If you want Spark treat them as string type as same as Spark 3.0 and earlier, please set “spark.sql.legacy.charVarcharAsString” to “true”.
is not supported for
is not supported for:
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_COLLATION
The common ancestor of source path and sourceArchiveDir should be registered with UC.
If you see this error message, it’s likely that you register the source path and sourceArchiveDir in different external locations.
Please put them into a single external location.
Constraint clauses
are unsupported.
Unsupported constraint type. Only
are supported
Unsupported data source type for direct query on files:
Unsupported data type
The data source “
” cannot be written in the
mode. Please use either the “Append” or “Overwrite” mode instead.
datasource doesn’t support the column
of the type
Cannot create encoder for
. Please use a different output data type for your UDF or DataFrame.
DEFAULT column values is not supported.
The deserializer is not supported:
Cannot create generated column
with generation expression
A query operator contains one or more unsupported expressions.
Consider to rewrite it to avoid window functions, aggregate functions, and generator functions in the WHERE clause.
Invalid expressions: [
A query parameter contains unsupported expression.
Parameters can either be variables or literals.
Invalid expression: [
not supported within a window function.
The feature is not supported:
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE
Unsupported user defined function type:
The generator is not supported:
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_GENERATOR
grouping()/grouping_id() can only be used with GroupingSets/Cube/Rollup.
with initial position
is not supported with the Kinesis source
Can’t insert into the target.
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_INSERT
Creating a managed table
using datasource
is not supported. You need to use datasource DELTA or create an external table using CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE
MERGE operation contains unsupported
has a row level security policy or column mask which indirectly refers to another table with a row level security policy or column mask; this is not supported. Call sequence:
Can’t overwrite the target that is also being read from.
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_OVERWRITE
The save mode
is not supported for:
For more details see UNSUPPORTED_SAVE_MODE
Unsupported for streaming a view. Reason:
Streaming options
are not supported for data source
on a shared cluster.
Data source
is not supported as a streaming sink on a shared cluster.
Data source
is not supported as a streaming source on a shared cluster.
The function
does not support streaming. Please remove the STREAM keyword
is not supported with the Kinesis source
Unsupported subquery expression:
Creating primary key with timeseries columns is not supported
Creating primary key with more than one timeseries column
is not supported
is not supported with the Kinesis source
Literals of the type
are not supported. Supported types are
You’re using untyped Scala UDF, which does not have the input type information.
Spark may blindly pass null to the Scala closure with primitive-type argument, and the closure will see the default value of the Java type for the null argument, e.g.
, the result is 0 for null input. To get rid of this error, you could:
use typed Scala UDF APIs(without return type parameter), e.g.
use Java UDF APIs, e.g.
, if input types are all non primitive.
set “spark.sql.legacy.allowUntypedScalaUDF” to “true” and use this API with caution.
Table is not eligible for upgrade from Hive Metastore to Unity Catalog. Reason:
For more details see UPGRADE_NOT_SUPPORTED
User defined function is invalid:
For more details see USER_DEFINED_FUNCTIONS
function was used to raise error class:
which expects parameters:
The provided parameters
do not match the expected parameters.
Please make sure to provide all expected parameters.
function was used to raise an unknown error class:
Cannot create the variable
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, or drop or replace the existing variable.
The variable
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the schema and catalog.
If you did not qualify the name with a schema and catalog, verify the current_schema() output, or qualify the name with the correct schema and catalog.
To tolerate the error on drop use DROP VARIABLE IF EXISTS.
Cannot construct a Variant larger than 16 MiB. The maximum allowed size of a Variant value is 16 MiB.
Failed to build variant because of a duplicate object key
Cannot build variant bigger than
Please avoid large input strings to this expression (for example, add function calls(s) to check the expression size and convert it to NULL first if it is too big).
Cannot create view
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop or replace the existing object, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing objects.
The depth of view
exceeds the maximum view resolution depth (
Analysis is aborted to avoid errors. If you want to work around this, please try to increase the value of “spark.sql.view.maxNestedViewDepth”.
The view
cannot be found. Verify the spelling and correctness of the schema and catalog.
If you did not qualify the name with a schema, verify the current_schema() output, or qualify the name with the correct schema and catalog.
To tolerate the error on drop use DROP VIEW IF EXISTS.
Cannot create volume
because it already exists.
Choose a different name, drop or replace the existing object, or add the IF NOT EXISTS clause to tolerate pre-existing objects.
function can only be evaluated in an ordered row-based window frame with a single offset:
Window function
requires an OVER clause.
WITH CREDENTIAL syntax is not supported for
can be called only on streaming Dataset/DataFrame.
Failed to execute the command because DEFAULT values are not supported when adding new
columns to previously existing Delta tables; please add the column without a default
value first, then run a second ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET DEFAULT command to apply
for future inserted rows instead.
Failed to execute
command because it assigned a column DEFAULT value,
but the corresponding table feature was not enabled. Please retry the command again
after executing ALTER TABLE tableName SET
TBLPROPERTIES(‘delta.feature.allowColumnDefaults’ = ‘supported’).
The operation
requires a
. But
is a
. Use
parameters but the actual number is
For more details see WRONG_NUM_ARGS
option is required for reading files in XML format.
XML doesn’t support
as inner type of
. Please wrap the
within a StructType field when using it inside
Rescued data and wildcard column cannot be simultaneously enabled. Remove the wildcardColumnName option.
ZOrderBy column
doesn’t exist.
Could not find active SparkSession
Cannot set a new txn as active when one is already active
Failed to add column
because the name is reserved.
The current operation attempted to add a deletion vector to a table that does not permit the creation of new deletion vectors. Please file a bug report.
All operations that add deletion vectors should set the tightBounds column in statistics to false. Please file a bug report.
to add column
is lower than 0
Cannot add
because its parent is not a StructType. Found
Struct not found at position
Please use ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT to add CHECK constraints.
. A generated column cannot use an aggregate expression
Aggregate functions are not supported in the
Failed to change the collation of column
because it has a bloom filter index. Please either retain the existing collation or else drop the bloom filter index and then retry the command again to change the collation.
Failed to change the collation of column
because it is a clustering column. Please either retain the existing collation or else change the column to a non-clustering column with an ALTER TABLE command and then retry the command again to change the collation.
ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing column
ALTER TABLE CLUSTER BY is supported only for Delta table with Liquid clustering.
ALTER TABLE CLUSTER BY cannot be applied to a partitioned table.
Operation not allowed: ALTER TABLE RENAME TO is not allowed for managed Delta tables on S3, as eventual consistency on S3 may corrupt the Delta transaction log. If you insist on doing so and are sure that there has never been a Delta table with the new name
before, you can enable this by setting
to be true.
Cannot enable
table feature using ALTER TABLE SET TBLPROPERTIES. Please use CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE CLUSTER BY to create a Delta table with clustering.
Cannot change data type of
. This change contains column removals and additions, therefore they are ambiguous. Please make these changes individually using ALTER TABLE [ADD | DROP | RENAME] COLUMN.
Ambiguous partition column
can be
CREATE TABLE contains two different locations:
You can remove the LOCATION clause from the CREATE TABLE statement, or set
to true to skip this check.
does not contain enough records in non-archived files to satisfy specified LIMIT of
potentially archived file(s) in table
that need to be scanned as part of this query.
Archived files cannot be accessed. The current time until archival is configured as
Please adjust your query filters to exclude any archived files.
Operation “
” is not allowed when the table has enabled change data feed (CDF) and has undergone schema changes using DROP COLUMN or RENAME COLUMN.
Cannot drop bloom filter indices for the following non-existent column(s):
OutOfMemoryError occurred while writing bloom filter indices for the following column(s):
You can reduce the memory footprint of bloom filter indices by choosing a smaller value for the ‘numItems’ option, a larger value for the ‘fpp’ option, or by indexing fewer columns.
Cannot change data type:
Cannot change the ‘location’ of the Delta table using SET TBLPROPERTIES. Please use ALTER TABLE SET LOCATION instead.
‘provider’ is a reserved table property, and cannot be altered.
Cannot create bloom filter indices for the following non-existent column(s):
Cannot create
Cannot describe the history of a view.
Cannot drop bloom filter index on a non indexed column:
Cannot drop the CHECK constraints table feature.
The following constraints must be dropped first:
Cannot evaluate expression:
Expecting a bucketing Delta table but cannot find the bucket spec in the table
Cannot generate code for expression:
This table is configured to only allow appends. If you would like to permit updates or deletes, use ‘ALTER TABLE <table_name> SET TBLPROPERTIES (
The Delta table configuration
cannot be specified by the user
A uri (
) which can’t be turned into a relative path was found in the transaction log.
A path (
) which can’t be relativized with the current input found in the
transaction log. Please re-run this as:
”, true)
and then also run:
Cannot rename
cannot be replaced as it does not exist. Use CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE to create the table.
Can’t resolve column
Cannot restore table to version
. Available versions: [
Cannot restore table to timestamp (
) as it is before the earliest version available. Please use a timestamp after (
Cannot restore table to timestamp (
) as it is after the latest version available. Please use a timestamp before (
Cannot change the location of a path based table.
Cannot set delta.managedDataSkippingStatsColumns on non-DLT table
Cannot update %1$s field %2$s type: update the element by updating %2$s.element
Cannot update %1$s field %2$s type: update a map by updating %2$s.key or %2$s.value
Cannot update
field of type
Cannot update
type: update struct by adding, deleting, or updating its fields
Cannot use all columns for partition columns
is a view. Writes to a view are not supported.
Failed to write a value of
type into the
type column
due to an overflow.
on the input value to tolerate overflow and return NULL instead.
If necessary, set
to “LEGACY” to bypass this error or set
to true to revert to the old behaviour and follow
Configuration delta.enableChangeDataFeed cannot be set. Change data feed from Delta is not yet available.
Retrieving table changes between version
failed because of an incompatible data schema.
Your read schema is
at version
, but we found an incompatible data schema at version
If possible, please retrieve the table changes using the end version’s schema by setting
, or contact support.
Retrieving table changes between version
failed because of an incompatible schema change.
Your read schema is
at version
, but we found an incompatible schema change at version
If possible, please query table changes separately from version
- 1, and from version
referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. This can occur when data has been manually deleted from the file system rather than using the table
statement. This request appears to be targeting Change Data Feed, if that is the case, this error can occur when the change data file is out of the retention period and has been deleted by the
statement. For more information, see
Cannot write to table with delta.enableChangeDataFeed set. Change data feed from Delta is not available.
Cannot checkpoint a non-existing table
. Did you manually delete files in the
log directory?
Two paths were provided as the CLONE target so it is ambiguous which to use. An external
location for CLONE was provided at
at the same time as the path
File (
) not copied completely. Expected file size:
, found:
. To continue with the operation by ignoring the file size check set
to false.
clone source ‘
’, whose format is
The supported formats are ‘delta’, ‘iceberg’ and ‘parquet’.
CLONE is not supported for Delta table with Liquid clustering for DBR version < 14.0.
The provided clustering columns do not match the existing table’s.
Liquid clustering requires clustering columns to have stats. Couldn’t find clustering column(s) ‘
’ in stats schema:
Creating an external table without liquid clustering from a table directory with liquid clustering is not allowed; path:
’ does not support clustering.
Cannot finish the
of the table with
table feature (reason:
). Please try the OPTIMIZE command again.
== Error ==
REPLACE a Delta table with Liquid clustering with a partitioned table is not allowed.
SHOW CREATE TABLE is not supported for Delta table with Liquid clustering without any clustering columns.
Dynamic partition overwrite mode is not allowed for Delta table with Liquid clustering.
OPTIMIZE command for Delta table with Liquid clustering doesn’t support partition predicates. Please remove the predicates:
OPTIMIZE command for Delta table with Liquid clustering cannot specify ZORDER BY. Please remove ZORDER BY (
CLUSTER BY for Liquid clustering supports up to
clustering columns, but the table has
clustering columns. Please remove the extra clustering columns.
It is not allowed to specify CLUSTER BY when the schema is not defined. Please define schema for table
Clustering and bucketing cannot both be specified. Please remove CLUSTERED BY INTO BUCKETS / bucketBy if you want to create a Delta table with clustering.
Clustering and partitioning cannot both be specified. Please remove PARTITIONED BY / partitionBy / partitionedBy if you want to create a Delta table with clustering.
Collations are not supported in Delta Lake.
Data skipping is not supported for partition column ‘
Data skipping is not supported for column ‘
’ of type
The max column id property (
) is not set on a column mapping enabled table.
The max column id property (
) on a column mapping enabled table is
, which cannot be smaller than the max column id for all fields (
The data type of the column
was not provided.
Unable to find the column
given [
Unable to find the column ‘
’ of the target table from the INSERT columns:
. INSERT clause must specify value for all the columns of the target table.
Couldn’t find column
to be a nested data type, but found
. Was looking for the
index of
in a nested field.
Struct column
cannot be inserted into a
The validation of the compaction of path
failed: Please file a bug report.
Found nested NullType in column
which is of
. Delta doesn’t support writing NullType in complex types.
ConcurrentAppendException: Files were added to
by a concurrent update.
Refer to
for more details.
ConcurrentDeleteDeleteException: This transaction attempted to delete one or more files that were deleted (for example
) by a concurrent update. Please try the operation again.
Refer to
for more details.
ConcurrentDeleteReadException: This transaction attempted to read one or more files that were deleted (for example
) by a concurrent update. Please try the operation again.
Refer to
for more details.
ConcurrentTransactionException: This error occurs when multiple streaming queries are using the same checkpoint to write into this table. Did you run multiple instances of the same streaming query at the same time?
Refer to
for more details.
ConcurrentWriteException: A concurrent transaction has written new data since the current transaction read the table. Please try the operation again.
Refer to
for more details.
There is a conflict from these SET columns:
Constraint ‘
’ already exists. Please delete the old constraint first.
Old constraint:
has data type
and cannot be altered to data type
because this column is referenced by the following check constraint(s):
Cannot alter column
because this column is referenced by the following check constraint(s):
Cannot drop nonexistent constraint
from table
. To avoid throwing an error, provide the parameter IF EXISTS or set the SQL session configuration
Found no partition information in the catalog for table
. Have you run “MSCK REPAIR TABLE” on your table to discover partitions?
The configuration ‘
’ cannot be set to
when using CONVERT TO DELTA.
CONVERT TO DELTA only supports parquet tables, but you are trying to convert a
Cannot enable row tracking without collecting statistics.
If you want to enable row tracking, do the following:
Enable statistics collection by running the command
= true
Run CONVERT TO DELTA without the NO STATISTICS option.
If you do not want to collect statistics, disable row tracking:
Deactivate enabling the table feature by default by running the command:
Deactivate the table property by default by running:
= false
You are trying to create an external table
using Delta, but the schema is not specified when the
input path is empty.
To learn more about Delta, see
You are trying to create an external table
using Delta, but there is no transaction log present at
. Check the upstream job to make sure that it is writing using
format(“delta”) and that the path is the root of the table.
To learn more about Delta, see
Creating path-based Delta table with a different location isn’t supported. Identifier:
, Location:
Table name or location has to be specified.
The specified schema does not match the existing schema at
== Specified ==
== Existing ==
== Differences ==
If your intention is to keep the existing schema, you can omit the
schema from the create table command. Otherwise please ensure that
the schema matches.
Cannot enable
table feature using TBLPROPERTIES. Please use CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE CLUSTER BY to create a Delta table with clustering.
The specified clustering columns do not match the existing clustering columns at
== Specified ==
== Existing ==
The specified partitioning does not match the existing partitioning at
== Specified ==
== Existing ==
The specified properties do not match the existing properties at
== Specified ==
== Existing ==
Cannot create table (‘
’). The associated location (‘
’) is not empty and also not a Delta table.
Cannot change table metadata because the ‘dataChange’ option is set to false. Attempted operation: ‘
referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. This parquet file may be deleted under Delta’s data retention policy.
Default Delta data retention duration:
. Modification time of the parquet file:
. Deletion time of the parquet file:
. Deleted on Delta version:
It is invalid to commit files with deletion vectors that are missing the numRecords statistic.
Detected DomainMetadata action(s) for domains
, but DomainMetadataTableFeature is not enabled.
to drop column is lower than 0
Cannot drop column from a schema with a single column. Schema:
File operation ‘
’ for path
was specified several times.
It conflicts with
It is not valid for multiple file operations with the same path to exist in a single commit.
Found duplicate column(s)
Duplicate column names in INSERT clause
Please remove duplicate columns before you update your table.
Duplicated data skipping columns found:
Internal error: two DomainMetadata actions within the same transaction have the same domain
Could not deserialize the deleted record counts histogram during table integrity verification.
Dynamic partition overwrite mode is specified by session config or write options, but it is disabled by
Data used in creating the Delta table doesn’t have any columns.
No file found in the directory:
Value “
” exceeds char/varchar type length limitation. Failed check:
Failed to cast partition value
Could not find
among the existing target output
Failed to infer schema from the given list of files.
Failed to merge schema of file
Could not read footer for file:
Cannot recognize the predicate ‘
Expect a full scan of the latest version of the Delta source, but found a historical scan of version
Failed to merge fields ‘
’ and ‘
Unable to operate on this table because the following table features are enabled in metadata but not listed in protocol:
Your table schema requires manually enablement of the following table feature(s):
To do this, run the following command for each of features listed above:
Replace “table_name” and “feature_name” with real values.
Current supported feature(s):
Cannot drop feature because a concurrent transaction modified the table.
Please try the operation again.
Cannot drop table feature
because some other features (
) in this table depends on
Consider dropping them first before dropping this feature.
Cannot drop
from this table because it is not currently present in the table’s protocol.
Cannot drop
because the Delta log contains historical versions that use the feature.
Please wait until the history retention period (
has passed since the feature was last active.
Alternatively, please wait for the TRUNCATE HISTORY retention period to expire (
and then run:
The particular feature does not require history truncation.
Cannot drop
because dropping this feature is not supported.
Please contact Databricks support.
Cannot drop
because it is not supported by this Databricks version.
Consider using Databricks with a higher version.
was partially successful.
The feature is now no longer used in the current version of the table. However, the feature
is still present in historical versions of the table. The table feature cannot be dropped
from the table protocol until these historical versions have expired.
To drop the table feature from the protocol, please wait for the historical versions to
expire, and then repeat this command. The retention period for historical versions is
currently configured as
Alternatively, please wait for the TRUNCATE HISTORY retention period to expire (
and then run:
Unable to enable table feature
because it requires a higher reader protocol version (current
). Consider upgrading the table’s reader protocol version to
, or to a version which supports reader table features. Refer to
for more information on table protocol versions.
Unable to enable table feature
because it requires a higher writer protocol version (current
). Consider upgrading the table’s writer protocol version to
, or to a version which supports writer table features. Refer to
for more information on table protocol versions.
Existing file path
Cannot specify both file list and pattern string.
File path
referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. This occurs when data has been manually deleted from the file system rather than using the table
statement. For more information, see
No such file or directory:
File (
) to be rewritten not found among candidate files:
A MapType was found. In order to access the key or value of a MapType, specify one
followed by the name of the column (only if that column is a struct type).
e.g. mymap.key.mykey
If the column is a basic type, mymap.key or mymap.value is sufficient.
has data type
and cannot be altered to data type
because this column is referenced by the following generated column(s):
Cannot alter column
because this column is referenced by the following generated column(s):
The expression type of the generated column
, but the column type is
is a generated column or a column used by a generated column. The data type is
and cannot be converted to data type
The validation of IcebergCompatV`<version>` has failed.
IDENTITY column step cannot be 0.
is not supported for IDENTITY columns.
IDENTITY column cannot be specified with a generated column expression.
Invalid value ‘
’ for option ‘
The usage of
is not allowed when
a Delta table.
BucketSpec on Delta bucketed table does not match BucketSpec from metadata.Expected:
. Actual:
) cannot be set to different values. Please only set one of them, or set them to the same value.
Incorrectly accessing an ArrayType. Use arrayname.element.elementname position to
add to an array.
An ArrayType was found. In order to access elements of an ArrayType, specify
instead of
instead of `conf.getConf()
The error typically occurs when the default LogStore implementation, that
is, HDFSLogStore, is used to write into a Delta table on a non-HDFS storage system.
In order to get the transactional ACID guarantees on table updates, you have to use the
correct implementation of LogStore that is appropriate for your storage system.
for details.
to drop column equals to or is larger than struct length:
to add column
is larger than struct length:
Cannot write to ‘
; target table has
column(s) but the inserted data has
is not specified in INSERT
Invalid auto-compact type:
. Allowed values are:
Invalid bucket count:
. Bucket count should be a positive number that is power of 2 and at least 8. You can use
Cannot find the bucket column in the partition columns
Interval cannot be null or blank.
CDC range from start
to end
was invalid. End cannot be before start.
Attribute name “
” contains invalid character(s) among ” ,;{}()\n\t=”. Please use alias to rename it.
Found invalid character(s) among ‘ ,;{}()nt=’ in the column names of your schema.
Invalid column names:
Please use other characters and try again.
Alternatively, enable Column Mapping to keep using these characters.
The target location for CLONE needs to be an absolute path or table name. Use an
absolute path instead of
Found invalid character(s) among ‘ ,;{}()nt=’ in the column names of your schema.
Invalid column names:
Column mapping cannot be removed when there are invalid characters in the column names.
Please rename the columns to remove the invalid characters and execute this command again.
Incompatible format detected.
A transaction log for Delta was found at ``<deltaRootPath>
but you are trying to
using format(“
”). You must use
‘format(“delta”)’ when reading and writing to a delta table.
To learn more about Delta, see
A generated column cannot use a non-existent column or another generated column
Invalid options for idempotent Dataframe writes:
is not a valid INTERVAL.
The schema for the specified INVENTORY does not contain all of the required fields. Required fields are:
invalid isolation level ‘
) and (
) cannot be set at the same time. Please set only one group of them.
You are trying to create a managed table
using Delta, but the schema is not specified.
To learn more about Delta, see
is not a valid partition column in table
Found partition columns having invalid character(s) among ” ,;{}()nt=”. Please change the name to your partition columns. This check can be turned off by setting spark.conf.set(“”, false) however this is not recommended as other features of Delta may not work properly.
Using column
of type
as a partition column is not supported.
A partition path fragment should be the form like
. The partition path:
Protocol version cannot be downgraded from
Unsupported Delta protocol version: table “
” requires reader version
and writer version
, but this version of Databricks supports reader versions
and writer versions
. Please upgrade to a newer release.
is an unsupported table valued function for CDC reads.
The provided timestamp
does not match the expected syntax
A Delta log already exists at
If you never deleted it, it’s likely your query is lagging behind. Please delete its checkpoint to restart from scratch. To avoid this happening again, you can update your retention policy of your Delta table
column name missing for
Please use a limit less than Int.MaxValue - 8.
This commit has failed as it has been tried
times but did not succeed.
This can be caused by the Delta table being committed continuously by many concurrent
Commit started at version:
Commit failed at version:
Number of actions attempted to commit:
Total time spent attempting this commit:
File list must have at most
entries, had
Cannot add column
with type VOID. Please explicitly specify a non-void type.
Failed to merge incompatible data types
Failed to merge decimal types with incompatible
Keeping the source of the MERGE statement materialized has failed repeatedly.
There must be at least one WHEN clause in a MERGE statement.
Resolved attribute(s)
missing from
in operator
Unexpected assignment key:
Cannot resolve
MetadataChangedException: The metadata of the Delta table has been changed by a concurrent update. Please try the operation again.
Refer to
for more details.
Error getting change data for range [
] as change data was not
recorded for version [
]. If you’ve enabled change data feed on this table,
to see when it was first enabled.
Otherwise, to start recording change data, use `ALTER TABLE table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES
Cannot find
in table columns:
This table has the feature
enabled which requires the presence of the CommitInfo action in every commit. However, the CommitInfo action is missing from commit version
This table has the feature
enabled which requires the presence of commitTimestamp in the CommitInfo action. However, this field has not been set in commit version
is not a Delta table.
Table doesn’t exist. Create an empty Delta table first using CREATE TABLE
Iceberg class was not found. Please ensure Delta Iceberg support is installed.
Please refer to
for more details.
, which has a NOT NULL constraint, is missing from the data being written into the table.
Partition column
not found in schema
Couldn’t find all part files of the checkpoint version:
CONVERT TO DELTA only supports parquet tables. Please rewrite your target as parquet.
if it’s a parquet directory.
SET column
not found given columns:
Incompatible format detected.
You are trying to
using Delta, but there is no
transaction log present. Check the upstream job to make sure that it is writing
using format(“delta”) and that you are trying to %1$s the table base path.
To learn more about Delta, see
Specified mode ‘
’ is not supported. Supported modes are:
arguments provided for CDC read. Please provide one of either
Timestamp or
Multiple bloom filter index configurations passed to command for column:
Cannot perform Merge as multiple source rows matched and attempted to modify the same
target row in the Delta table in possibly conflicting ways. By SQL semantics of Merge,
when multiple source rows match on the same target row, the result may be ambiguous
as it is unclear which source row should be used to update or delete the matching
target row. You can preprocess the source table to eliminate the possibility of
multiple matches. Please refer to
The following column name(s) are reserved for Delta bucketed table internal usage only:
The input schema contains nested fields that are capitalized differently than the target table.
They need to be renamed to avoid the loss of data in these fields while writing to Delta.
Original schema:
type of the field
contains a NOT NULL constraint. Delta does not support NOT NULL constraints nested within arrays or maps. To suppress this error and silently ignore the specified constraints, set
= true.
Nested subquery is not supported in the
rows in
violate the new CHECK constraint (
rows in
violate the new NOT NULL constraint on
CHECK constraint ‘
’ (
) should be a boolean expression.
. A generated column cannot use a non deterministic expression.
Non-deterministic functions are not supported in the
When there are more than one MATCHED clauses in a MERGE statement, only the last MATCHED clause can omit the condition.
When there are more than one NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clauses in a MERGE statement, only the last NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clause can omit the condition.
When there are more than one NOT MATCHED clauses in a MERGE statement, only the last NOT MATCHED clause can omit the condition
Could not parse tag
File tags are:
Data written into Delta needs to contain at least one non-partitioned column.
Predicate references non-partition column ‘
’. Only the partition columns may be referenced: [
Non-partitioning column(s)
are specified where only partitioning columns are expected:
Delta catalog requires a single-part namespace, but
is multi-part.
is not a Delta table. Please drop this table first if you would like to create it with Databricks Delta.
is not a Delta table. Please drop this table first if you would like to recreate it with Delta Lake.
Not nullable column not found in struct:
NOT NULL constraint violated for column:
A non-nullable nested field can’t be added to a nullable parent. Please set the nullability of the parent column accordingly.
No commits found at
No recreatable commits found at
not found
No startingVersion or startingTimestamp provided for CDC read.
Delta doesn’t accept NullTypes in the schema for streaming writes.
Please either provide ‘timestampAsOf’ or ‘versionAsOf’ for time travel.
is only supported for Delta tables.
Please provide the path or table identifier for
Operation not allowed:
is not supported for Delta tables
Operation not allowed:
is not supported for Delta tables:
is not supported for column
with non-default collation
is not supported for expression
because it uses non-default collation.
command on a temp view referring to a Delta table that contains generated columns is not supported. Please run the
command on the Delta table directly
Operation not allowed:
cannot be performed on a view.
Copy option overwriteSchema cannot be specified without setting OVERWRITE = ‘true’.
‘overwriteSchema’ cannot be used in dynamic partition overwrite mode.
Failed to cast value
for partition column
Partition column
not found in schema [
Partition schema cannot be specified when converting Iceberg tables. It is automatically inferred.
doesn’t exist, or is not a Delta table.
Cannot write to already existent path
without setting OVERWRITE = ‘true’.
Committing to the Delta table version
succeeded but error while executing post-commit hook
ProtocolChangedException: The protocol version of the Delta table has been changed by a concurrent update.
Refer to
for more details.
Protocol property
needs to be an integer. Found
Unable to upgrade only the reader protocol version to use table features. Writer protocol version must be at least
to proceed. Refer to
for more information on table protocol versions.
You are trying to read a Delta table
that does not have any columns.
Write some new data with the option
to be able to read the table.
Please recheck your syntax for ‘
You can’t use replaceWhere in conjunction with an overwrite by filter
Written data does not conform to partial table overwrite condition or constraint ‘
A ‘replaceWhere’ expression and ‘partitionOverwriteMode’=’dynamic’ cannot both be set in the DataFrameWriter options.
‘replaceWhere’ cannot be used with data filters when ‘dataChange’ is set to false. Filters:
Cannot assign row IDs without row count statistics.
Collect statistics for the table by running the following code in a Scala notebook and retry:
import com.databricks.sql.transaction.tahoe.DeltaLog
import com.databricks.sql.transaction.tahoe.stats.StatisticsCollection
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
val log = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, TableIdentifier(table_name))
StatisticsCollection.recompute(spark, log)
streaming source schema: <readSchema>
data file schema: <dataSchema>
Please try restarting the query. If this issue repeats across query restarts without
making progress, you have made an incompatible schema change and need to start your
query from scratch using a new checkpoint directory.
Detected schema change in version <version>
streaming source schema: <readSchema>
data file schema: <dataSchema>
Please try restarting the query. If this issue repeats across query restarts without
making progress, you have made an incompatible schema change and need to start your
query from scratch using a new checkpoint directory. If the issue persists after
changing to a new checkpoint directory, you may need to change the existing
‘startingVersion’ or ‘startingTimestamp’ option to start from a version newer than
with a new checkpoint directory.
Detected schema change in version <version>
streaming source schema: <readSchema>
data file schema: <dataSchema>
Please try restarting the query. If this issue repeats across query restarts without
making progress, you have made an incompatible schema change and need to start your
query from scratch using a new checkpoint directory.
The schema of your Delta table has changed in an incompatible way since your DataFrame
or DeltaTable object was created. Please redefine your DataFrame or DeltaTable object.
Table schema is not provided. Please provide the schema (column definition) of the table when using REPLACE table and an AS SELECT query is not provided.
Table schema is not set. Write data into it or use CREATE TABLE to set the schema.
The schema of the new Delta location is different than the current table schema.
original schema:
destination schema:
If this is an intended change, you may turn this check off by running:
%%sql set <config>
= true
File <filePath>
referenced in the transaction log cannot be found. This can occur when data has been manually deleted from the file system rather than using the table DELETE
statement. This table appears to be a shallow clone, if that is the case, this error can occur when the original table from which this table was cloned has deleted a file that the clone is still using. If you want any clones to be independent of the original table, use a DEEP clone instead.
The data is restricted by recipient property <property>
that do not apply to the current recipient in the session.
cannot be used in Delta Sharing views that are shared cross account.
Non-partitioning column(s) <badCols>
are specified for SHOW PARTITIONS
SHOW PARTITIONS is not allowed on a table that is not partitioned: <tableName>
Detected deleted data (for example <removedFile>
) from streaming source at version <version>
. This is currently not supported. If you’d like to ignore deletes, set the option ‘ignoreDeletes’ to ‘true’. The source table can be found at path <dataPath>
Detected a data update (for example <file>
) in the source table at version <version>
. This is currently not supported. If this is going to happen regularly and you are okay to skip changes, set the option ‘skipChangeCommits’ to ‘true’. If you would like the data update to be reflected, please restart this query with a fresh checkpoint directory or do a full refresh if you are using DLT. If you need to handle these changes, please switch to MVs. The source table can be found at path <dataPath>
Please either provide ‘<version>
’ or ‘<timestamp>
stats not found for column in Parquet metadata: <columnPath>
We’ve detected one or more non-additive schema change(s) (<opType>
) between Delta version <previousSchemaChangeVersion>
and <currentSchemaChangeVersion>
in the Delta streaming source.
Please check if you want to manually propagate the schema change(s) to the sink table before we proceed with stream processing using the finalized schema at <currentSchemaChangeVersion>
Once you have fixed the schema of the sink table or have decided there is no need to fix, you can set (one of) the following SQL configurations to unblock the non-additive schema change(s) and continue stream processing.
To unblock for this particular stream just for this series of schema change(s): set <allowCkptVerKey>` = `<allowCkptVerValue>
To unblock for this particular stream: set <allowCkptKey>` = `<allowCkptValue>
To unblock for all streams: set <allowAllKey>` = `<allowAllValue>
Alternatively if applicable, you may replace the <allowAllMode>
with <opSpecificMode>
in the SQL conf to unblock stream for just this schema change type.
Failed to obtain Delta log snapshot for the start version when checking column mapping schema changes. Please choose a different start version, or force enable streaming read at your own risk by setting ‘<config>
’ to ‘true’.
Streaming read is not supported on tables with read-incompatible schema changes (e.g. rename or drop or datatype changes).
For further information and possible next steps to resolve this issue, please review the documentation at <docLink>
Read schema: <readSchema>
. Incompatible data schema: <incompatibleSchema>
Streaming read is not supported on tables with read-incompatible schema changes (e.g. rename or drop or datatype changes).
Please provide a ‘schemaTrackingLocation’ to enable non-additive schema evolution for Delta stream processing.
See <docLink>
for more details.
Read schema: <readSchema>
. Incompatible data schema: <incompatibleSchema>
The schema, table configuration or protocol of your Delta table has changed during streaming.
The schema or metadata tracking log has been updated.
Please restart the stream to continue processing using the updated metadata.
Updated schema: <schema>
Updated table configurations: <config>
Updated table protocol: <protocol>
Streaming from source table <tableId>
with schema tracking does not support row filters or column masks.
Please drop the row filters or column masks, or disable schema tracking.
Detected conflicting schema location ‘<loc>
’ while streaming from table or table located at ‘<table>
Another stream may be reusing the same schema location, which is not allowed.
Please provide a new unique schemaTrackingLocation
path or streamingSourceTrackingId
as a reader option for one of the streams from this table.
Schema location ‘<schemaTrackingLocation>
’ must be placed under checkpoint location ‘<checkpointLocation>
Incomplete log file in the Delta streaming source schema log at ‘<location>
The schema log may have been corrupted. Please pick a new schema location.
Detected incompatible Delta table id when trying to read Delta stream.
Persisted table id: <persistedId>
, Table id: <tableId>
The schema log might have been reused. Please pick a new schema location.
Detected incompatible partition schema when trying to read Delta stream.
Persisted schema: <persistedSchema>
, Delta partition schema: <partitionSchema>
Please pick a new schema location to reinitialize the schema log if you have manually changed the table’s partition schema recently.
We could not initialize the Delta streaming source schema log because
we detected an incompatible schema or protocol change while serving a streaming batch from table version <a>
to <b>
Failed to parse the schema from the Delta streaming source schema log.
The schema log may have been corrupted. Please pick a new schema location.
Unable to enable Change Data Capture on the table. The table already contains
reserved columns <columnList>
that will
be used internally as metadata for the table’s Change Data Feed. To enable
Change Data Feed on the table rename/drop these columns.
Table <tableName>
already exists.
Currently DeltaTable.forPath only supports hadoop configuration keys starting with <allowedPrefixes>
but got <unsupportedOptions>
The Delta table at <tableLocation>
has been replaced while this command was using the table.
Table id was <oldId>
but is now <newId>
Please retry the current command to ensure it reads a consistent view of the table.
The location of the existing table <tableName>
is <existingTableLocation>
. It doesn’t match the specified location <tableLocation>
Delta table <tableName>
doesn’t exist.
Table is not supported in <operation>
. Please use a path instead.
is not a Delta table. <operation>
is only supported for Delta tables.
Target table final schema is empty.
The provided timestamp (<providedTimestamp>
) is after the latest version available to this
table (<tableName>
). Please use a timestamp before or at <maximumTimestamp>
The provided timestamp (<expr>
) cannot be converted to a valid timestamp.
needs to be a valid begin value.
: Unable to reconstruct state at version <version>
as the transaction log has been truncated due to manual deletion or the log retention policy (<logRetentionKey>
) and checkpoint retention policy (<checkpointRetentionKey>
Operation not allowed: TRUNCATE TABLE on Delta tables does not support partition predicates; use DELETE to delete specific partitions or rows.
Found <udfExpr>
. A generated column cannot use a user-defined function
Unexpected action expression <expression>
Expecting <expectedColsSize>
partition column(s): <expectedCols>
, but found <parsedColsSize>
partition column(s): <parsedCols>
from parsing the file name: <path>
Expect a full scan of Delta sources, but found a partial scan. path:<path>
Expecting partition column <expectedCol>
, but found partition column <parsedCol>
from parsing the file name: <path>
CONVERT TO DELTA was called with a partition schema different from the partition schema inferred from the catalog, please avoid providing the schema so that the partition schema can be chosen from the catalog.
catalog partition schema:
provided partition schema:
Read Iceberg with Delta Uniform has failed.
Create or Refresh Uniform ingress table is not supported.
Format <fileFormat>
is not supported. Only iceberg as original file format is supported.
Universal Format is only supported on Unity Catalog tables.
Failed to convert the table version <version>
to the universal format <format>
. <message>
The validation of Universal Format (<format>
) has failed: <violation>
Unknown configuration was specified: <config>
Unknown privilege: <privilege>
Unknown ReadLimit: <limit>
Unrecognized column change <otherClass>
. You may be running an out-of-date Delta Lake version.
Unrecognized invariant. Please upgrade your Spark version.
Unrecognized log file <fileName>
Attempted to unset non-existent property ‘<property>
’ in table <tableName>
does not support adding files with an absolute path
ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN is not supported for changing column <fieldPath>
from <oldField>
to <newField>
Unsupported ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS operation. Reason: <details>
Failed to change schema from:
You tried to REPLACE an existing table (<tableName>
) with CLONE. This operation is
unsupported. Try a different target for CLONE or delete the table at the current target.
Changing column mapping mode from ‘<oldMode>
’ to ‘<newMode>
’ is not supported.
Your current table protocol version does not support changing column mapping modes
using <config>
Required Delta protocol version for column mapping:
Your table’s current Delta protocol version:
Schema change is detected:
old schema:
new schema:
Schema changes are not allowed during the change of column mapping mode.
Writing data with column mapping mode is not supported.
Creating a bloom filter index on a column with type <dataType>
is unsupported: <columnName>
Can’t add a comment to <fieldPath>
. Adding a comment to a map key/value or array element is not supported.
Found columns using unsupported data types: <dataTypeList>
. You can set ‘<config>
’ to ‘false’ to disable the type check. Disabling this type check may allow users to create unsupported Delta tables and should only be used when trying to read/write legacy tables.
cannot be the result of a generated column
Deep clone is not supported for this Delta version.
is a view. DESCRIBE DETAIL is only supported for tables.
Dropping clustering columns (<columnList>
) is not allowed.
DROP COLUMN is not supported for your Delta table. <advice>
Can only drop nested columns from StructType. Found <struct>
Dropping partition columns (<columnList>
) is not allowed.
Unsupported expression type(<expType>
) for <causedBy>
. The supported types are [<supportedTypes>
cannot be used in a generated column
Unsupported Delta read feature: table “<tableNameOrPath>
” requires reader table feature(s) that are unsupported by this version of Databricks: <unsupported>
. Please refer to <link>
for more information on Delta Lake feature compatibility.
Unsupported Delta write feature: table “<tableNameOrPath>
” requires writer table feature(s) that are unsupported by this version of Databricks: <unsupported>
. Please refer to <link>
for more information on Delta Lake feature compatibility.
Table feature(s) configured in the following Spark configs or Delta table properties are not recognized by this version of Databricks: <configs>
Expecting the status for table feature <feature>
to be “supported”, but got “<status>
Updating nested fields is only supported for StructType, but you are trying to update a field of <columnName>
, which is of type: <dataType>
The ‘FSCK REPAIR TABLE’ command is not supported on table versions with missing deletion vector files.
Please contact support.
The ‘GENERATE symlink_format_manifest’ command is not supported on table versions with deletion vectors.
In order to produce a version of the table without deletion vectors, run ‘REORG TABLE table APPLY (PURGE)’. Then re-run the ‘GENERATE’ command.
Make sure that no concurrent transactions are adding deletion vectors again between REORG and GENERATE.
If you need to generate manifests regularly, or you cannot prevent concurrent transactions, consider disabling deletion vectors on this table using ‘ALTER TABLE table SET TBLPROPERTIES (delta.enableDeletionVectors = false)’.
Invariants on nested fields other than StructTypes are not supported.
In subquery is not supported in the <operation>
listKeywithPrefix not available
Manifest generation is not supported for tables that leverage column mapping, as external readers cannot read these Delta tables. See Delta documentation for more details.
MERGE INTO operations with schema evolution do not currently support writing CDC output.
Multi-column In predicates are not supported in the <operation>
Creating a bloom filer index on a nested column is currently unsupported: <columnName>
Nested field is not supported in the <operation>
(field = <fieldName>
The clone destination table is non-empty. Please TRUNCATE or DELETE FROM the table before running CLONE.
Data source <dataSource>
does not support <mode>
output mode
Creating a bloom filter index on a partitioning column is unsupported: <columnName>
Column rename is not supported for your Delta table. <advice>
Delta does not support specifying the schema at read time.
SORTED BY is not supported for Delta bucketed tables
destination only supports Delta sources.
Specifying static partitions in the partition spec is currently not supported during inserts
Unsupported strategy name: <strategy>
Subqueries are not supported in the <operation>
(condition = <cond>
Subquery is not supported in partition predicates.
Cannot specify time travel in multiple formats.
Cannot time travel views, subqueries, streams or change data feed queries.
Truncate sample tables is not supported
Unable to operate on this table because an unsupported type change was applied. Field <fieldName>
was changed from <fromType>
to <toType>
Please provide the base path (<baseDeltaPath>
) when Vacuuming Delta tables. Vacuuming specific partitions is currently not supported.
Table implementation does not support writes: <tableName>
Write to sample tables is not supported
Cannot cast <fromCatalog>
to <toCatalog>
. All nested columns must match.
VACUUM on data files succeeded, but COPY INTO state garbage collection failed.
Versions (<versionList>
) are not contiguous.
CHECK constraint <constraintName>
violated by row with values:
The validation of the properties of table <table>
has been violated:
is a view. You may not write data into a view.
Z-Ordering column <columnName>
does not exist in data schema.
Z-Ordering on <cols>
will be
ineffective, because we currently do not collect stats for these columns. Please refer to
for more information on data skipping and z-ordering. You can disable
this check by setting
‘%%sql set <zorderColStatKey>
= false’
is a partition column. Z-Ordering can only be performed on data columns
Schema evolution mode <addNewColumnsMode>
is not supported when the schema is specified. To use this mode, you can provide the schema through cloudFiles.schemaHints
Found notification-setup authentication options for the (default) directory
listing mode:
If you wish to use the file notification mode, please explicitly set:
”, “true”)
Alternatively, if you want to skip the validation of your options and ignore these
authentication options, you can set:
.option(“cloudFiles.ValidateOptionsKey>”, “false”)
Incremental listing mode (cloudFiles.<useIncrementalListingKey>
and file notification (cloudFiles.<useNotificationsKey>
have been enabled at the same time.
Please make sure that you select only one.
Require adlsBlobSuffix and adlsDfsSuffix for Azure
The <storeType>
in the file event <fileEvent>
is different from expected by the source: <source>
Cannot evolve schema when the schema log is empty. Schema log location: <logPath>
Cannot parse the following queue message: <message>
Cannot resolve container name from path: <path>
, Resolved uri: <uri>
Cannot run directory listing when there is an async backfill thread running
Cannot turn on cloudFiles.cleanSource and cloudFiles.allowOverwrites at the same time.
Auto Loader cannot delete processed files because it does not have write permissions to the source directory.
To fix you can either:
Grant write permissions to the source directory OR
Set cleanSource to ‘OFF’
You could also unblock your stream by setting the SQLConf spark.databricks.cloudFiles.cleanSource.disabledDueToAuthorizationErrors to ‘true’.
There was an error when trying to infer the partition schema of your table. You have the same column duplicated in your data and partition paths. To ignore the partition value, please provide your partition columns explicitly by using: .option(“cloudFiles.<partitionColumnsKey>
”, “{comma-separated-list}”)
Cannot infer schema when the input path <path>
is empty. Please try to start the stream when there are files in the input path, or specify the schema.
Failed to create an Event Grid subscription. Please make sure that your service
principal has <permissionType>
Event Grid Subscriptions. See more details at:
Failed to create event grid subscription. Please ensure that Microsoft.EventGrid is
registered as resource provider in your subscription. See more details at:
Failed to create an Event Grid subscription. Please make sure that your storage
account (<storageAccount>
) is under your resource group (<resourceGroup>
) and that
the storage account is a “StorageV2 (general purpose v2)” account. See more details at:
Auto Loader event notification mode is not supported for <cloudStore>
Failed to check if the stream is new
Failed to create subscription: <subscriptionName>
. A subscription with the same name already exists and is associated with another topic: <otherTopicName>
. The desired topic is <proposedTopicName>
. Either delete the existing subscription or create a subscription with a new resource suffix.
Failed to create topic: <topicName>
. A topic with the same name already exists.<reason>
Remove the existing topic or try again with another resource suffix
Failed to delete notification with id <notificationId>
on bucket <bucketName>
for topic <topicName>
. Please retry or manually remove the notification through the GCP console.
Failed to deserialize persisted schema from string: ‘<jsonSchema>
Cannot evolve schema without a schema log.
Failed to find provider for <fileFormatInput>
Failed to infer schema for format <fileFormatInput>
from existing files in input path <path>
For more details see CF_FAILED_TO_INFER_SCHEMA
Failed to write to the schema log at location <path>
Could not find required option: cloudFiles.format.
Found multiple (<num>
) subscriptions with the Auto Loader prefix for topic <topicName>
There should only be one subscription per topic. Please manually ensure that your topic does not have multiple subscriptions.
Please either provide all of the following: <clientEmail>
, <client>
, and <privateKeyId>
or provide none of them in order to use the default
GCP credential provider chain for authenticating with GCP resources.
Received too many labels (<num>
) for GCP resource. The maximum label count per resource is <maxNum>
Received too many resource tags (<num>
) for GCP resource. The maximum resource tag count per resource is <maxNum>
, as resource tags are stored as GCP labels on resources, and Databricks specific tags consume some of this label quota.
Incomplete log file in the schema log at path <path>
Incomplete metadata file in the Auto Loader checkpoint
The cloud_files method accepts two required string parameters: the path to load from, and the file format. File reader options must be provided in a string key-value map. e.g. cloud_files(“path”, “json”, map(“option1”, “value1”)). Received: <params>
Internal error.
For more details see CF_INTERNAL_ERROR
Invalid ARN: <arn>
The private key provided with option cloudFiles.certificate cannot be parsed. Please provide a valid public key in PEM format.
The private key provided with option cloudFiles.certificatePrivateKey cannot be parsed. Please provide a valid private key in PEM format.
This checkpoint is not a valid CloudFiles source
Invalid mode for clean source option <value>
Invalid resource tag key for GCP resource: <key>
. Keys must start with a lowercase letter, be within 1 to 63 characters long, and contain only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
Invalid resource tag value for GCP resource: <value>
. Values must be within 0 to 63 characters long and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
Auto Loader does not support the following options when used with managed file events:
We recommend that you remove these options and then restart the stream.
Invalid response from managed file events service. Please contact Databricks support for assistance.
must be one of {
Schema hints can only specify a particular column once.
In this case, redefining column: <columnName>
multiple times in schemaHints:
Schema hints can not be used to override maps’ and arrays’ nested types.
Conflicted column: <columnName>
latestOffset should be called with a ReadLimit on this source.
Log file was malformed: failed to read correct log version from <fileName>
You have requested Auto Loader to ignore existing files in your external location by setting includeExistingFiles to false. However, the managed file events service is still discovering existing files in your external location. Please try again after managed file events has completed discovering all files in your external location.
You are using Auto Loader with managed file events, but it appears that the external location for your input path ‘<path>
’ does not have file events enabled or the input path is invalid. Please request your Databricks Administrator to enable file events on the external location for your input path.
You are using Auto Loader with managed file events, but you do not have access to the external location or volume for input path ‘<path>
’ or the input path is invalid. Please request your Databricks Administrator to grant read permissions for the external location or volume or provide a valid input path within an existing external location or volume.
Auto Loader with managed file events is only available on Databricks serverless. To continue, please move this workload to Databricks serverless or turn off the cloudFiles.useManagedFileEvents option.
max must be positive
Multiple streaming queries are concurrently using <metadataFile>
The metadata file in the streaming source checkpoint directory is missing. This metadata
file contains important default options for the stream, so the stream cannot be restarted
right now. Please contact Databricks support for assistance.
Partition column <columnName>
does not exist in the provided schema:
Please specify a schema using .schema() if a path is not provided to the CloudFiles source while using file notification mode. Alternatively, to have Auto Loader to infer the schema please provide a base path in .load().
Found existing notifications for topic <topicName>
on bucket <bucketName>
To avoid polluting the subscriber with unintended events, please delete the above notifications and retry.
New partition columns were inferred from your files: [<filesList>
]. Please provide all partition columns in your schema or provide a list of partition columns which you would like to extract values for by using: .option(“cloudFiles.partitionColumns”, “{comma-separated-list|empty-string}”)
There was an error when trying to infer the partition schema of the current batch of files. Please provide your partition columns explicitly by using: .option(“cloudFiles.<partitionColumnOption>
”, “{comma-separated-list}”)
Cannot read files when the input path <path>
does not exist. Please make sure the input path exists and re-try.
Periodic backfill is not supported if asynchronous backfill is disabled. You can enable asynchronous backfill/directory listing by setting spark.databricks.cloudFiles.asyncDirListing
to true
Found mismatched event: key <key>
doesn’t have the prefix: <prefix>
If you don’t need to make any other changes to your code, then please set the SQL
configuration: ‘<sourceProtocolVersionKey>
= <value>
to resume your stream. Please refer to:
for more details.
Could not get default AWS Region. Please specify a region using the cloudFiles.region option.
Failed to create notification services: the resource suffix cannot be empty.
Failed to create notification services: the resource suffix can only have alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
Failed to create notification services: the resource suffix can only have lowercase letter, number, and dash (-).
Failed to create notification services: the resource suffix can only have alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), tildes (~) plus signs (+), and percent signs (<percentSign>
Failed to create notification services: the resource suffix cannot have more than <limit>
Failed to create notification services: the resource suffix must be between <lowerLimit>
and <upperLimit>
Found restricted GCP resource tag key (<key>
). The following GCP resource tag keys are restricted for Auto Loader: [<restrictedKeys>
cloudFiles.cleanSource.retentionDuration cannot be greater than cloudFiles.maxFileAge.
Failed to create notification for topic: <topic>
with prefix: <prefix>
. There is already a topic with the same name with another prefix: <oldPrefix>
. Try using a different resource suffix for setup or delete the existing setup.
Please provide the source directory path with option path
The cloud files source only supports S3, Azure Blob Storage (wasb/wasbs) and Azure Data Lake Gen1 (adl) and Gen2 (abfs/abfss) paths right now. path: ‘<path>
’, resolved uri: ‘<uri>
The cloud_files_state function accepts a string parameter representing the checkpoint directory of a cloudFiles stream or a multi-part tableName identifying a streaming table, and an optional second integer parameter representing the checkpoint version to load state for. The second parameter may also be ‘latest’ to read the latest checkpoint. Received: <params>
The input checkpoint path <path>
is invalid. Either the path does not exist or there are no cloud_files sources found.
The specified version <version>
does not exist, or was removed during analysis.
thread is dead.
Unable to derive the stream checkpoint location from the source checkpoint location: <checkPointLocation>
Unable to detect the source file format from <fileSize>
sampled file(s), found <formats>
. Please specify the format.
Unable to extract bucket information. Path: ‘<path>
’, resolved uri: ‘<uri>
Unable to extract key information. Path: ‘<path>
’, resolved uri: ‘<uri>
Unable to extract storage account information; path: ‘<path>
’, resolved uri: ‘<uri>
Received a directory rename event for the path <path>
, but we are unable to list this directory efficiently. In order for the stream to continue, set the option ‘cloudFiles.ignoreDirRenames’ to true, and consider enabling regular backfills with cloudFiles.backfillInterval for this data to be processed.
Unexpected ReadLimit: <readLimit>
Found unknown option keys:
Please make sure that all provided option keys are correct. If you want to skip the
validation of your options and ignore these unknown options, you can set:
”, “false”)
Unknown ReadLimit: <readLimit>
The SQL function ‘cloud_files’ to create an Auto Loader streaming source is supported only in a Delta Live Tables pipeline. See more details at:
Schema inference is not supported for format: <format>
. Please specify the schema.
UnsupportedLogVersion: maximum supported log version is v`<maxVersion>, but encountered v
<version>`. The log file was produced by a newer version of DBR and cannot be read by this version. Please upgrade.
Schema evolution mode <mode>
is not supported for format: <format>
. Please set the schema evolution mode to ‘none’.
Reading from a Delta table is not supported with this syntax. If you would like to consume data from Delta, please refer to the docs: read a Delta table (<deltaDocLink>
), or read a Delta table as a stream source (<streamDeltaDocLink>
). The streaming source from Delta is already optimized for incremental consumption of data.
Error parsing EWKB: <parseError>
at position <pos>
Error parsing GeoJSON: <parseError>
at position <pos>
For more details see GEOJSON_PARSE_ERROR
is not a valid H3 cell ID
For more details see H3_INVALID_CELL_ID
H3 grid distance <k>
must be non-negative
H3 resolution <r>
must be between <minR>
and <maxR>
, inclusive
For more details see H3_INVALID_RESOLUTION_VALUE
is disabled or unsupported. Consider enabling Photon or switch to a tier that supports H3 expressions
For more details see H3_NOT_ENABLED
A pentagon was encountered while computing the hex ring of <h3Cell>
with grid distance <k>
H3 grid distance between <h3Cell1>
and <h3Cell2>
is undefined
Arguments to “<sqlFunction>
” must have the same SRID value. SRID values found: <srid1>
, <srid2>
”: <reason>
Argument to “<sqlFunction>
” must be of type <validTypes>
: Invalid or unsupported CRS transformation from SRID <srcSrid>
to SRID <trgSrid>
Endianness <e>
must be be ‘NDR’ (little-endian) or ‘XDR’ (big-endian)
: Invalid geohash value: ‘<geohash>
’. Geohash values must be valid lowercase base32 strings as described in
Precision <p>
must be between <minP>
and <maxP>
, inclusive
Invalid or unsupported SRID <srid>
is disabled or unsupported. Consider enabling Photon or switch to a tier that supports ST expressions
The GEOGRAPHY and GEOMETRY data types cannot be returned in queries. Use one of the following SQL expressions to convert them to standard interchange formats: <projectionExprs>
Error parsing WKB: <parseError>
at position <pos>
For more details see WKB_PARSE_ERROR
Error parsing WKT: <parseError>
at position <pos>
For more details see WKT_PARSE_ERROR